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Drone and Harness

Over the past decade, Drone has flourished through its vibrant open source community with over 100m pulls on DockerHub, 50,000+ active users, and 250+ contributors.

Drone was acquired by Harness in 2020 and is now part of Harness CI. For more information, go to the following blog posts:

Together with Drone, Harness provides a CI/CD platform that's both simple and powerful for engineers to deliver software.

Harness CI is built to eliminate engineer toil, scripting, version dependencies, time, cost, and complexity. We empower engineers to focus on delivering innovation for their business rather than manually building software delivery pipelines.

Drone documentation

You can start using Harness CI with Drone today. For information about Drone, go to the Drone Documentation. You can use Drone Plugins in Harness CI pipelines. For more information about Drone Plugins, go to the Drone Plugins Registry.

Here's a quick walkthrough of using Drone with Harness:

Drone overview

Here's a quick introduction to Drone:

Harness CI

The following presentation covers the basics of Harness CI: