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Continuous Delivery & GitOps Certifications

Eliminate scripting and manual deployments with Argo CD-as-a-Service and powerful, easy-to-use pipelines. Empower your teams to deliver new features, faster – with AI/ML for automated canary and blue/green deployments, advanced verification, and intelligent rollback
Harness Certified Expert - DeveloperHarness Certified Expert - AdministratorHarness Certified Expert - Architect
  • For Developers
  • For Administrators
  • For Architects

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Continuous Delivery & GitOps - Developer

Harness Certified Expert - CD & GitOps DeveloperProduct version: Harness CD & GitOps Free/Team Plans

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Eliminate scripting and manual deployments with Argo CD-as-a-Service and powerful, easy-to-use pipelines. Empower your teams to deliver new features, faster – with AI/ML for automated canary and blue/green deployments, advanced verification, and intelligent rollback
1. Application Architectures and Services for Deployment
Define Continuous DeliveryCD overview and key concepts
DelegatesDelegate overview
Service OverridesServices and environments overview
Artifact/Kubernetes Manifest SourcesHarness Kubernetes Services
OverridesPropagate and Override CD Services
2. Swimlanes
Services and EnvironmentsServices and environments overview
Infrastructure and EnvironmentsKubernetes Infrastructure
SSH DeploymentsSecure Shell (SSH) deployment tutorial
Blue/Green DeploymentsCreate a Kubernetes Blue Green Deployment
Canary DeploymentsCreate a Kubernetes Canary Deployment
3. Continuous Delivery
BarriersBest Practices for Looping Strategies
Conditional ExecutionStage and Step Conditional Execution Settings
StepsLooping Strategies Overview
Looping StrategiesBest Practices for Looping Strategies
Terraform ProviderHarness Terraform provider overview
Cloud Formation ProviderCloudFormation How-tos
Git TriggerTriggers
WebhooksTrigger Pipelines using Git Events
API TriggersHarness API Quickstart
Policy as CodePolicy as Code Overview
Kubernetes SidecarsAdd a Kubernetes Sidecar Container
Failure StrategiesDefine a Failure Strategy on Stages and Steps
4. Continuous Verification
APM/Log Based VerificationVerify Deployments with the Verify Step
Validate DeploymentsContinuous Verification
HTTP Execution ChecksHTTP step reference
5. GitOps
GitOps BasicsHarness GitOps Basics
Install GitOps AgentHarness CD GitOps Tutorial
6. Data Visibility
Describe DashboardsOverview and Service dashboards
SelectorsSelect delegates with delegate selectors and tags
Tagging and LabelingSelect delegates with delegate selectors and tags
7. Security
Role Based Access ControlRole-Based Access Control Overview

Exam Details

The Continuous Delivery Developer exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Continuous Delivery module.


  • Basic terminal skills
  • Basic understanding of on premise or cloud architecture

Exam Details

Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Question Type: Multiple choice

Covered DomainCoverage
Application Architectures and Services for Deployment25%
Continuous Delivery30%
Continuous Verification8%
Data Visibility8%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Application Architectures and Services for Deployment
1.1Define a deployment and what makes it continuous
1.2Explain application architectures
1.3Identify artifacts and manifests needed for a deployment
1.4Describe Kubernetes manifests (flat file, helm, etc.)
1.5Describe the services needed for an application
1.6Configure overrides for service variables (secrets, non-secrets)
1.7Describe artifact sources
1.8Configure artifact sources
1.9Configure service tagging
1.10Describe manifest overrides
1.11Configure manifest overrides
1.12Identify basic deployments (add examples for each app architecture type)
1.13Identify rolling deployments
1.14Identify canary deployments
1.15Identify blue/green deployments
2.1For a Kubernetes deployment, specify environments needed for my application or service - types (Prod, Non-prod)
2.2For a Kubernetes deployment, configure environments needed for my application or service
2.3For a Kubernetes deployment, describe infrastructure definitions for an environment
2.4For a Kubernetes deployment, configure infrastructure definitions for an environment
2.5For a Kubernetes deployment, configure overrides for an environment
2.6Describe tagging, labeling, and identifiers (what is it used for, different types - resource identification, Business Intelligence, infra assignments, examples - Kubernetes, AWS
2.7Configure rolling deployments for each application type (monolith, serverless, container-based)
2.8Configure canary deployments for each application type (monolith, serverless, container-based)
2.9Configure blue/green deployments for each application type (monolith, serverless, container-based)
3Continuous Delivery
3.1Automate deployments in your environment
3.2Identify pre-deployment steps per environment
3.2.1Create a git trigger
3.2.2Create a webhook
3.2.3Create a manual trigger
3.2.4Create a CI outcome trigger (artifact)
3.3Describe Policy as Code
3.4Configure Policy as Code
3.5Describe ticketing and documentation
3.6Describe the fetching process (artifacts, manifests, environment-specific requirements, configuration management)
3.7Configure fetching (artifacts, manifests, environment-specific requirements, config mgmt)
3.8Describe an approval process for my deployment
3.9Set up an approval process for my deployment
3.10Define failure strategies
3.11Configure failure strategies
3.12Configure Barriers
3.13Describe Conditional Execution
3.14Configure Conditional Execution
3.15Describe Step Library - Shell Script/run step
4Continuous Verification
4.1Identify deployment verification types
4.2Describe verification through deployment logs
4.3Identify deployment health checks
4.4Monitor server health during a deployment
4.5Monitor execution checks during a deployment
5.1Explain the principles of GitOps
5.2Describe common use cases for using GitOps
5.3Describe the benefits of using GitOps
5.4Install the GitOps agent
5.5Connect your Kubernetes cluster and application repository to Harness to start deployments
5.6Set up an application in Harness using GitOps
6Data Visibility
6.1Describe dashboards
6.2Configure notifications and alerts
6.3Configure tagging and labeling (governance, reporting)
6.4Configure tagging and labeling (governance, reporting)
7.1Describe two-factor authentication (2FA)
7.2Describe RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) - Built-in Roles

