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Continuous Delivery & GitOps release notes

Review the notes below for details about recent changes to Harness Continuous Delivery & GitOps, NextGen SaaS. For release notes for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition, go to Self-Managed Enterprise Edition release notes. For FirstGen release notes, go to Harness SaaS Release Notes (FirstGen).


Harness deploys changes to Harness SaaS clusters on a progressive basis. This means that the features and fixes that these release notes describe may not be immediately available in your cluster. To identify the cluster that hosts your account, go to the Account Overview page.

Latest - May 04, 2023, version 79214

  • Trigger artifact and manifest expressions (<> or <+trigger.manifest.version>) are now resolved when you rerun a pipeline that was activated by a trigger. (CDS-58192, CDS-50585)

    Here is a sample resolved YAML:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
    "planExecutionId": "PimcPiwlQ56A2AhWogEM7A",
    "executionYaml": "pipeline:\n identifier: \"asda\"\n name: \"asda\"\n projectIdentifier: \"test\"\n orgIdentifier: \"default\"\n tags: {}\n stages:\n - stage:\n identifier: \"sda\"\n type: \"Deployment\"\n name: \"sda\"\n description: \"\"\n spec:\n serviceConfig:\n serviceRef: \"ads\"\n serviceDefinition:\n type: \"Kubernetes\"\n spec:\n variables: []\n artifacts:\n primary:\n type: \"DockerRegistry\"\n spec:\n connectorRef: \"Test\"\n imagePath: \"library/nginx\"\n tag: \"<>\"\n manifests: []\n infrastructure:\n environmentRef: \"wew\"\n infrastructureDefinition:\n type: \"KubernetesDirect\"\n spec:\n connectorRef: \"ad\"\n namespace: \"asd\"\n releaseName: \"release-<+INFRA_KEY>\"\n allowSimultaneousDeployments: false\n execution:\n steps:\n - step:\n identifier: \"sad\"\n type: \"ShellScript\"\n name: \"sad\"\n spec:\n shell: \"Bash\"\n onDelegate: true\n source:\n type: \"Inline\"\n spec:\n script: \"echo \\\"test\\\"\"\n environmentVariables: []\n outputVariables: []\n executionTarget: {}\n timeout: \"10m\"\n rollbackSteps: []\n tags: {}\n failureStrategies:\n - onFailure:\n errors:\n - \"AllErrors\"\n action:\n type: \"StageRollback\"\n",
    "inputYaml": "pipeline:\n identifier: \"asda\"\n stages:\n - stage:\n identifier: \"sda\"\n type: \"Deployment\"\n spec:\n serviceConfig:\n serviceDefinition:\n type: \"Kubernetes\"\n spec:\n artifacts:\n primary:\n type: \"DockerRegistry\"\n spec:\n tag: \"<>\"\n",
    "resolvedYaml" "pipeline:\n identifier: \"asda\"\n stages:\n - stage:\n identifier: \"sda\"\n type: \"Deployment\"\n spec:\n serviceConfig:\n serviceDefinition:\n type: \"Kubernetes\"\n spec:\n artifacts:\n primary:\n type: \"DockerRegistry\"\n spec:\n tag: \"1.23-perl"\n",
    "triggerPayload": {
    "type": "ARTIFACT",
    "headers": {},
    "sourcetype": "CUSTOM_REPO",
    "artifactdata": {
    "build": "1.23-perl"
    "version": 0
    "metaData": null,
    "correlationId": "1ad40479-c6ff-47e4-9722-db11c0a3ab06"
  • When you abort a pipeline execution, you will now see a helpful warning text that explains the impact to the state of your service. (CDS-67000)

    Warning: Abort command will not clean up any resources created during execution so far. Please mark the stage as failed if you would like to clean up and revert back to the old state.

  • You can now merge templates with identical identifiers. (CDS-47301)

    A warning pops up when you create a new template with already existing identifiers in the same scope. You can choose to merge the new template with the existing template by selecting the Save as new version of existing template button in the warning.

  • When you run a pipeline, you can leave the pipeline, stage, service, and environment variable values empty in the Run Pipeline form. These fields are not validated in the UI any longer. (CDS-64656, ZD-43232)

Previous releases

2023 releases

April 22, 2023, version 79111

What's new
  • SHA support for Artifactory (CDS-58629), ECR (CDS-58304), GCR (CDS-56531), Nexus 3 Docker (CDS-56530), ACR (CDS-56529), Github Packages (CDS-41930)

    SHA values and labels for the artifact are now visible in the Harness service Output section of a pipeline execution.

    Labels are visible if the artifact manifest supports schemaVersion1.

    Labels can be referenced using the expression: <+pipeline.stages.[stage Id].spec.artifacts.primary.label.get("labelKey")>.

    Since manifests can support two schema versions, schemaVersion1 and schemaVersion2, there could be SHA values for each schema version.

    Here are the expressions for referencing each version:

    • SHA value of schemaVersion1: <+pipeline.stages.[stage Id].spec.artifacts.primary.metadata.SHA>.
    • SHA value of schemaVersion2: <+pipeline.stages.[stage Id].spec.artifacts.primary.metadata.SHAV2>.
  • New Harness expression for revision number. (CDS-57826)

    You can now use the expression <+kubernetes.release.revision> in values.yaml, OpenShift Params, and Kustomize Patches. This will help you to:

    • Reference the current Harness release number as part of your manifest.
    • Reference versioned ConfigMaps and Secrets in custom resources and fields unknown by Harness.

    Important: Users must update their delegate to version 1.0.79100 to use this expression.

  • Deployment freeze supports quarterly recurrence. (CDS-57792)

    You can now configure a deployment freeze with a recurrence of n months, where n can be between 2 to 11.

  • You can now use any path to Helm charts within the Helm repository. (CDS-57667, ZD-41758)

    You can now specify a path to Helm charts within the Helm repository and Harness will fetch the Helm chart and its subordinate charts within that folder.

    When you deploy, the logs will include all subcharts, like this:

    Successfully fetched following files:
    - Chart.yaml
    - values.yaml
    - charts/first-child/Chart.yaml
    - charts/first-child/values.yaml
    - charts/first-child/templates/deployment.yaml
    - charts/shared-lib/Chart.yaml
    - charts/shared-lib/templates/_service.yaml
    - charts/shared-lib/templates/_helpers.tpl
    - charts/shared-lib/templates/_deployment.yaml
    - templates/_helpers.tpl

    Important: This change impacts existing Helm services in Harness. To use this feature, you will need to update the path to your subordinate chart(s) using charts/.

  • You can now see which deployment freeze failed a pipeline in the pipeline's execution history. (CDS-53781)

    We have added support to identify the associated freeze window that failed a pipeline execution. You can hover over the status of the pipeline in its execution history and the associated freeze window details are shown.

  • Bamboo is now supported in On Artifact triggers. (CDS-51742)

    You can now use artifacts in Bamboo to initiate Triggers for your pipelines.

Early access
  • Protecting secrets used in webhook-based triggers that use secret decryption on delegates (CDS-58488, ZD-42117)

    This functionality is behind a feature flag, CDS_NG_TRIGGER_AUTHENTICATION_WITH_DELEGATE_SELECTOR.

    Github triggers that use a secret for authentication will now use the same delegate selectors saved in the secret's Harness secret manager.

  • Harness now supports variable expressions in plain text config files. (CDS-58399)

    This functionality is behind a feature flag, CDS_NG_CONFIG_FILE_EXPRESSION.

    Variable expression support includes service, environment, pipeline, and stage variables. Any Harness expression is supported.

    Variable expressions are not supported for encrypted text config files because expressions impact the encoded secret.

  • Config files can now be pulled from Github. (CDS-56652)

    This functionality is behind a feature flag, CDS_GIT_CONFIG_FILES.

    For Harness services using the Tanzu deployment type, config files can be configured using Github, in addition to the Harness file store. Support for other deployment types in coming soon.

Fixed issues
  • The Allow simultaneous deployments on the same infrastructure setting was not being preserved when switching to YAML view for Azure deployment types. (CDS-59044)

    The setting is now preserved when switching modeling methods.

  • Template inputs was throwing a 400 error. (CDS-58726)

    Template inputs are now refreshed consistently to avoid this error.

  • White spaces and special characters (except for _ and $) were causing errors in the Artifact and Manifest Name identifiers. (CDS-58678, ZD-42015)

    Important: white spaces and special characters (except for _ and $) are prevented automatically in Artifact and Manifest Name identifiers. If you are using Artifact and Manifest Name identifiers with white spaces and special characters, you will need to update them.

  • For declarative rollback, the manifest outcome was not being passed in the Kubernetes Delete step. (CDS-58591)

    We have improved the behavior of declarative rollback with the Kubernetes Delete step and the manifest outcome is now passed to the step.

