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Chaos Faults for Linux


Linux faults disrupt the resources running on a Linux machine. This deteriorates the performance of the application.

Fault compatibility matrix

The faults have been tested for compatibility in the following Linux OS distributions:

stress faults (CPU, memory, disk IO)network faults (loss, latency, corruption, duplication)DNS faults (error, spoof)process faults (process kill, service restart)time chaos
Ubuntu 16+
Debian 10+
CentOS 7+
openSUSE LEAP 15.4+ / SUSE Linux Enterprise 15+
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Linux CPU stress

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Linux CPU stress applies stress on the CPU of the target Linux machines for a certain duration.

  • Induces CPU stress on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates a lack of CPU for processes running on the application, which degrades their performance.
Use cases
  • Induces CPU stress on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates a lack of CPU for processes running on the application, which degrades their performance.
  • Simulates slow application traffic or exhaustion of the resources, leading to degradation in the performance of processes on the machine.
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Linux memory stress

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Linux memory stress causes memory consumption of the target Linux machines for a specific duration.

Use cases
  • Induces memory consumption and exhaustion on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates a lack of memory for processes running on the application, which degrades their performance.
  • Simulates application slowness due to memory starvation, and noisy neighbour problems due to excessive consumption of memory.
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Linux disk IO stress

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Linux disk I/O stress applies stress on the disk of the target Linux machines over I/O operations for a specific duration.

Use cases
  • Simulates slower disk operations for the applications.
  • Simulates noisy neighbour problems by exhausting the disk bandwidth.
  • Verifies the disk performance on increasing I/O threads and varying I/O block sizes.
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Linux network loss

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Linux network loss injects chaos to disrupt network connectivity on the Linux machine by blocking the network requests.

Use cases
  • Induces network loss on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates loss of connectivity access by blocking the network requests on the machine.
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Linux network latency

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Linux network latency injects chaos to disrupt network connectivity on a Linux machine by adding delay to the network requests.

Use cases
  • Induces network latency on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates latency in connectivity access by delaying the network requests of the machine.
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Linux network duplication

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Linux network duplication injects chaos to disrupt network connectivity on a Linux machine by duplicating network packets.

Use cases
  • Induces network duplication on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates packet duplication in the network.
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Linux network corruption

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Linux network corruption injects chaos to disrupt network connectivity on a Linux machine by corrupting the network requests.

Use cases
  • Induces network corruption on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates network corruption by corrupting requests of the machine.
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Linux DNS error

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Linux DNS error injects chaos to disrupt the DNS resolution on a Linux machine.

Use cases
  • Induces DNS error on the target Linux machines.
  • Simulates loss of access to host by blocking the DNS resolution of host names.
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Linux DNS spoof

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Linux DNS spoof injects chaos to mimic DNS resolution on a Linux machine.

Use cases
  • Induces DNS spoof on the target Linux machines.
  • Resolves DNS target host names (or domains) to other IPs provided as user input.
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Linux process kill

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Linux process kill fault kills the target processes running on the Linux machines.

  • It checks the performance of the application or process running on the Linux machine.
Use cases
  • Induces process kill on the target Linux machines.
  • Disrupts the application critical processes such as databases or message queues by killing their underlying processes or threads.
  • Determines the resilience of applications when processes on a Linux machine are unexpectedly killed (or disrupted).
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Linux service restart

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Linux service restart stops the target system services running in a Linux machine.

  • It determines the performance and resilience of the application (or services) running on Linux machines.
Use cases
  • Service restart determines the resilience of an application upon random halts.
  • Determines how efficiently an application recovers and restarts the services.
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Linux time chaos

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Linux time chaos injects chaos to change the time of the Linux machine.

Use cases
  • Induces time chaos to change the system time on the target Linux machines.
  • Determines the resiliency of the underlying application components when subjected to a change in the system time.
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