Create AutoStopping Rules with Terraform
AutoStopping Rules make sure that your non-production resources run only when used, and never when idle. It also allows you to run your workloads on fully orchestrated spot instances without any worry of spot interruptions.
This topic describes how to create AutoStopping Rules with Terraform using scripts.
Before You Begin
Perform the following steps to create AutoStopping Rules for Terraform.
Step 1: Install Terraform for AutoStopping Rules
To use Terraform you first need to install it. To install Terraform, download the appropriate package for your Operating System:
- Darwin:
- Linux:
- Windows:
For Windows, you need to manually extract the contents of the Zip file and place it in the following location:
For more information on installing Terraform, see Install Terraform for AWS and Install Terraform for Azure.
Step 2: Create an API Key
To use a Harness API key, do the following:
- In Harness Manager, click Security, and then click Access Management.
- Click API Keys.
- Click Add API Key.
- In the Add API Key settings, enter a name and select your User Group.
- Click Submit. The new API key is created.
- To copy the API key, first click the Eye icon to reveal the key's value.
- Next, click the Copy icon beside the key. This copies the key's value to your clipboard.
Step 3: Obtain Harness Account Identifier
In Harness Manager, click Try NextGen.
In Harness NextGen, navigate to Account Settings.
Copy your Account ID from the Account Overview.
You need to enter the Account ID in the script.
Step 4: Run the Script
Here are some of the sample scripts for different scenarios:
Create AutoStopping Rules for an Instance
The following sample scripts create AutoStopping rules for an instance.
Example 1: Specify the following details:
- Token: Specify the API Key.
- API_URL: Specify the endpoint.
- Account Identifier: Specify the Account ID.
- Name: Specify a name for your AutoStopping Rule.
- Fulfilment: Specify the instance fulfillment type, On-Demand or Spot.
- Load balancer: Specify the name of the load balancer domain name. You can obtain this information from the screen where you create the load balancer.
- Hosted Zone ID: Specify the domain name for your Route 53 hosted zone.
- Resource_ID: Specify the instance ID.
- Routing: Specify listeners information.
- (Optional) Health Check: A health check makes sure that the specified parameters are met before stopping the instances. Health check status should be successful for the AutoStopping rules to come into effect.
terraform {
required_providers {
harness-ccm = {
source = ""
version = "3.0.1"
provider "harness-ccm" {
token = "<*paste your token her*e>"
api_url = ""
account_identifier = "<*paste your account id*>"
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "rule_i1" {
name = "<*enter a name for your autostopping rule*>"
fulfilment = "ondemand"
disabled = false
cloud_account_id = "<*enter your cloud account ID*>"
load_balancer = "<enter *the name of the load balancer domain name*>"
custom_domain_providers {
route53 {
hosted_zone_id = “/hostedzone/*YourValueHere*”
filter {
resource_id = <*enter your instance ID*>
routing {
source_protocol = "http"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 80
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
routing {
source_protocol = "https"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 443
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "rule_i2" {
name = ""
fulfilment = "ondemand"
disabled = false
org_id = ""
project_id = ""
cloud_account_id = ""
load_balancer = ""
filter {
tag {
key = "Name"
value = "aws_instance_i2"
routing {
source_protocol = "http"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 80
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
routing {
source_protocol = "https"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 443
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
health {
protocol = "http"
port = 8080
timeout = 30
path = "/"
status_code_from = 200
status_code_to = 399
Example 2: This is an example script to create an AutoStopping rule for a VM that has both TCP and HTTP/HTTPS workloads running:
`terraform {
required_providers {
harness-ccm = {
source = ""
version = "3.0.1"
provider "harness-ccm" {
token = ""
api_url = ""
account_identifier = ""
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "rule_i2" {
name = "Azure Terraform https"
fulfilment = "ondemand"
disabled = false
cloud_account_id = "LightwingProd"
kind = "instance"
custom_domains = ""
idle_time_mins = 5
filter {
resource_id = "/subscriptions/12d2db62-5aa9-471d-84bb-faa489b3e319/resourceGroups/lightwing-r-and-d/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/tls-nginx"
region = "southcentralus"
http {
load_balancer = ""
routing {
source_protocol = "https"
target_protocol = "https"
source_port = 443
target_port = 443
action = "forward"
routing {
source_protocol = "http"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 80
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
tcp {
load_balancer = ""
routing {
# ssh = 22
# rdp = 3389
ports = [80]
health {
protocol = "http"
port = 80
path = "/"
timeout = 30
status_code_from = 200
status_code_to = 299
Create AWS Instances and Enable AutoStopping Rules for the Instances
The following sample script creates AWS instances and enables AutoStopping rules for those instances.
terraform {
required_providers {
harness-ccm = {
source = ""
version = "3.0.1"
provider "harness-ccm" {
token = ""
api_url = ""
account_identifier = ""
provider "aws" {
region = "ap-south-1"
access_key = ""
secret_key = ""
data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-*"]
filter {
name = "virtualization-type"
values = ["hvm"]
owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical
resource "aws_instance" "i1" {
ami =
instance_type = "t2.micro"
availability_zone = "ap-south-1a"
key_name = "ry-jupyter"
vpc_security_group_ids = [ "" ]
user_data = <<EOF
apt-get -y install nginx
tags = {
Name = "aws_instance_i1"
resource "aws_instance" "i2" {
ami =
instance_type = "t2.micro"
availability_zone = "ap-south-1a"
key_name = "ry-jupyter"
vpc_security_group_ids = [ "" ]
user_data = <<EOF
apt-get -y install nginx
tags = {
Name = "aws_instance_i2"
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "rule_i1" {
name = ""
fulfilment = "ondemand"
disabled = false
org_id = ""
project_id = ""
cloud_account_id = ""
load_balancer = ""
filter {
resource_id = <something>
routing {
source_protocol = "http"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 80
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
routing {
source_protocol = "https"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 443
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "rule_i2" {
name = ""
fulfilment = "ondemand"
disabled = false
org_id = ""
project_id = ""
cloud_account_id = ""
load_balancer = ""
filter {
tag {
key = "Name"
value = "aws_instance_i2"
routing {
source_protocol = "http"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 80
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
routing {
source_protocol = "https"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 443
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
Create AutoStopping Rules for Auto Scaling Groups
The following sample script creates an AutoStopping rule for Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs).
terraform {
required_providers {
harness-ccm = {
source = ""
version = "3.0.1"
provider "harness-ccm" {
token = ""
api_url = ""
account_identifier = ""
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "rule_i3" {
name = "ASG Server Nginx 1"
fulfilment = "ondemand"
disabled = false
cloud_account_id = ""
load_balancer = ""
custom_domain_providers {
route53 {
hosted_zone_id = "/hostedzone/Z06070943NA512B2KHEHF"
custom_domains = ""
scaling_group {
id = "<arn of the ASG>"
name = ""
capacity {
max = "3"
min = "1"
desired = "2"
target_group {
id = "<arn of the TG>"
port = "80"
protocol = "http"
region = "ap-south-1"
http {
load_balancer = ""
routing {
source_protocol = "https"
target_protocol = "https"
source_port = 443
target_port = 443
action = "forward"
routing {
source_protocol = "http"
target_protocol = "http"
source_port = 80
target_port = 80
action = "forward"
health {
protocol = "http"
port = 8080
timeout = 30
path = "/"
status_code_from = 200
status_code_to = 399
Create AutoStopping Rules for ECS
The following sample script creates an AutoStopping rule for ECS.
terraform {
required_providers {
harness-ccm = {
source = ""
version = "3.0.1"
provider "harness-ccm" {
token = "<harness api token>"
account_identifier = "<harness account identifier>"
resource "harness-ccm_autostopping_rule" "RuleName" {
name = "Terraform Ecs rule"
kind = "containers"
cloud_account_id = "<harness cloud account connector id>"
idle_time_mins = 10
load_balancer = "<load balancer host name>"
container {
cluster = "<ECS Cluster Name>"
service = "<Ecs Service Name>"
task_count = 1
region = "us-east-1"