Quick command reference
This topic provides a short list of commands that are useful for troubleshooting Harness Self-Managed Platform Edition.
Variables are enclosed in angle brackets (< >).
Retrieve your MongoDB password
To print your MongoDB password to the command line, use kubectl get secret
kubectl get secret -n <namespace> mongodb-replicaset-chart -o jsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-password} | base64 --decode | awk '{print $1}'
Shell into MongoDB
Use the kubectl exec
command to start a shell session in the container that runs MongoDB. Modify the command for your MongoDB configuration:
kubectl exec -it mongodb-replicaset-chart-0 -n <namespace> -- /bin/sh
If the MongoDB replica is SECONDARY, try
.If the MongoDB replica is PRIMARY, use
:db.auth('admin', <password>)
Shell into TimescaleDB
Use the following commands to access your installation of TimescaleDB:
Check the name of the TimescaleDB pod.
Use the
kubectl exec
command to open a shell session in the TimescaleDB pod:kubectl exec -it harness-timescale-0 -n <namespace> -- /bin/sh
Connect using the default user role:
psql -U postgres
Enter your password and return.
Shell into postgres
Use the kubectl exec
command to open a shell session in your postgres pod:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty postgres-0 -n <namespace> -- /opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/entrypoint.sh /bin/bash