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Migrate from CircleCI to Harness CI

Harness CI and CircleCI are both cloud-native CI products that help developers build and test code.

What makes Harness CI unique?

Harness CI provides proprietary technologies, like Cache Intelligence and Test Intelligence, which make Harness CI four times faster than other leading CI tools.

  • Harness Test Intelligence (TI) is a proprietary technology that accelerates test cycles by running only the tests necessary to confirm the quality of the code changes that triggered a build. Visualizations show which code changes caused which tests to be selected, and TI can help you identify gaps in your test plan. TI also detects negative trends and provides actionable insights to improve quality. With IT, it's possible to reduce build cycle times by up to 90% without compromising application quality.
  • Harness Cache Intelligence is a proprietary technology that reduces pipeline execution time by automatically caching well-known directories for languages like Java and Node.js.

Harness CI is part of The Harness Platform, which is a self-service CI/CD platform that enables end-to-end software delivery. The Harness Platform includes features, functionality, and additional modules to help you build, test, deploy, and verify software. For example:

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) helps you control user and group access to Harness resources according to users' roles. Using RBAC increases security and improves efficiency.
  • Harness Policy as Code is a centralized policy management and rules service that leverages the Open Policy Agent (OPA) to meet compliance requirements across software delivery and enforce governance policies.
  • The Harness Enterprise Ready Self-Managed Edition is an end-to-end solution for continuous, self-managed delivery. You can install and update Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition using online or offline (air-gapped) methods.

Comparison: Pipeline architecture

Both Harness CI and CircleCI use pipelines to organize workflows. CircleCI organizes steps and commands into jobs, and each pipeline has one or more jobs. Similarly, Harness CI organizes steps, which contain commands, into stages, and each each pipeline has one or more stages. The following truncated examples provide a simple comparison of pipeline structure in CircleCI and Harness CI.

- stage:
- step:
type: Run

For more information about Harness terminology, features, and pipeline components, go to Harness CI concepts and CI pipeline concepts.

When creating pipelines, CircleCI supports pipeline configuration as code only. In contrast, the Harness CI Pipeline Studio provides both a visual editor and a YAML code editor.

  • The Harness YAML editor includes schema validation and auto-complete recommendations to simplify and expedite pipeline configuration.
  • The Harness visual editor provides a guided experience that enables anyone to easily build, debug, and run pipelines.
  • You can switch back and forth between editors.
Complete pipeline comparison

Here are YAML examples of complete pipelines in CircleCI and Harness CI.

name: testpipeline
identifier: testpipeline
projectIdentifier: NgLabs
orgIdentifier: default
tags: {}
- stage:
name: Stage1
identifier: stage1
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: ronakpatildocker
image: openjdk:17.0-jdk
shell: Bash
command: echo "this runs on openjdk"
os: Linux
arch: Amd64
type: Cloud
spec: {}
- identifier: PostgressDependecyService
name: Postgress-Dependecy-Service
type: Service
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: postgres:10.8
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: <+secrets.getValue("DbPasswordSecret")>
POSTGRES_DB: postgres
- stage:
name: Stage2
identifier: Stage2
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: ronakpatildocker
image: node:13.0.0
shell: Bash
command: |-
echo "pipeline var:" <+pipeline.variables.pipelinevar1>
echo "project level var:" <+variable.proj_var>
echo "secret example :" <+secrets.getValue("DbPasswordSecret")>
os: Linux
arch: Amd64
type: Cloud
spec: {}
variables: []
- stage:
name: matrix stage
identifier: Stage4
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
shell: Bash
command: echo "Testing on <+matrix.testparam>"
os: Linux
arch: Amd64
type: Cloud
spec: {}
- node
- python
- ubuntu
maxConcurrency: 3
connectorRef: gitforronak
repoName: test
build: <+input>
- name: pipelinevar1
type: String
description: ""
value: someval

Comparison: CircleCI orbs and Harness plugins

CircleCI orbs are reusable shareable configuration packages that combine jobs, commands, and executors.

Harness CI has two options for reusable, pre-packaged functionality:

  • Use Plugin steps to run GitHub Actions, Bitrise Integrations, Drone plugins, and other plugins in your CI pipelines. Drone Plugins are Docker containers that perform a predefined task.
  • Create standardized step templates that can be reused across pipelines and teams in your Harness account.

