IAM Integration for AWS Authentication
This section describes the steps you can take to execute chaos experiments with IAM integration.
Why should I use IAM integration for AWS authentication?
IAM roles for service accounts provide the following benefits.
- Least privilege: Using IAM roles for service accounts avoids extending permissions for the pods on the node, such as restricting the node IAM role for pods from making an AWS API call. You can scope IAM permissions to a service account, and only pods that use that service account will have access to those permissions.
- Credential isolation: The experiment can only retrieve credentials for the IAM role associated with a particular service account. This experiment would not have access to credentials for other experiments belonging to other pods.
Below are the steps to enable service accounts to access AWS resources.
Step 1: Create an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for your cluster
You must create an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider for your cluster with eksctl
. This step is performed once for a cluster. For more information, go to AWS documentation to set up an OIDC provider.
Below is the command to check if your cluster has an existing IAM OIDC provider.
The cluster name specified in this example is litmus-demo
and region is us-west-1
. Replace these values based on your environment.
aws eks describe-cluster --name <litmus-demo> --query "cluster.identity.oidc.issuer" --output text
To list the IAM OIDC providers in your account, execute the following command.
aws iam list-open-id-connect-providers | grep <EXAMPLED539D4633E53DE1B716D3041E>
Replace <D054E55B6947B1A7B3F200297789662C>
(including <>
) with the value returned from the output of the previous command.
If no IAM OIDC identity provider is available for your account, create one for your cluster using the following command.
Replace <litmus-demo>
(including <>
) with values of your choice.
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster litmus-demo --approve
2021-09-07 14:54:01 [ℹ] eksctl version 0.52.0
2021-09-07 14:54:01 [ℹ] using region us-west-1
2021-09-07 14:54:04 [ℹ] will create IAM Open ID Connect provider for cluster "udit-cluster-11" in "us-west-1"
2021-09-07 14:54:05 [✔] created IAM Open ID Connect provider for cluster "litmus-demo" in "us-west-1"
Step 2: Create an IAM role and policy for your service account
Create an IAM policy with the permissions that you would like the experiment to have. There are several ways to create a new IAM permission policy. Go to AWS documentation to create IAM policy to know more. Use the eksctl
command to create the IAM permission policy.
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name <service_account_name> \
--namespace <service_account_namespace> \
--cluster <cluster_name> \
--attach-policy-arn <IAM_policy_ARN> \
--approve \
Step 3: Associate an IAM role with a service account
Define the IAM role for every Kubernetes service account in your cluster that requires access to AWS resources by adding the following annotation to the service account.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>
You can also annotate the experiment service account using the command:
kubectl annotate serviceaccount -n <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMESPACE> <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> \
- Annotating the
service account inHCE
namespace will work for most experiments. - For the cluster autoscaler experiment, annotate the service account in the
Step 4: Verify that the experiment service account associates with the IAM
If you run an experiment and describe one of the pods, you will be able to verify whether the AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE
environment variables exist.
kubectl exec -n litmus <ec2-terminate-by-id-z4zdf> env | grep AWS
Step 5: Configure the experiment CR
Since you have already configured IAM for the experiment service account, you won't have to create a secret and mount it with the experiment CR (enabled by default). To remove the secret mount, remove the following lines from the experiment YAML.
- name: cloud-secret
mountPath: /tmp/
Now, you can run chaos experiments with IAM integration.