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Delete a delegate

This topic describes how to delete a delegate from your Kubernetes cluster and Harness installation.

Identify the delegate type

Harness Delegate is installed as a Kubernetes Deployment object. A legacy delegate, on the other hand, is installed as a Kubernetes StatefulSet object. This means that the process used to delete a legacy delegate differs from the process used to delete Harness Delegate.

You can verify the delegate you're using by looking at its manifest file or by running kubectl get all -n harness-delegate-ng.

To delete a legacy delegate, skip to the "Delete a legacy delegate" section.

Delete a delegate

Use the following process to delete a delegate.

Step 1: Delete the deployment for the delegate

To delete a delegate from your Kubernetes cluster, you delete the Deployment object that represents its deployment.

kubectl delete deployment -n harness-delegate-ng <Deployment name>

Use the following command to retrieve a list of deployments:

kubectl get deployments

The deployment name is specified in the field of the Kubernetes manifest you used to install the delegate.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
labels: doc-demos
name: doc-demos
namespace: harness-delegate-ng

In this example, the name field is specified as doc-demos.

Next, delete the Updater CronJob:

kubectl delete cronjob -n harness-delegate-ng <Deployment name>-upgrader-job

For example, if the Deployment name is quickstart-delegate:

kubectl delete cronjob -n harness-delegate-ng quickstart-delegate-upgrader-job

Step 2: Delete the delegate in Harness

Locate the delegate in the Harness account/Project/Org, click more options (⋮), and then click Delete.

Delete a legacy delegate

Use the following process to delete a Legacy Delegate.

Step 1: Delete the StatefulSet for the delegate

To delete a legacy delegate from your Kubernetes cluster, you delete the StatefulSet object that represents its deployment.

A StatefulSet resource is ensures that the desired number of pods are running and available at all times. If you delete a pod that belongs to a StatefulSet without deleting the StatefulSet itself, the pod is recreated.

For example, you can use the following command to delete the StatefulSet that created a delegate pod named quickstart-vutpmk-0:

$ kubectl delete statefulset -n harness-delegate-ng quickstart-vutpmk

The name of the delegate pod includes the name of the StatefulSet followed by the pod identifier -0.

Step 2: Delete the delegate in Harness

Locate the delegate in the Harness account/Project/Org, click more options (⋮), and then click Delete.