Next Steps

The Continuous Delivery Developer exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow 90 mins for the exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Register for an exam
  3. Take the exam

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Get Certified | Harness Expert

Continuous Delivery & GitOps - Administrator (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert - CD & GitOps AdministratorProduct version: Harness CD & GitOps Enterprise Plan

Review Study Guide - Coming Soon

Assesses the fundamental skills to deploy and maintain CD projects and the overall Harness Platform.
1. Foundations - SDLC, Services, and Application Architectures
Configure Artifacts (What does a Service deploy? jar, tar, container images, packaged helm chart, etc)
Describe common triggering mechanisms
Describe available Cloud Provider Agnostic Connectors for Kubernetes Clusters as a managed Service (EKS, GKE, AKS)
Access in a Cloud Provider - AWS (Pareto) - Describe how Harness gets permission in a target account (IRSA, Assuming a Role, etc)
Configure Traditional Deployments in VMs and Baremetal (SSH, WinRM)
Describe Containerized Workloads (Docker, Ks, OCI, etc)
Describe Serverless Workloads (Serverless Framework)
Configure and Deploy using the Ks rolling update strategy
Describe canary deployments and how it works (our Canary + Roling Update, at least the concept)
Configure a Service for Harness CD
Describe the Service Entity main attributes (Tags, Service Definition, Deployment Type, Manifests, Artifacts, Config Files, Variables)
Define Service Variables
Apply Service Variables in real use cases
Define Config FilesTBD
Apply Config Files in real use casesTBD
Configure Artifacts and Artifact SourcesTBD
Describe Sidecar Artifacts and use cases
Define the Harness Environment Entity and its metadata
Describe Env metadata: Environment Type and TagsTBD
Overrides - Describe Priority Order (Service, Env, and Env's Service)
Environment Overrides - Describe Manifests override (Values YAML, Openshift Param, Kustomize Patches)
Environment Overrides - Configure Manifests override (Values YAML is a great use case)
Environment Overrides - Describe Config Files override (full replacement, different from Manifest Values)
Environment Overrides - Configure Config Files override (full replacement, different from Manifest Values)
Environment's Service Overrides - Describe how to override by a particular Env + Service
Environment's Service Overrides - Configure an override per service + env (Config, Values, Variables)
Define the Harness Environment InfraDef and its metadataTBD
Configure an Environment's Infra Definition (Could be a Ks one)
Describe InfraDef Deployment Types
Kubernetes InfraDef - Describe Direct Connection X Cloud Provider
Kubernetes InfraDef - Cluster Details - Describe Connector + Namespace
Configure Allow simultaneous deployments on the same infrastructure
SSH and WinRM - Describe how Credentials works for them
SSH and WinRM - Describe how to filter GCE, EC and Azure VMs (filtering tags)TBD
Describe Physical Data CenterTBD
2. Harness Architecture and Components TBD
Describe the Harness Manager
Describe the Harness Delegate
How to check Delegate Task Selection during a Deployment
How to read Delegate Logs
3. Account Resources for Harness CD
Configure a Kubernetes Cloud Provider Connector
Configure Connectors - Ticket Systems, Artifact Repo, Code Repo, etc
Configure Secret Managers Connectors
Perform a simple Delegate Installation
Configure Delegate Tags (this is important for Delegate Selection during Tasks)
Describe Delegate Selectors in Steps, Stages, or Pipelines
Configure Delegate Selectors in Steps, Stages, or Pipelines
Install software on the delegate with initialization scripts (INIT_SCRIPT)
Describe Secrets (Acc Resources) Files and Text
Describe Secrets (Acc Resources) SSH and WinRM Credentials
Describe the relationship between Secrets and Secrets Managers (Connector)
Describe Harness File Store
Configure Harness File Store and use its files in a Deployment
4. Variables, Expressions, and Programmatic Approaches to Harness CD
Describe Harness Built-in and Custom Harness Variables
Give examples of Java string methods in Harness Variables (JEXL)
How to get Secrets programatically at runtime (using our expression variable engine)
Apply in use case - Service Variables (<+serviceVariables[variable name]>)
5. Governance, Authentication and Authorization: Login, RBAC, Access Control
Authentication: Describe what security action we can do (pwd strength, expiration, lockout, mfa/fa, restrict domains)
Authentication: Describe OAuth and SAML integrations
SSO: Describe SAML + SCIM (automatic provisioning)
Describe RBAC in User Groups X Roles (Role Bindings)
Describe RBAC and Role Bindings for Service Account
Describe Resource Groups
Configure Resource Groups
Describe Roles
Configure Roles
Describe Policy as Code (OPA, Rego)TBD
Configure Policy as Code - Apply in any common use case (OPA, Rego)TBD
Account Audit Trail - Describe Use CasesTBD
Create a Freeze Window
6. Data Visualization, Dashboards, and Reporting TBD
Describe tagging, labeling, and identifiers
Configure tagging, labeling, and identifiers
Configure a Custom Dashboard (Enterprise)
Deployments - Describe the Overview DashboardTBD
Deployments - Describe the Services DashboardTBD
Deployments - Describe the GitOps DashboardTBD
7. Swimlanes
Configure a Rolling Deployment
Configure a Blue/Green Deployment
Configure a Canary Deployment
Skip and then Deploy manifests separately using Apply step
Deploy to SSH/WinRM/Traditional
Deploy to AWS services - A basic deployment, for exampleTBD
Deploy to Azure services - A basic deployment, for exampleTBD
Deploy to GCP services - A basic deployment, for exampleTBD
8. Continuous Delivery
Describe Notification Rules (Pipeline Events + Notification Method)
Describe Barriers
Configure Barriers
Define failure strategies
Configure failure strategies
Describe Failure Strategies Actions
Configure Conditional Execution - For Stage and for Step
Configure Looping Strategy - Repeat, Matrix, Parallelism
Delegate Selectors - For Pipeline, Stage, Step
Advanced Options - Timeout Settings
Advanced Options - Describe Stage Execution Settings (Select stages to run)TBD
Configure Approval Stages and Steps (native and tool-based)
Configure a Git-based Trigger (aka webhook)
Configure a Custom Webhook
Configure a CI outcome trigger (artifact)
Configure a Cron Trigger
Manually Execute a Pipeline
Describe InputSets
Configure InputSets
Describe Execution History
Describe the Step LibraryTBD
Describe a step using a template
Describe the Step Library - Shell Script/run step
Describe the Step Library - Flow Control with barriers
Describe the Step Library - Ks Apply
Configure ticketing ITSM
Use the Step Library - Add Governance, Approvals, ITSM, etc
Describe the Step Library - IaC
Describe the Step Library - UtilitiesTBD
9. Continuous Verification in Harness CD
Identify deployment verification types - Which is actually the Deployment types the CV Step supports
Explain CV Health Sources - The actual integration with APM and Monitoring Tools (logs, metrics)
Use the CV Step during a Deployment - Canary is the best example
Describe and Apply CV critical attributes - Sensitivity and Duration
Configure a quick Health Check using the HTTP Step (Verify a Service, a Health Endpoint, LB, etc)
10. Alerting, SMTP Configuration, Notifications
Configure User Group Notification - Slack, Email, etc
Notifications Based on Response to Pipeline and stage events
Dashboards - Configure Report Schedule DeliveryTBD
Dashboards - Configure Alert based in conditions
11. GitOps
Explain the principles of GitOps using a comprehension/use case
Describe common use cases for using GitOps
Describe the benefits of using GitOps
Describe Harness' GitOps architecture and its components
Install the GitOps agent
Connect your Kubernetes cluster and application repository to Harness to start deployments
Analyze your application deployment requirements to determine whether to use a GitOps or a pipeline-based approach
Set up an application in Harness using GitOps
Analyze drift between the application state in Git and the clusterTBD
12. Templates
Describe Harness Templates - Pipeline, Stage, Step
Create a Template - Pipeline, or Stage
Describe or Use - Template Versioning and Import from Git
13. Git Experience
Git Experience - Describe supported Harness Entities
Git Experience - Configure Git Experience for a Pipeline

