Export perspective data
You can export your Perspectives reports as comma-separated values (CSV) files. Exporting allows you to use the data in other software.
- Only comma-separated values files (CSV) are supported.
- The maximum number of rows allowed in one export is 10,000 rows. If you have more rows, you can export separate CSV files using the Export rows up to option.
- The more rows you export, the slower the export will be.
Step 1: Create a Perspective Export
Open a Perspective.
Below the Group By graph, you can see the Export CSV option.
Click Export CSV.
Enter a name for the CSV file.
In Export rows up to, enter the number of rows you want exported. The number of rows should be greater than or equal to 1.
Option: Exclude rows with cost below
Use Exclude rows with cost below to set a cost ceiling on the cost data exported.
The amount must be a number. You cannot use symbols or punctuation.
Step 2: Export the CSV
Click Download.
Depending on your browser, you might be prompted to allow downloads.
The file is downloaded to your local computer.