Comparison: Specify a codebase or Docker image

To clone a codebase in CircleCI, you use a checkout step to check out source code to the configured path. In Harness CI, each pipeline has a codebase specification that identifies the code repo (input) that the pipeline uses to build an artifact (output). In Harness CI, codebase configuration has two components:

  • The codebase connector, which specifies the codebase URL and required credentials to access your code repos.
  • A series of settings describing how you want the pipeline to clone and build the repo.

When you create a Harness CI pipeline, you specify a default codebase to use for all stages in the pipeline. By default, each stage automatically clones the designated code repo from your Git provider into the stage's build infrastructure when the pipeline runs.

What are connectors?

Harness integrates with many different types of repositories and providers. A connection from Harness to other platforms is called a connector. Connectors can connect to source control providers, cloud providers, container registries, and more.

In addition to codebase configuration, you can also use connectors in individual steps to specify Docker images or even clone additional codebases in the same pipeline.

For example, in the following YAML example, the connectorRef references a Docker connector. Docker connectors are platform-agnostic and can be used to connect to any Docker container registry.

              - step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: my-docker-hub-connector
image: openjdk:17.0-jdk
shell: Bash
command: echo "this runs on openjdk"

Comparison: Define a multi-stage build pipeline

In this example, Stage1 and Stage2 run concurrently. Once they are done, Stage3 runs. Once Stage3 is done, Stage4 runs.

CircleCI uses workflows to execute jobs in parallel, sequential, or mixed fashion.

In Harness CI, stages are executed in order of occurrence in the YAML config. Stages defined under the - parallel tag execute in a parallel fashion.

YAML examples: Multi-stage build pipelines

Here are YAML examples of multi-stage build pipelines in CircleCI and Harness CI.

- parallel:
- stage:
name: Stage1
identifier: Stage1
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: ronakpatildocker
image: node:13.0.0
shell: Bash
command: echo "Downlaod file in parallel with stage 2 "
- stage:
name: Stage2
identifier: stage2
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: ronakpatildocker
image: node:13.0.0
shell: Bash
command: echo "step1"
- stage:
name: Stage3
identifier: Stage3
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: ronakpatildocker
image: node:13.0.0
shell: Bash
command: echo "step 1 in stage3 . stage 3 requires stage 1 and 2 "
- stage:
name: Stage4
identifier: Stage4
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: ronakpatildocker
image: node:13.0.0
shell: Bash
command: echo "step 1 in stage4 . stage 4 requires stage 3"

Comparison: Environment variables

In CircleCI, you use the web app to define project-level environment variables, and then you can reference them in a pipeline. You can use Context to use environment variables across multiple projects.

In Harness CI, you can define variables at the project, organization, and account levels. To reference these variables, you use variable expressions formatted as: <+variable.[scope].[variable_id]>. Here are the syntax formats for variables declared at different levels:

  • Account-level variable reference: <+variable.account.[var_id]>
  • Organization-level variable reference: <[var_id]>
  • Project-level variable reference: <+variable.[var_id]>
 - stage:
name: Stagename
identifier: Stagename
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
command: echo "project var: " <+variable.proj_var>

In addition to project, organization, and account variables, you can use built-in variables or define custom variables within individual pipelines, stages, and steps. To learn more about defining and fetching variables in Harness, go to:

Comparison: Matrix jobs

In CircleCI, matrix jobs are achieved by using parameters and then referencing those parameters in the pipeline using the following expression syntax: << parameters.param >>

In Harness, matrix looping strategies are one of several looping execution strategies. With matrix looping strategies, your pipelines can execute the same set of tasks multiple times for several different configurations. This is achieved by mentioning user-defined tags and referencing them in the pipeline using the following expression syntax: <+matrix.usertag>

To learn about the looping strategies available in Harness, go to Looping Strategies Overview

- stage:
name: Stage1
identifier: Stage1
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: Run
name: step1
identifier: step1
connectorRef: dockerconectorref
image: dockerimage:tag
shell: Bash
command: echo "Testing on <+matrix.testparam>"
- node
- python
- ubuntu
maxConcurrency: 3

Comparison: Triggers

CircleCI supports triggering a pipeline on push and PR to the code repository and scheduled triggers.

Harness CI supports webhook triggers and scheduled triggers. The two most commonly used triggers are webhook triggers based on Git events and scheduled triggers based on a cron expression. To learn more about creating a trigger, go to Triggers.


CircleCI configurations are stored in the path .CircleCI/config.yml at the root of your source code repository on the counter.

Harness provides inline pipeline storage or storing Pipeline YAML (Pipeline-as-Code) on Git.

See also

Review the following information before proceeding with migration: