Subscriptions overview
Harness subscriptions allow you to tailor the level of cover you need from each Harness module you use. For Feature Flags, you can subscribe and upgrade online directly through the Harness Platform i…
Create a new subscription
This topic describes how to subscribe to Feature Flags through the Harness Platform. Currently, you can subscribe only to Feature Flags through the Harness Platform if you are a self-serve customer.…
Available plans for Feature Flags
With Feature Flags, there are three tiers of subscription plans you can choose from -- Free plan. Team plan. Enterprise plan. Below is an overview of the features of each plan. For a full list of all f…
View your current subscriptions
This topic describes how to view which Harness modules you are currently subscribed to, and how to view the details of your subscriptions. On the Harness Platform, you can view the following subscrip…
View the usage of your subscriptions
When you subscribe to a Harness module, you select a number of licenses for developers and monthly active users (MAUs) to include in your subscription. You can check how many of these licenses you’re…
Update your billing information
To update your billing information -- On the Harness Platform, on the lefthand navigation, click Help. Select Submit a ticket. Complete the following fields in the form -- Feedback category -- Select Q ue…
Add a billing admin
Billing Admins can manage payments on the Harness Platform. To add a Billing Admin, use our Role Based Access Control and add the user with a role of Billing Admin. Figure 1 -- Selecting the Billing Ad…
Access your subscription invoices
To get a copy of your subscription invoice -- On the Harness Platform, on the lefthand navigation, click Help. Select Submit a ticket. Complete the following fields in the form -- Feedback category -- Sel…
Cancel a subscription
To cancel your subscription -- On the Harness Platform, on the lefthand navigation, click Help. Select Submit a ticket. Complete the following fields in the form -- Feedback category -- Select Question..…