  • Not clear that file store UI has more content at the bottom of the file. (CDS-58551)

    This has been fixed.

  • Users were able to edit the Freeze Windows> Schedule tab when a freeze window was active. (CDS-58507)

    The Schedule tab is not editable anymore when a freeze window is active. It is also uneditable for users with read-only permissions.

  • ECR artifact source deployment was failing in Tanzu. (CDS-58459)

    This is fixed and now Tanzu Application Service deployments using ECR as the artifact source are working as expected.

  • Harness was evaluating commented lines in manifests causing rendering failures for OpenShift Params, Kustomize patches, etc. (CDS-58445)

    Expressions in comments were causing rendering of manifests failures. Harness now can retain their comments and Harness will evaluate the values.yaml as-is.

  • The wrong Command step is being deleted. (CDS-58311)

    This is fixed and now the correct Command steps are always deleted.

  • When using the Fetch Linked Apps step with the sync option unselected, the configs were not cleared from the YAML. (CDS-58151)

    Minor bug fix with resolving inputs in Fetch Linked Apps step.

  • Read-only Secret Manager was allowed for TerraForm plans. (CDS-57772, ZD-40401)

    Harness stores TerraForm plans in secrets in the Secret Manager you have set up in your Harness account. Now Harness won't allow the use of a secret manager for a Terraform plan if the secret manager is read-only.

  • Incorrect FQN paths were used in dropdowns for multi service deployments. (CDS-56752, ZD-40553)

    When listing values in the pipeline run form when using multi services, the incorrect FQNs were used. This is now fixed the correct FQNs are used.

  • Improve Infrastructure API Design. (CDS-55827)

    Perviously, our infrastructure APIs (create/update) required YAML as input, but the API also accepted some of the fields as part of request body directly (name/identifier/envRef etc.). Harness expected some of the fields to be present in both places (YAML as well as the request body).

    Now Harness accepts everything as part of the YAML, making the YAML sufficient to create an infrastructure. Harness now reads all the required fields from the YAML or, if missing, reads them from the request body.

    Note: The API will still fail if fields have different values in the YAML and request body.

  • Pipeline links in templates were opening pipeline with unsaved changes. (CDS-55066)

    Entity link references were opening up in the same tab. With this fix, links now open in new tabs.

  • Expressions for stage templates were showing FQN (stage.spec.serviceVariables.var1) instead of local name (serviceVariables.var1). (CDS-54791)

    This minor bug fix enforces the use of the local value.

  • In the Jenkins step, the Job Parameter setting was disappearing when selecting the Expression type for the setting. (CDS-54325)

    You can now only select Fixed values or Runtime input in Job Parameter in the Jenkins step.

  • Harness manager Pipeline Studio was showing all infrastructures when Runtime input was selected. (CDS-51784)

    Pipeline Studio has been fixed and shows the correct information.

  • Changed the hint text for the Specify Environment and Connector fields to -Select- as part of UI standardization. (CDS-43840)

    The hint texts for the Specify Environment and Connector fields for selecting runtime inputs during pipeline execution were - Select Environment - and Select Connector respectively, which were not aligning with the style of the text displayed in the rest of the UI. The hint text is now changed to - Select - to maintain consistency with the hint texts in the rest of the UI.

April 10, 2023, version 79015

What's new
  • The Manage Services tab has been removed from the services dashboard page. (CDS-57974)

    Harness has consolidated the Dashboard and Manage Services tabs into one Services page. Now, service CRUD operations apply to a single Services page only.

  • The Shell Script step input and output variables are now optional. (CDS-57766, CDS-56448)

    Input and output variables were mandatory, but now you can choose whether to fill in values. This allows you more flexibility when modeling your pipeline. Here's an example where the script declares two variables but one is set as a runtime input and one is empty.

    picture 66

  • Tanzu Application Services (TAS) deployments now support additional artifact sources: Azure Artifacts, Bamboo, and GCS. (CDS-57681)

    TAS deployments now support Artifactory, Nexus, Bamboo, Amazon S3, Google Container Registry (GCR), Google Cloud Storage (GCS), Google Artifact Registry, AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Azure Container Registry (ACR), Azure Artifacts, GitHub Package Registry, custom registries, and any Docker Registry such as DockerHub.

    picture 67

  • The Retry timeout failure strategy is now supported in TAS steps App Setup, App Resize, and Swap Routes. (CDS-55117)

    If you set the failure strategy on these Tanzu Application Services (TAS) steps, you can now select Retry for Timeout Failures.

  • View the freeze windows that impact a pipeline from the Pipeline Executions page. (CDS-53781)

    You can now select Associated Freeze Window Details from the more options setting (⋮) on the Pipeline Executions page. Selecting this option will take you to the related freeze windows that apply to the pipeline execution.

  • Helm Chart Version fetch is added to Manifest Details form. (CDS-53220)

    You can now select the Helm Chart name in the Manifest Details form of the service and get the list of chart versions.

    picture 72

    This only works for HTTP Helm or Git-based Helm Charts.

  • Harness recommends that you use the kubelogin auth plugin to authenticate the Google Kubernetes Engine cluster with Kubernetes version 1.22 or later. (CDS-52514)

    The open source community requires that all provider-specific codes that currently exist in the OSS codebase must be removed starting from version 1.26. You can now use client-go credential plugins to authenticate Kubernetes cluster logins. Auth Provider is deprecated for Kubernetes version 1.22 or later, and completely unsupported for versions 1.26 or later. For Harness Azure cloud providers connecting to AKS with Kubernetes version 1.22 or later, we recommend using the kubelogin auth plugin for authentication.

    The Harness Google Cloud cloud provider (connecting to GKE) supports two authentication types. For each authentication type, the following dependencies must be installed on your Harness delegate. It they are missing, Harness will follow the old auth provider format.

    • SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET: Add kubelogin binary.
    • SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CERT: Requires additional dependency on Azure CLI. Therefore, we use the old auth provider to authenticate AKS cloud provider.
  • You can now trigger a pipeline when there are changes to an artifact in Bamboo. (CDS-51742)

    On new artifact triggers are a simple way to automate deployments for new builds. On new artifact triggers simply listen to a Bamboo registry where one or more artifacts in your pipeline are hosted. Every time a new image is pushed to your Bamboo account, a CD pipeline is triggered that deploys the image automatically.

  • ACR in Azure GovCloud is supported in the Docker Registry connector. (CDS-57777)

    You can now use .io and .us domains.

    picture 73

  • You can now manually add service or environment input values as expressions to the YAML. These values also appear when viewing the pipeline with a linked template. (CDS-58404)

Early access
  • ServiceNow custom table support. (CDS-55046)

    This functionality is behind a feature flag, CDS_SERVICENOW_TICKET_TYPE_V2.

    Custom table support is now available in Harness' ServiceNow integration.

    Harness recommends that you only use a table extending task, or extend tables that indirectly extend the task. You can specify any custom table in Harness.

    What is a table extending task?

    In ServiceNow, a table extending task is a task that involves creating a new table by extending an existing table. When a table is extended, a new child table is created that inherits all the fields, relationships, and other attributes of the parent table. The child table can then be customized further to meet the specific needs of the organization.

    Itil roles are not mandatory for using these steps. When using the normal flow for custom tables, you should have sufficient permissions on the custom table, such as basic CRUD permissions, permissions to update desired fields, etc.

    When using template flow, your user role is required along with cross scope privileges to the custom table.

    The store app is only certified to be used with Incident, Problem, Change Request, and Change Task tables by the ServiceNow certification team.

    The custom table being used should allow access to this table via web services.

  • Harness will remove comments when evaluating commented lines in manifests to avoid rendering failures. (CDS-57721, ZD-41676)

    This functionality is behind a feature flag, CDS_REMOVE_COMMENTS_FROM_VALUES_YAML.

    Expressions in comments were causing issues for some customers as Harness was trying to evaluate the expressions and this was causing failures.

    Harness will remove comments from values.yaml files to prevent expressions in comments from being evaluated and causing failures.

Fixed issues
  • RBAC was enforced for environment groups based on environment group identifiers. (CDS-45758)

    Previously, you would see an error when trying to view environment groups if you had access to view only certain environment groups. Now, you can view those environment groups to which you have View access.

  • The Jenkins step was not exporting GIT_SHA variable as an output. (CDS-58256, ZD-42196)

    The Jenkins was only exporting the following five variables, which you could select in the step's Output tab:

    picture 70

    Now the Jenkins step will also export the GIT_SHA expression.

  • The GitOps Fetch Linked Apps step was returning a null value. (CDS-58150)

    The GitOps Fetch Linked Apps step output was not set correctly, leading to a null value for the step. This has been fixed and the step now returns the linked apps correctly.

  • The Container step was not using the JEXL expression Conditional Execution logic correctly. (CDS-58081)

    The JEXL condition was not being evaluated and when the expression evaluated to false the step would still execute. This is now fixed and the JEXL expression is used correctly.

  • The Deployment Template's Referenced By setting was throwing an error. (CDS-58073)

    The search filters in the template is fixed now. The Referenced By setting now shows the pipelines that are using the template.

  • The GitOps Clusters step was missing null checks. (CDS-58049)

    The Gitops Clusters step is added automatically during pipeline runtime when the stage GitOps option is selected. For example, in PR pipeline.

    DeployToAll is a Boolean field in the step that can have true, false, or null values. The DeployToAll value was not set correctly when re-running pipelines because null checks were not present in all places where DeployToAll was referred to. This is now fixed.

  • The Services dashboard was displaying deleted instances for project-level agents. (CDS-58041)

    The instance deletion did not happen due to an incorrect condition. This condition now picks up the instances for deletion.

  • Users were unable to delete a V1 environments. (CDS-57943, ZD-41828)

    User can now delete V2 and V1 environments.

  • Missing task type support resulted in com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Encountered unregistered class ID: 873575 error. (CDS-57912) Harness has added the unsupported task type.

  • Execution logs were not available once a step timed out. (CDS-56745)

    This issue was introduced at implementation and has been fixed.

  • Nexus 3 artifact Tag and Repository values were not updated when switching the repository type. (CDS-56640)

    When switching the repository format from Raw to Docker or any other supported formats, the Tag and Repository input fields were not cleared. This is fixed and the fields are cleared.

  • Schema validation for step group templates was not working. (CDS-56492)

    Validation is now working. The entityType in template schema needed to be passed.

  • Docker artifact label expressions were not resolved in SSH or WinRm Command step scripts. (CDS-54744)

    You can now copy custom artifact output labels which have a '.' or a '-' in the output label and use that in an expression without encountering any errors during expression evaluation.

  • Editing SSH credentials in the Infrastructure Definition was failing. (CDS-54519)

    This is fixed. Editing the SSH Credentials is now working as expected.

  • Infrastructure runtime input was not visible in template inputs section. (CDS-54511)

    Support has been added to make the resolved pipeline YAML available to template inputs so that dependent fields can be rendered.

  • Pipeline name edits were lost when a template input was changed in a pipeline template. (CDS-54332)

    Pipeline template inputs such as pipeline name, if changed, are no longer getting reset when changing template inputs.

  • Data was not cleared in ACR artifact source template. (CDS-54212)

    In the ACR artifact source template, the form details were not getting cleared when the connector was changed. This issue has been fixed now.

  • Users were unable to create or edit the runtime input default values when configuring services, environments, templates, and pipelines. (CDS-53919, ZD-39998, ZD-40031, ZD-41197, ZD-41889)

    This issue is fixed. Harness now supports adding and editing runtime input default values when configuring services, environments, templates, and pipelines.

  • Nexus connectors not filtered in artifact source for versions 2 and 3. (CDS-53879)

    When selecting a Nexus 3 connector in the Nexus artifact source, Harness was showing both version 2 and 3 connectors even if you had specified the version during the connector creation.

    This is fixed and the connectors are now filtered by version.

  • Unclear error message in Triggers webhook registration. (CDS-53600)

    Harness improved the error handling for webhook registration failures. Users will now receive guidance. For example:

    picture 75

  • Incorrect error message when environment is set as an expression but no expression is provided. (CDS-53491) We have added schema validation for empty identifiers for envGroupRef, environmentRef, and infrastructure identifiers. Now the correct error messages will appear.

  • Implemented code changes to ensure correct behavior and fixed the following issues:

    • RepoName will now be rendered in Manifest Details section while adding manifest itself irrespective of whether connector is an expression or runtime input. (CDS-53309, ZD-39859)
    • Configuring Bitbucket connector as an expression or runtime input should be an option to provide the repository name. (CDS-51247, ZD-38985)
  • The trigger YAML Edit button was taking users back to the visual editor. (CDS-50426)

    The trigger page was not maintaining the user preference of view type (Visual/YAML). Now the user's trigger view type preference is stored in local storage so that user need not to chose the view type every time.

  • The Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Artifact Details> Image Path was not listing the image location. (CDS-54545)

    This issue is fixed by modifying the Region drop-down to display all available regions and image path in the artifact section.

March 31, 2023, version 78914

What's new
  • Harness supports manually adding service or environment runtime inputs in the pipeline YAML. (CDS-54249)

    You can now manually add service or environment runtime input expressions in the pipeline YAML. The values added to the YAML are reflected on the Harness UI.

    Here's an example of the YAML:

    serviceRef: CDS54249
    type: Kubernetes
    - manifest:
    identifier: foo
    type: K8sManifest
    type: Github
    connectorRef: <+input>
    repoName: <+input>
    branch: <+input>
    primaryArtifactRef: <+input>
    sources: <+input>

  • The Jira Update step now supports modifying the issue type. (CDS-54027)

    When you update a Jira issue using the Jira Update step, you can now modify the issue type by selecting the desired one from the drop-down list. For example, you can change a Story issue type to a Task.

    The Issue Key is used to automatically fetch additional (optional) fields in the Jira Update step.

  • You can now select specific services and environments at an account or organization level when creating a deployment freeze window. (CDS-54222, CDS-53783)

    When creating a deployment freeze window, select specific services and environments at an account or organization level using the Add Rule option in the Coverage tab.

    • At the account level freeze window, you can access account level services and environments only.
    • At the organization level freeze window, you can access account and organization level services and environments.
    • At the project level freeze window, you can access account, organization, and project level services and environments.

    For more information, go to freeze deployments.

  • A RouteMapping step is enabled for Tanzu Application Services (TAS) deployments to enable map and unmap routes. (CDS-50535)

    In the Execution tab of the TAS pipeline, you can now add a Route Mapping step for any execution strategy to configure route mapping or unmapping.

    The parameters of the Route Mapping step are:

    • Name - Deployment step name. For example, Map Route or Unmap Route.
    • Timeout - How long you want the Harness delegate to wait for the TAS cloud to respond to API requests before timing out and initiating the failure strategy.
    • Mapping Type - Select Map Route or UnMap Route to map or unmap routes respectively.
    • App Name - Enter the application name.
    • Routes - Enter the routes you want to map or unmap to this deployment.

  • You can now see what pipelines are using an Infrastructure Definition. (CDS-46777)

    The Referenced By tab in the Environments page now includes the pipelines that are using the infrastructure definitions in the environment. Referenced By now shows all pipelines that use the environment and each infrastructure definition individually.

  • You won't be able to delete the infrastructure used in a pipeline or template any longer. This feature is introduced to avoid deleting the entities in use unknowingly. (CDS-42182)

Early access

This release does not include any early access features.

Fixed issues
  • The Jira Create step failed with an error when Description was added for unsupported fields. (CDS-57662)

    This issue is fixed by removing the Description field for unsupported fields.

  • When creating a template with container steps, the template YAML placed the connectorRef at an incorrect path resulting in an error when running the pipeline. (CDS-56526)

    This issue is fixed. The template YAML now places the connectorRef at the correct path, and the pipeline runs successfully.

  • Harness was unable to propagate the output variables of parallel container steps. (CDS-56421)

    This issue is fixed now.

  • Pipeline execution failed with a forbidden error when waiting for steady state. (CDS-55096, ZD-40763)

    This issue is fixed by updating the Kubernetes API usage. The readNamespacedJob API operation that is used by kubectl to read namespace Jobs is now used to check the steady state of jobs. The check determines if the Job has reached its desired state, meaning all the pods associated with the Job have completed successfully or have failed the maximum number of times specified in the Job's configuration. This provides consistency across the permissions that are required to check the job status.

  • The Google Artifact Image Version drop-down options were not visible in the Google Artifact Registry Repository template dialog. (CDS-55094)

    This issue is fixed. Google Artifact Image version options are now visible for Google Artifact Registry (GAR) artifact source template.

  • The OCI Helm connector connection test failed for the Helm repository URL with port number and anonymous credentials. (CDS-54066)

    This issue is fixed. We now support the following URL types for the OCI Helm connector.

    • URL without the oci:// prefix. For example,
    • URL with the oci:// prefix. For example, oci://
    • URL with port number. For example,
    • URL with the oci:// prefix and port number. For example, oci://
  • Users were able to save a Kubernetes Apply step template with empty manifest file paths. (CDS-53961)

    This issue is fixed. You can no longer configure empty file paths in the Apply step template.

  • Users were unable to create or edit the runtime input default values when configuring services, environments, templates, and pipelines. (CDS-53919, ZD-39998, ZD-40031, ZD-41197, ZD-41889)

    This issue is fixed. Harness now supports adding and editing runtime input default values when configuring services, environments, templates, and pipelines.