Exam Details

(BETA Coming Soon) The Continuous Delivery Administrator exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Continuous Delivery module.


  • Basic terminal skills
  • Intermediate understanding of on-premise or cloud architecture

Exam Details

Exam TypeDuration
Knowledge Exam90 minutes
Hands On Exam120 minutes
Covered DomainCoverage
Foundations - SDLC, Services, and Application Architectures25%
Harness Architecture and Components15%
Continuous Delivery30%
Continuous Verification8%
Data Visibility8%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Foundations - SDLC, Services, and Application Architectures
1.1CD Foundations
1.2Describe common platforms and cloud providers
1.3Describe different architectures
1.4Deployment Strategies and Harness Approaches
1.5The Service Entity - Foundations
1.6The Environment Entity - Foundations
1.7The Environment Entity - Infrastructure Definitions
2Harness Architecture and Components
2.1Harness Platform architecture
2.2Describe the Harness Manager
2.3Describe the Harness Delegate
2.4How to check Delegate Task Selection during a Deployment
2.5How to read Delegate Logs
3Account Resources for Harness CD
3.1Connectors for Harness CD
3.2Delegate Management for Harness CD
3.4Harness FileStore
4Variables, Expressions, and Programmatic Approaches to Harness CD
4.1Describe Harness Built-in and Custom Harness Variables
4.2Give examples of Java string methods in Harness Variables (JEXL)
4.3How to get Secrets programmatically at runtime
4.4Apply in use case - Service Variables (<+serviceVariables.[variable name]>)
5Governance, Authentication and Authorization: Login, RBAC, Access Control
5.1Login and SSO
5.2RBAC and Access Control
6Data Visualization, Dashboards, and Reporting
6.1Adding Metadata to Harness Resources and Entities
6.2Harness Dashboards and Looker
7.1Kubernetes Deployment + Common Deployment Strategies
7.2Basic Deployment Capacity by Provider
8Continuous Delivery
8.1Pipeline Flow Control Mechanisms and important child Entities
8.2Pipeline Triggers, Executions History, and Inputs
8.3Steps in a Stage and Step Library for Harness CD
9Continuous Verification in Harness CD
9.1Identify deployment verification types
9.2Explain CV Health Sources
9.3Use the CV Step during a Deployment
9.4Describe and Apply CV critical attributes - Sensitivity and Duration
9.5Configure a quick Health Check using the HTTP Step
10Alerting, SMTP Configuration, Notifications
10.1Configure User Group Notification - Slack, Email, etc.
10.2Notify based in response to Pipeline and stage events
10.3Dashboards - Configure Report Schedule Delivery
10.4Dashboards - Configure Alert based in conditions
11.1Explain the principles of GitOps using a comprehension/use case
11.2Describe common use cases for using GitOps
11.3Describe the benefits of using GitOps
11.4Describe Harness' GitOps architecture and its components
11.5Install the GitOps agent
11.6Connect your Kubernetes cluster and application repository to Harness to start deployments
11.7Analyze your application deployment requirements to determine whether to use a GitOps or a pipeline-based approach
11.8Set up an application in Harness using GitOps
11.9Analyze drift between the application state in Git and the cluster
12.1Describe Harness Templates - Pipeline, Stage, Step
12.2Create a Template - Pipeline, or Stage
12.3Describe or Use - Template Versioning and Import from Git
13Git Experiences
13.1Git Experience - Describe supported Harness Entities
13.2Git Experience - Configure Git Experience for a Pipeline

Next Steps

The Continuous Delivery Administrator exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow 90 mins for the knowledge exam and approximately 2 hours for the hands on exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Register for an exams
  3. Take the exams

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Get Certified | Harness Expert

Continuous Delivery & GitOps - Architect (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert - CD & GitOps ArchitectProduct version: Harness CD & GitOps Enterprise Plan

Coming Soon...

Assess key technical job functions and advanced skills in design, implementation and management of CD.