  • The error message for webhook trigger registration failure was unclear. (CDS-53600)

    This issue is fixed by improving the error handling for webhook trigger registration. The error message now conveys a proper error summary.

  • An IllegalArgumentException appeared when service variable expressions were references in environments. (CDS-53490)

    You should not reference environment variables in service settings because the environment settings are resolved after the service settings during pipeline execution. Harness has now improved the error handling mechanism for such scenarios.

  • Selecting the edit button on the YAML section of the Triggers page took users back to the visual section of the page. (CDS-50426)

    The Triggers page was not maintaining the user preference for the view type (Visual/YAML). This issue is fixed.

  • Pipeline execution failed with the following errors when an artifact was configured as runtime input. This was because the artifact source configuration had a . in it. (CDS-56646)

    Invalid request: Unable to locate path within service yaml

    This issue is fixed. New validations such as restricting the identifiers from having dots, spaces, and hyphens have been added now. This validation applies to all existing and new artifact identifiers on the Harness platform.

March 24, 2023, version 78817

What's new
  • Azure Repo is now supported as a manifest repo for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Framework Lambda deployments. (CDS-54961)

    When creating Amazon ECS or Framework Lambda deployment pipelines, you can now use Azure Repo as a manifest repo in the service definition.

  • Harness now supports template input APIs. (CDS-55694)

    You can now use the /templateInputs/[templateIdentifier] API to get template inputs using the getTemplateInputSetYaml query parameter when creating a pipeline template.

    Here is a sample template:

    name: my_template
    identifier: eqweqw
    versionLabel: v1
    type: StepGroup
    projectIdentifier: projtest
    orgIdentifier: default
    tags: {}
    stageType: Deployment
    - step:
    name: my_template
    identifier: my_template
    templateRef: account.same_name
    versionLabel: v1
    delegateSelectors: <+input>

  • Harness supports filtering Docker artifact tags based on regex. (CDS-53644)

    You can now filter Docker artifact tags based on regex when using runtime inputs during pipeline execution.

  • You can now provide an already created task definition ARN during ECS service configuration in Harness. (CDS-50112)

    The task definition ARN points to an existing task created and available in the AWS cluster with the required definition. The task definition will be fetched using the task ARN provided and added to the ECS service configuration provided in the Harness ECS service Service Definition.

    During deployment, the required task is deployed with the desired count provided in the Service Definition.

    Go to ECS deployment tutorial for more information.

  • You can now view the ServiceNow Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and Jira Personal Access Token (PAT) in the Credentials section of the Connectors page. (CDS-55670)

Early access

This release does not include any early access features.

Fixed issues
  • The API call to create a global freeze window succeeded but the UI did not reflect the change. (CDS-55092)

    If a global freeze window was inactive during the API call, it was updated and marked as disabled.

    This issue is fixed. Changes are made to check the current or upcoming window to mark them as disabled during the API call.

  • The commit Ids were not displayed properly when the feature flag, OPTIMIZED_FETCH_FILE was disabled. (CDS-55062)

    Now you can see the commit Ids properly.

  • Docker triggers were not working properly when regex support for tags were enabled. (CDS-54993)

    The support for filtering Docker artifact tags based on regex caused a problem for Docker triggers when the regex was set to \*. The Docker triggers were not firing because \* is a wrong regex value and will not filter any builds.

    This issue is now fixed by ignoring the regex value, \* in triggers.

  • Helm deployment failed if there was no Helm chart values.yaml file in the root charts/ directory. (CDS-54930, ZD-39802)

    Harness failed to fetch files with a no file found error when deploying Helm charts without any default values.yaml file. This issue is fixed.

  • The Google Container Registry (GCR) fetch API failed with with a 404 or 400 error. (CDS-54925)

    Running a cURL command for the API returned an error due to the presence of an OCI image header. This issue is fixed. The fetch APIs for Docker labels and manifest APIs on GCR now support OCI headers.

  • The Job/Folder Name selection field in the Jenkins connector displayed an additional drop-down list along with the first drop-down list if the jobs had child jobs associated with them. (CDS-54882, ZD-41097)

    This issues is fixed. Now, when you select a job that has child jobs, the child job options with input fields appear below the parent job.

  • Trying to save a project-level Git template using a project-level Git connector at an account or organization-level returned the wrong error message: OrgIdentifier cannot be empty for ORG scope. (CDS-54668, ZD-40660)

    The error message is now updated to convey the error properly.

  • Harness verified if an image existed in Artifactory when fetching tags or versions of the image. (CDS-54644, ZD-40769)

    This verification is no longer needed because image verification is done automatically when fetching tags.

  • Unable to resolve pipeline variables for Jenkins artifacts when used as runtime expressions. (CDS-54523)

    This issue is fixed by resolving the connector Id during runtime to fetch the correct artifact path.

  • When creating triggers, automatic suggestions did not appear for the expressions field in the Pipeline Input tab. (CDS-54500)

    This issue is fixed.

  • The CD Container step was not working because Harness added an invalid character in the default step name. (CDS-54733, CDS-54386, ZD-40724, ZD-40938, ZD-41170) The Container step lets you run any Docker container in your Kubernetes cluster as part of your continuous deployment (CD) stage. Harness orchestrates the container in your cluster as part of your Harness deployment. When creating a Container step, Harness appended the step name with an _ character. This led to an invalid container name because the step name is used to name the container. Now, the _ is no longer added to the container name.

  • Dragging and dropping the steps of one stage to another stage generated a service propagation modal. (CDS-54340)

    This issues is fixed.

  • Service inputs were retained when the service was set as an expression. (CDS-54336)

    When a setting is set as an expression, any fixed value inputs should be replaced with <+input>. This replacement was not happening. This issue is now fixed.

  • Automatic suggestions did not appear for the expressions during infra provisioning in Pipeline Studio. (CDS-54266)

    This issue is fixed. Automatic suggestions now appear and you can use them when creating pipelines and templates.

  • The Version drop-down list for a service displayed an invalid error message when the parent Version field in the Artifact Details page was left empty. (CDS-54202)

    This issues is now fixed. The error message for the Version drop-down list now conveys the error properly.

  • Harness was unable to fetch Docker images even if the service account had proper permissions. (CDS-54085, ZD-39980, ZD-40582)

    The tag list is limited to 1000 tags causing tag fetch failure if the tag provided was unavailable in the list. This issue is fixed now by using manifest APIs. These APIs help fetch Docker tags.

  • The Apply step for a Helm manifest type returned an error if the file path started with a forward slash. (CDS-54073)

    This issue is now fixed by supporting file paths with or without forward slashes as a leading character.

  • The error message displayed for a failed OpenShift CLI (OC) process was unclear. (CDS-54052)

    This issue is fixed. The error messages for OpenShift deployments now displays proper error summary.

  • The pipeline execution for a Helm subchart failed and displayed an unclear error message if the subchart in a Helm chart manifest had an invalid value (for example, a whitespace) in its name. (CDS-54040)

    The error message displayed during pipeline execution failure now conveys a proper error summary.

  • Unable to deploy workloads when using Harness local store for native Helm deployments. (CDS-53937)

    This issue is fixed by adding support for using Harness local store with native Helm deployments.

  • Unable to delete a Kustomize patch entry once it was added. (CDS-53749)

    A delete button is now added to allow users to delete values YAML, OpenShift parameters, and Kustomize patches that are no longer needed. File paths are validated to ensure that paths with empty strings are not saved.

  • Unable to filter environments by using the search bar in the Create or Select Existing Environment dialog. (CDS-53713)

    This issue is now fixed.

  • The Environments section under the Template Inputs tab appeared empty if infrastructure inputs were not required when deploying to all infrastructures. (CDS-53712)

    If infrastructure inputs are not required when deploying to all infrastructure in an environment, the message is now displayed under the Environments section.

  • YAML validation succeeded even when whitespaces were added in the command flags of a Helm chart. (CDS-53708)

    This issue is fixed. Command flags no longer accept empty values.

  • The service information of a stage disappeared when swapping two stages if the stage was propagated from the other stage. (CDS-53331)

    The service details of stages appear properly now when you swap service propagated stages.

  • Unable to view the Continuous Delivery (CD) module even if the account has an active CD license. (PLG-2047)

    This issue is fixed.

  • (Customer impact) The decalarative rollback feature in Kubernetes deployments with canary or blue green deployment strategies could share the same ConfigMap or Secret. (CDS-54023)

    If the declarative rollback feature was enabled, Harness did not do resource versioning for the ConfigMap and Secret because the main purpose of the versioning in Harness was to be able to do kubectl rollout for a managed workload to a previous version that would point to a different version of the resource. Harness was re-applying the full manifest of the previous version. Hence, all resource including the ConfigMap and Secret were reverted to a previous version. With canary and blue green deployment strategies, each canary workload or workload of different colors must point to a different version of the ConfigMap or Secret. Without versioning, it will point to the same resource revision.

    This issue is fixed now. The declarative rollback feature now creates a copy of the ConfigMap and Secret resources for canary deployment, and a copy of these resources for each color for blue green deployments.

  • The error message displayed when running a pipeline with Amazon Machine Image (AMI) artifacts as a runtime input displayed an unclear error message. (CDS-54204)

    When you try to select a Version without selecting the Region when selecting an AMI service during pipeline execution, an unclear error message was displayed. This issue is fixed.

  • The Project Overview dashboard was the default CD module landing page. (CDS-54123)

    When a user opens a CD module, they are now redirected to:

    • Get Started page for a project without any pipelines.
    • Deployments page for all other cases.

March 15, 2023, version 78712

What's new
  • The Jira Update step now supports updating the issue type. (CDS-53876)

    When you update a Jira issue using the Jira Update step, you can now update the issue type. For example, if the issue you are updating is a Story, you can update it to a Task.

    To update an issue type, add a new field named Issue Type and mention the new type in its Value.

              - step:
type: JiraUpdate
name: Jira Update_1
identifier: JiraUpdate_1
connectorRef: fcdx
issueKey: <+execution.steps.JiraCreate_1.issue.key>
transitionName: ""
status: Done
- name: Description
value: Improve feature X.
- name: Issue Type
value: Task
  • You can now use a Personal Access Token (PAT) in a Jira connector. (CDS-52847)

    A Jira connector connects Harness with your Jira account for creating and updating issues during a pipeline execution.

    Along with the username and password for authentication, the Jira connector now supports a PAT.

    The PAT is added to Harness as a Harness secret, and selected in the Jira connector.

name: jiraPat
identifier: jiraPat
description: ""
orgIdentifier: default
projectIdentifier: myproject
type: Jira
- test
type: PersonalAccessToken
patRef: pat

Early access
  • Large repositories are now supported for Azure Repo. This functionality is behind a feature flag, OPTIMIZED_GIT_FETCH_FILES.

    Harness performs a git clone to fetch files. When fetching very large repositories, the network connection may time out. Enable the feature flag, OPTIMIZED_GIT_FETCH_FILES to fetch very large repositories from Azure Repo. When this feature flag is enabled, Harness will use provider-specific APIs to improve performance.

Fixed issues
  • The Harness GitOps execution summary was stopping the page from loading correctly when the environment Id and name were different. (CDS-54950)

    Now the environment Id is managed and resolved to the name, and the page does not crash.

  • When saving a template in template studio, unsaved changes were displayed even though the template had been saved. (CDS-54842)

    A force page reload did not occur during the template update. This issue is fixed. Now a force reload occurs, and only the saved changes appear in the page.

  • Harness was unable to resolve any settings using expressions in the Jenkins artifact resource. (CDS-54670)

    Harness integrates with Jenkins to run Jenkins jobs and dynamically capture inputs and outputs from the jobs.

    When an expression was used in the Jenkins connector, Harness was unable to resolve the expression because the frontend was not sending the pipeline Id to the runtime API call in the backend correctly.

    This issue is fixed and expression can be resolve correctly.

  • The default Timeout value for certain steps is too long and can lead to failure identification taking too long. (CDS-54607)

    The default Timeout value was 1 day (1D) for certain steps. It has now been changed to 10 minutes (10m).

    This impacts the following step types:

    • ServiceNow Create
    • ServiceNow Update
    • ServiceNow Import Set
    • Jira Create
    • Jira Update
    • Email
  • Variables of type Number were not supporting expressions when set as runtime inputs. (CDS-54554)

    Harness was not accepting expressions in Number type variables when they were used as runtime inputs.

    You can now use expressions for Number variables without any issue.

  • Expressions used in runtime inputs for the Jenkins connector were not getting resolved. (CDS-54523)

    Jenkins artifacts were not working with the Jenkins connector when the connector name was set as a runtime input.

    Now the connector Identifier is resolved correctly for runtime inputs, and the correct settings such as artifact path, can be fetched.

  • Expressions used in runtime inputs for the AWS connector with ECR artifacts were not getting resolved. (CDS-54520)

    ECR artifacts were not working with the AWS connector when the connector name was set as a runtime input.

    Now the connector Identifier is resolved correctly for runtime inputs, and the correct settings such as artifact path, can be fetched.

  • The File Path setting in the AWS S3 artifact source were showing artifacts in reverse historical order (oldest to latest). (CDS-54267)

    The file paths were being sorted in ascending order of last modified.

    The file paths are now sorted in descending order of last modified. The File Path setting in the AWS S3 artifact source now displays artifacts from latest to oldest.

  • The artifactory Artifact Details settings were not updated when a new repository was selected. (CDS-54087)

    When you select a new repository, the settings are now cleared, and you can select new values for the new repository.

  • The Artifactory Artifact Details settings had the Repository URL as mandatory, but it was optional in the pipeline Service tab. (CDS-54025)

    Now the Repository URL can be set as a fixed value or runtime input in the Service tab and it is treated as mandatory when you run the pipeline.

  • When selecting a Custom Remote source for a Helm chart, the Helm command Pull, Fetch, Add, and Update flags were shown. (CDS-53927)

    Harness does not support these flags when Custom Remote Store is used.

    They are removed from the Custom Remote source for a Helm chart (Kubernetes and Native Helm).

  • Users are unable to fetch Google Artifact Registry (GAR) artifacts with package names that use /. (CDS-53908)

    We now support GAR artifact sources that use package names containing /.

  • When updating a trigger that uses Nexus 3 artifact types NuGet and Maven, the older YAML were retained. (CDS-53893)

    Now when switching from NuGet and Maven, the updated values are used.

  • Helm steady state check for Kubernetes version 1.16+ was not working properly with manifests fetched using a Custom Remote store. (CDS-53867)

    Harness uses Helm steady state check (helm status) to verify that a deployment is successful. This check was not working with Kubernetes version 1.16+ for manifests fetched via the Custom Remote store because we were not supporting the Custom Remote store.

    We have now added the Custom Remote and Harness File Store stores to the Helm supported store types list.

  • The tooltip for the Nexus 2 and Nexus 3 artifact Tag setting wasn't clear. (CDS-53865)

    It wasn't clear that the Tag setting referred to the tag for the package selected in Package. The tooltip has been updated to clarify.

  • The inline and remote options for the Create Template modal were not visible because of page length. (CDS-53779)

    The page length was obscuring the remote and inline options and users had to scroll to view the two options.

    The height of the modal is adjusted, and the options are now visible without scrolling.

  • The Harness Approval step was not splitting expression values when commas were used. (CDS-53778)

    For example, in the Harness Approval step, the User Groups setting can be defined as a expression of two pipeline variables:

    (<+pipeline.variables.group1> + "," + <+pipeline.variables.group2>).split(",")

    user groups

    In this example, group1 has the value _project_all_users,testUserGroup and group2 has the value org._organization_all_users,account._account_all_users referring to various user groups identifiers.

    When using the split(",") method, commas were not supported. Now commas are supported.


    Ensure that no spaces are used in the variable values.

  • Error messages for Kubernetes dry run failures needed improvement. (CDS-53379)

    By default, Harness Kubernetes deployment steps perform a dry run. The error messages for related failures are improved to detect what resource failed and what binary version was used.

    error message

  • The Azure connector Test page was missing a Back button. (CDS-53014)

    A Back button has been added so users can go back and make any changes.

  • The HTTP step error message needed improvement. (CDS-52537)

    Previously only assertion logs were present. Now all logs are added on the Harness delegate.

    The error message for the step is now improved with more comprehensive logs.

  • The Update All button on the pipeline YAML reconcile screen was adding unnecessary changes to the YAML of each field. (CDS-46496, ZD-38974)

    The Git diff in the YAML reconcile screen was performing unnecessary changes like adding quotes to each string value, shifting YAML indentation, converting multiline strings to single line using the newline character, etc.

    Now you can see the correct Git diff in the Harness YAML. The diff consist of necessary changes only, such as the addition and removal of fields.

  • Fixed an issue where the Trigger name and Status fields in the Trigger page were overlapping. (CDS-53106)

March 8, 2023, version 78619

What's new
  • The YAML schema for the Jira connector has been migrated to a new version that encapsulates the authentication details in a new auth object with type UsernamePassword. This migration enables Harness to support different authentication types in the Jira connector. (CDS-52846)

The first of the following two YAML snippets shows the new auth object and the new username and passwordRef fields nested within it. The second YAML snippet shows you the previous YAML specification for purposes of comparison.

name: jira
identifier: jira
description: ""
orgIdentifier: default
projectIdentifier: <pid>
type: Jira
username: harnessqa
passwordRef: HarnessQA
type: UsernamePassword
username: harnessqa
passwordRef: HarnessQA
- harnessci-platform-ng-prod
name: jira
identifier: jira
description: ""
orgIdentifier: default
projectIdentifier: <pid>
type: Jira
username: harnessqa
passwordRef: HarnessQA
- harnessci-platform-ng-prod

Any new Jira connectors that you create must include the new auth object, and you must use its nested username and passwordRef fields for authentication.

The new fields override the previously used username and passwordRef authentication fields. The older fields are now deprecated.

These changes are backward incompatible. Therefore, you must also update the Terraform provider for creating a Jira connector to the latest version (version 0.14.12) so that these new fields are provided. You also need to provide these new fields in API calls that create or update a Jira connector.

  • The default Helm version is manifests is Helm version 3 now. (CDS-52961)

  • You can leverage Drone SCM service to fetch manifest files from Azure DevOps repositories. (CDS-53176, CDS-53850)

    This feature is currently behind a feature flag, OPTIMIZED_GIT_FETCH_FILES. You can now use Azure Repo store for Kubernetes and Native Helm deployments by enabling this feature flag.

Fixed issues
  • The Default Settings category is selected when a user selects the GitOps category. (CDS-53975)

    The Default Settings and GitOps categories should not both be selected when the GitOps category is selected.

    The UI is now fixed so that only the GitOps category is selected.

  • Users are unable to fetch Google Artifact Registry (GAR) artifacts with package names that use /. (CDS-53908)

    We now support GAR artifact sources that use package names containing /.

  • The HTTP step isn't sending the request body. (CDS-53792, ZD-40378)

    When the HTTP request body contained unresolved expressions (both invalid expressions and runtime inputs), the HTTP step was not sending the request body. The HTTP step now supports sending unresolved Harness expressions in the request body.

  • Empty Kubernetes values YAML file paths are displayed. (CDS-53623)

    When you add a Kubernetes manifest you have the option to add a values YAML file. In cases where users did not add a values YAML file, the Harness UI was showing an empty path.

    Now, if there are empty values for values YAML File Path, these values YAML settings are omitted from the service UI.

  • The Manual Intervention tab was not displayed for the ServiceNow Create or Update steps. (CDS-53467, CD-50877, ZD-38687)

    The Manual Intervention tab is used to select a failure strategy when the acceptance criteria in a ServiceNow Create or Update step is not met.

    The Manual Intervention tab was not visible, but this has been fixed and the tab now displays during pipeline execution.

    Manual Intervention tab

  • The error message for unsupported connector types in the Kubernetes Infrastructure Definition was not clear. (CDS-53458)

    The Infrastructure Definition in Kubernetes deployments must use a connector that supports Kubernetes.

    When a user selected an incorrect Harness connector type, the error message was not clear why.

    Now the error message has been improved.

    incorrect Harness connector type message

  • The environment's Service Overrides were not operating additively. (CDS-53373)

    You can override specific service options using the Service Overrides settings in an environment. Whenever a specific service is used with the environment, the environment's Service Overrides settings override the service's setting.

    Service Overrides settings

    For values YAML files, the override operation is additive. If the Service Overrides settings contain values YAML settings that are not in the service, then they are added to the service values YAML file.

    The override was not operating additively. It was completely overriding the service settings. This has been fixed. The override operation is now performing additively.


    Config files are a black box that can contain multiple formats and content, such as YAML, JSON, plain text, etc. Consequently, they cannot be overridden like Values YAML files. Variables cannot be partially overridden either. They are completely replaced.

  • The HTTP response codes and body details were not being displayed in the HTTP step execution. (CDS-53363)

    When an HTTP step was executed with authentication or authorization errors, the HTTP response codes (401, 403) were not displayed in the execution details.

    Now the HTTP response codes for authentication or authorization errors are displayed.

  • The deployment freeze time range validation was throwing a 500 error. (CDS-53359)

    Time range validation was performed only when the status of freeze window was enabled. This was causing an error because disabled freeze windows were allowed invalid duration settings.

    Now Harness validates for both enabled and disabled freeze windows.

  • A reused webhook trigger identifier results in a reused last activation time. (CDS-53107)

    When a webhook trigger is deleted and then a new trigger is created with same identifier, the last activation time displayed for the new trigger is incorrect.

    The trigger event history for the first trigger was not deleted. This resulted in showing the stale information when a new trigger with the same identifier was used.

    Now, once a trigger delete succeeds, the event history for the trigger is deleted as well. This cleans up all the information related to the deleted trigger.

  • Empty string inputs caused errors when a runtime input was expecting an object. (CDS-53078)

    Now Harness allows empty strings in this case. This applies to inputs in services, environments, service overrides, and infrastructures.

  • Kubernetes API calls were ignoring the proxy username and password. (CDS-48646)

    You can access Kubernetes in proxy mode by providing the location and credentials directly to the HTTP client.

    Harness was not handling the proxy use case.

    Now Harness handles the use case by adding the username and password to the HTTP client.

  • Fixed an issue where saving a pipeline was failing when the template input variable of type, number following regex. (CDS-53715)

  • The Helm Command Flags option is missing from the Helm Manifest Details page when Harness File Store is selected. (CDS-53377)

    When adding a Helm chart manifest type for a Native Helm deployment, selecting Harness file store as the manifest source type didn't display Helm Command Flag options. This issue is fixed.

  • When creating manifest, config, and script file types in the Harness File Store, the first two files were saved as the same type even though the user selected three different file types during file creation. (CDS-53329)

    This issue is fixed.

  • The child elements were getting overlapped with the tabs when scrolling the Template Inputs tab in the template Details page. (CDS-52933)

    This issue is fixed.

  • Fixed an issue where the trigger authentication error message was unclear. (CDS-51560)

February 23, 2023, version 78507

What's new
  • The Infrastructure Section step in a pipeline execution is now renamed to Infrastructure. (CDS-52440)
Early access

This release does not include early access features.

Fixed issues
  • The Kubernetes Scale step fails when the Kubernetes resource kind starts with lowercase. (CDS-53382)

    The Scale step wasn't properly handling the case of the Kubernetes resources declared in the manifest. For example, Deployment was treated as a valid input but deployment was not.

    The steady state check performed by Harness is based on the resource kind. The resource kind is used to detect if a resource is a managed workload and a steady state check can be performed. Harness was using a hard match for the resource kind that required the kind to be input in the exact same case as defined in the code.

    This issue has been resolved. You can now input the resource kind in lowercase in the Scale step (for example, deployment or statefulSet).

  • The Tanzu Application Service (TAS) App Resize step needs to show a warning when configured with Desired Instances Old Version equal to 0. (CDS-53361)

    App Resize

    The App Resize step is used in Blue Green deployments. When the Desired Instances - Old Version setting is set to 0, it can cause downtime issues because the old instances are downsized before the new instances are scaled up.

    A warning message will now appear when the value of Desired Instances - Old Version is set to 0. The message highlights the impact. The value 0 can still be set as it is a valid scenario.

  • The Nexus version selected for an artifact source can be overridden in the artifact connector. (CDS-53308)

    When you create the artifact source for a service, you could choose Nexus 3 or 2, but when you create the Harness connector you could also select Nexus 3 or 2. Consequently, you could create a Nexus 2 artifact source with a Nexus 3 connector.

    Now the Nexus Version setting in the connector is automatically populated with the Nexus version selected for the artifact source. Also, the Nexus Version is disabled so a conflicting version cannot be selected.

  • The Harness UI does not support 128 character variable names as expected. (CDS-53174)

    Harness has added support for 128-character variable names.

  • Harness was inconsistent when displaying manifest files stored in the Harness File Store. (CDS-53118)

    Harness was filtering File Store files based on the manifest type for some types (Kubernetes values YAML, Helm chart, etc.), but for other types Harness was showing all files.

    Now Harness is showing the correct file types for the manifest type selected by users. For example, in Kubernetes values YAML, Helm chart values YAML, Kustomize files, Kustomize patches files, OpenShift params files, OpenShift template files.

  • Invalid characters in Shell Script step output variables were allowed. (CDS-52946, ZD-39734)

    Harness now shows a warning when executing the Shell Script step that tells users if any exported variables are using invalid characters or empty values. For example, bash does not support hyphenated variables but users might add hyphens to their exported variables.

    error message

    The error message also adds warnings for variables that resolve to empty values.

  • Prevent errors by making Infrastructure Type immutable. (CDS-52937)

    The Infrastructure Type settings could be changed in a saved environment infrastructure. Changing the type can cause misconfiguration or misalignment when the infrastructure is used in a pipeline.

    The Infrastructure Type is now immutable once the Infrastructure Definition is saved. When a user tries to change it, an error message appears.

    Infrastructure Definition

  • ECR artifact Tag setting is not sorting artifacts by most recent version. (CDS-52878, ZD-39709)

    Harness was fetching build metadata for ECR using the AWS listImages API (SDK). That API returns the artifacts in no particular order.

    Now, to get the changes in a sorted order, Harness uses the AWS API describeImages. This API lists the build metadata along with the timestamp. Harness then uses the timestamp to sort based on latest tag pushed to ECR.

  • Trigger name and identifier validation is in UI but not YAML. (CDS-52175)

    Now the trigger YAML name value is validated with the pattern ^[a-zA-Z_][-0-9a-zA-Z_\\s]{0,127}$ and the identifier is validated the pattern ^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]{0,127}$.

  • A NullPointerException appears when the temporary file (tmp) cannot be created during Shell Script step execution. (CDS-51521)

    The Shell Script step creates a tmp file when running its script. If the tmp file cannot be created, Harness needs to log the cause returned by the host.

    Exception handling has been improved to correctly display the cause of this issue in execution logs.

  • Missing support for expressions with single environment and single infrastructure in Run Pipeline. (CDS-51145, ZD-37561)

    Now expressions are supported for the single environment and single infrastructure use case in Run Pipeline. You can now use expressions to pass in values at pipeline runtime.

  • Trigger Payload Conditions do not have a Does Not Contain operator. (CDS-50427)

    Triggers now have an option to filter conditions using a Does Not Contain operator.

  • Harness should not allow a minimum interval less than 5 minutes for cron triggers. (CDS-50422)

    A cron trigger interval less than 5 minutes can interfere with pipeline processing.

    Harness now enforces a minimum interval of 5 minutes for the cron trigger Run every setting. This is enforced in the Pipeline Studio, YAML, and API.

    run every

    User action required: Any existing cron triggers with a Run every interval less than 5 minutes must be updated with an interval that is greater than or equal to 5 mins. Cron triggers with a Run every interval less than 5 minutes will receive a warning message and cannot be saved.

  • Triggers are throwing errors when the pipeline YAML changes. (CDS-50144)

    When a user changed a pipeline setting from a fixed value to a runtime input, the pipeline was failing with the error Invalid request: IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create enum from <+input> value.

    This scenario was the result of a lack of YAML validation.

    Now, the trigger YAML is validated to see whether the required runtime inputs are passed.

  • Approval steps are missing the execution history data when using the Include stage execution details in approval option. (CDS-47455)

    The Include stage execution details in approval option provides approvers with the execution history for the pipeline. This can help approvers make their decision.

    The execution history was not being displayed when the Include stage execution details in approval option was enabled.

    This issue has been fixed and now the execution history is displayed when the Include stage execution details in approval option is enabled.

February 15, 2023, version 78421

What's new

This release does not include new features.

Early access
  • Kubernetes Dry Run step added. (CDS-43839)

    You can now add the Dry Run step for Kubernetes and Native Helm deployments.

    This functionality is behind a feature flag: K8S_DRY_RUN_NG.

    Dry Run step

    The Dry Run step fetches the Kubernetes manifests or Helm charts in a stage and performs a dry run of those resources. This is the same as running a kubectl apply --filename=manifests.yaml --dry-run.

    You can use the Dry Run step to check your manifests before deployment. You can follow the step with an Approval step to ensure the manifests are valid before deployment.

    You can reference the resolved manifest from the Dry Run step in subsequent steps using a Harness variable expression.


    For example, if the stage Id is Deploy and the Dry Run step Id is Dry_Run the expression would be:


    For more information, go to Perform a Kubernetes dry run.

Fixed issues
  • Settings in Run Pipeline were being reset when settings were selected for the second stage. (CDS-47362)

    The Run Pipeline settings were getting reset when a user selected a new environment in another stage. We were updating all the settings with older values for services or environments. This caused the completed settings values to be cleared. This has been fixed.

  • Improve the error message for when regex is used for the Artifactory connector. (CDS-48340)

    We have enhanced error handling when fetching artifacts from Artifactory. Now we tell users to use Runtime input.

    picture 44

  • The error message that appeared when Azure WebApps infrastructure connector as a runtime input is improved. (CDS-49026)

    The new error message is Azure connector is required to fetch this field. Alternatively, you can make this field a runtime input.

  • Environment is not highlighted in the navigation when Environment Groups is selected. (CDS-49922)

    The route URLs for environments and environment groups under the CD module are updated. When you select Environment Groups, the navigation now highlights Environments.

    User action: If any bookmarks have been stored with the older URLs, they will need to be updated. Simply navigate to Environment Groups and bookmark the page.

  • The stage template YAML should be validated if it has both service and services nodes together. (CDS-50122)

    Added schema validation to ensure that the YAML contains only one of service, services, or serviceConfig.

    picture 45

  • Variable values are not visible in pipeline Input and Output tabs for the GitOps Update Release Repo and Merge PR steps. (CDS-50152)

    The values of variables should be visible in the pipeline's Input and Output tabs for the GitOps Update Release Repo and Merge PR steps. Now, when you click on the steps in an executed pipeline, their Input and Output tabs display all the variable values.

    picture 46

  • Added an Anonymous credential option in OCI Helm Registry connector. (CDS-50173, ZD-38625)

    The OCI Helm Registry connector supported anonymous credentials but there was no UI option. This issue has been resolved. The OCI Helm Registry now has an Anonymous option. This enables you to connect to public OCI registries from Azure, AWS, JFrog, etc., and deploy Helm charts from these registries.

  • The warning message should be different when the pipeline executor is not allowed to approve/reject a pipeline. (CDS-50503)

    The error message is improved to explain why the user is not able to execute the pipeline.

    picture 47

  • When an existing Azure Artifacts feed is updated to one that doesn’t contain any package type, the UI is not refreshing the Package Type field. (CDS-50708)

    We now refresh the Package Type field when a new type is selected and have added validation.

    picture 49

  • A runtime input in the Tags setting in the SSH AWS infrastructure page is not respected when no value is selected in Run Pipeline. (CDS-50781)

    When Runtime input is selected for Tags in the SSH AWS infrastructure and no value is selected in Run Pipeline, the Tags value is set to an empty string in the pipeline YAML. This is now fixed and an empty object is added instead.

  • ServiceNow Import Set step not showing error message when the staging list call fails. (CDS-50874)

    We now show a detailed error message when the API fails to select the ServiceNow connector.

  • The Clear All option in the filter on the Deployments page is not working for the Deployment Type option. (CDS-50924)

    Now the Deployment Type filter is cleared when selecting the Clear All button.

    Deployment Type

  • The Email step is sending an error even though the email is sent. (CDS-50952)

    In the Email step, when there is an invalid address in the to setting and a valid email in the cc setting, mail is sent to the cc address, but the step is marked as failed. This has been fixed. The Email step is marked as success if emails are sent to the cc address.

  • The Custom Approval step doesn't show logs and output variables. (CDS-51347,ZD-39060)

    Custom approvals did not show console logs for every shell script execution. This was happening due to closing the associated log stream when the shell script execution succeeds or fails. Hence, only the first trial was logged on the console.

    This issue has been resolved. Custom approvals now have shell script execution logs associated with each retry of execution made even when the custom approval is in a waiting state. This will help users to know the shell script output associated with each retry and understand why an approval is in a particular state.

  • Users cannot manually type if the Helm chart Version dropdown loading fails. (CDS-51559)

    Users can now manually enter a Helm chart version if Harness is unable to fetch versions from the chart repo.

  • Deployed service logs don't show fetch details for a Jenkins artifact source. (CDS-51566)

    The logs were missing this information but now Harness captures the type, job name, path, and build for Jenkins.


  • Users are unable to save the Verify step in a stage template. (CDS-51695, ZD-38467)

    In addition, the error message does not explain why users are unable to save the Verify step in a stage template.

    We have added a fail check as a temporary solution until the API is enhanced for templates.

  • The dashboard UI is cramped at the top. (CDS-51781)

    The environments header section was cramped when the environment request DTO had a description but there was no description in the environment YAML. This is now fixed.

  • An error appears when overriding a variable with a secret/number using an environment override. (CDS-51783)

    This is now fixed and both secrets and numbers can be used to override service variables using environment overrides.

  • In the Delegates Setup section of a GitLab connector, the delegate selection radio buttons were not working. (CDS-51793)

    Now users can select the option to use any available delegate or select a delegate using tags.

    Delegates Setup

  • For org level environment CRUD, the resource group is not honored. (CDS-51824)

    RBAC permissions specific to environment resource identifiers were not being honored. Harness was not calling the ACL when switching to the Environments tab in an org. This has been fixed and the RBAC is verified when the Environments tab is selected.

  • When special characters are used for a trigger Name field, the info message looks different than the actual name entered. (CDS-52105)

    This issue was happening because users were allowed to use restricted special characters for the trigger Name field. We have updated the validation for the Name field so now users will not be able to use restricted special characters.

  • There is a Shell Script step discrepancy when adding multiple steps. (CDS-52120)

    The template case was missing for calculating the step count using of the default step name. Now a template case for calculating correct step count of the default name is added.

  • The Kubernetes Apply step does not work with inline values overrides. (CDS-52167)

    Overriding inline values using the Harness file store was not working. We have incorporated a new method to handle this use case and it is working.

  • The Azure connector was connecting to the US endpoint for Azure instead of the US Government Azure endpoint. (CDS-52251, ZD-39474)

    This is now resolved. The Azure Government environment and network support is fully functional.

February 6, 2023, version 78321

What's new
  • Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is now supported for ServiceNow authentication. (CDS-49406, CDS-49229)

    Any API call Harness makes to ServiceNow requires an authentication token. Previously, Harness supported username and password authentication only. Now we support ADFS authentication.


  • NPM/Maven/NuGet repository format support for Nexus artifacts with Tanzu Application Services (TAS). (CDS-50551) You can now use NPM/Maven/NuGet repository formats for Nexus artifacts in TAS Harness services.

    Nexus artifacts

Fixed issues
  • Harness UI is no longer trying to populate the Chart Version setting for OCI Helm charts when using the AWS ECR repository. (CDS-49513)

    Harness does not support automatically listing chart versions when using OCI with Helm. The Harness UI was trying to populate the Helm Chart Version setting by fetching the versions from the OCI registry. This resulted in an error:

    picture 35

    This has been fixed and now the UI will not try to populate the Chart Version setting. You must enter the version manually.

  • Improving validations for pipeline templates. (CDS-48962, ZD-38804, ZD-39478)

    Previously, if a pipeline used a step or stage template and an input setting or reference in a template changed the pipeline YAML, the pipeline could not be deployed.


    Now, the pipeline can be deployed and input validation is performed during execution.

  • Users can no longer change Deployment Type for services. (CDS-48299)

    Previously, you could change the Deployment Type for an existing Harness service. It's very unlikely that you would ever need to change deployment types. For example, changing from Kubernetes to Serverless. Changing Deployment Type can cause issues as you will lose the previous Deployment Type settings.

    Harness has removed the ability to change Deployment Type to prevent any issues.


  • The Update button for templates/pipelines is now hidden when there are no child entities. (CDS-47324)

    Harness now hides the Update button when there no child entities to resolve. This removes redundancy as you can use the Save button to save the template/pipeline when there are no child entities to resolve.

  • No pagination on the trigger listing page. (CDS-52024)

    Added pagination support on the trigger listing page.

  • Users are able to select the Loading option when using the Azure Container Registry as an artifact source. (CDS-50599)

    User were able to select the Loading option for the Subscription Id setting. This is now fixed and users can only select an actual Azure subscription Id. The Loading option cannot be selected.


  • Iterator was leading to high CPU usage on the Harness manager. (CDS-50507)

    Unregisted the iterator handler. It no longer runs on the Harness manager.

  • Account level stage templates Service and Environment settings are expecting fixed values even when Runtime Input is selected. (CDS-50487)

    This is now fixed and the Runtime Input selection is respected.

  • Null pointer exception occurred when checking the secret file used by a secret in the Command step (in SSH deployments). (CDS-50388)

    We have added null pointer checks for the decrypted value secret.

  • Jira connector Id reference is not retained when creating a Jira Approval step. (CDS-50338)

    Now the Id value for the connector reference (connectorRef) is retained when saving the Jira Approval step.

  • An incorrect error code is displayed when a template is not found. (CDS-50337)

    The templates REST GET call was throwing a 400 Bad Request with error code INVALID_REQUEST. We have updated this error code to RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION. This is in line with best practices.

  • Unable to see the Harness file store at the projects level. (CDS-50139)

    The Harness file store is a hierarchical file manager in Harness for managing configuration files used in pipelines.

    The file store was not showing up at the projects level. This has been fixed and now you can use the file store in your projects.

    file store

  • Runtime Tag setting discrepancy when switching between YAML and Visual views. (CDS-50033)

    When a user set the Tag setting in the Visual view and then switched to the YAML view, made an edit, and switched back, the value was not preserved. Now users can select tags or enter values from YAML without any discrepancies.

  • The PagerDuty notifications are not showing start and end dates for pipeline/stage execution. (CDS-49852)

    The PagerDuty template was using the wrong placeholder for PagerDuty notifications. The template is now modified to use the correct placeholder name.

  • The deployment freeze recurrence time should be greater than the start time. (CDS-49840)

    Harness was letting users set a recurrence time in the past. We have added a check to prevent users from creating a freeze window with a recurrence time that is before than the current time.

  • An empty trigger name is not disabling the Continue button. (CDS-49631)

    When the trigger Name was empty a validation error appeared but the Continue button could still be clicked.

    Now, when the trigger Name is empty a validation error appears and the Continue button is disabled.

  • The Infrastructure setting is retained in the UI when the environment is marked as Runtime Input. (CDS-49236)

    Now the Runtime Input setting is maintained and the Infrastructure setting is a runtime input.

  • Different artifacts with the same build Id are not considered in services listed in the Environments dashboard. (CDS-49189)

    Earlier, only the build Id was used to group instances in the Environments dashboard. When a user deployed a service with the same build Id but different artifact paths, either of the artifact paths would be present in the hover over the build Id in Artifacts.

    Now we group services based on their display name (artifact path + build Id) so that there are different entries for different artifacts even if they have the same build Id.

    First artifactSecond artifact
    picture 28picture 29
  • The Jira searchUser API call was failing with the error INVALID_IDENTIFIER_REF. (CDS-49181)

    Now Harness passes the connector reference in the payload when calling the searchUser API.

  • The pipeline variable was not resolved in the Image Path setting for a Docker artifact source until the pipeline was saved. (CDS-48981)

    If you use a pipeline variable in the Image Path setting for a Docker artifact source, and then switch the setting to Fixed Value, Harness cannot resolve the artifact path until pipeline is saved.

    No code changes were made but an improved error message was added.

    picture 43

  • Dangling service references prevented the deletion of other resources. (CDS-48890)

    When an org/project was deleted, the references to services within that org/project were not cleaned up. As a result, there were dangling references preventing the deletion of other resources.

    This is now fixed and the service references are cleaned up when you delete the org/project.

  • Updating a Harness file store file does not take users to the file already selected. (CDS-48618)

    When you updated a selected file in the file store and clicked Save, Harness was not returning you to the file, but the full file list. This is now fixed and you are returned to the file.

  • The Kubernetes namespace in Infrastructure cannot contain capital letters, but they were allowed in Harness YAML. (CDS-48514)

    Added schema validation for Kubernetes infrastructure Namespace setting to match Kubernetes requirements ([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])).

  • Deployment freeze was missing a check on timezone and accepting the wrong value in YAML. (CDS-48311)

    Now there is a check to validate if the timezone entered in the freeze window is correct.

  • After fixing runtime input settings in the pipeline Run form YAML, users cannot run the pipeline. (CDS-48009)

    The pipeline Run form accepts Visual and YAML entry. When you entered runtime input values in the YAML the Run button was disabled.

    Now you can submit runtime input values as Visual or YAML entries and run the pipeline.

  • Connector settings do not display in the Run pipeline form. (CDS-46632)

    When users selected an environment and infrastructure, cleared the selected environment, and then reselected the same environment and infrastructure, connector settings did not display in the Run pipeline form.

    Now, the connector settings appear when you reselect the environment and infrastructure.

January 17, 2023, version 78214

What's new
  • YAML schema validation for environments. (CDS-48947)

    We have added YAML schema validation to environment entities. Similar validation already exists for our pipeline YAML, but environments are separate entities. If you try to save invalid YAML you will get an error like this:

    Invalid yaml: $.environment.overrides.manifests[0].manifest.spec: is missing but it is required.
  • Improved error message when API calls fail while listing Helm Chart Version in Run Pipeline. (CDS-48436)

    If Chart Version is a runtime input, when you run the pipeline you are required to select a version from the Chart Version dropdown. If the Harness API is unable to fetch any versions, an improved error message is displayed.

    picture 21

    Hover over the error message to see the full message.

Early access
  • Convert imperative Kubernetes rollback to declarative rollback. (CDS-2993, ZD-26855, ZD-27690, ZD-36563, ZD-36670)

    This functionality is behind a feature flag: CDP_USE_K8S_DECLARATIVE_ROLLBACK_NG.

    Harness applies Kubernetes manifest using kubectl apply, which is a declarative way of creating Kubernetes objects. But when rolling back, we perform kubectl rollout undo workloadType/workloadName --to-revision=<REVISION_NUMBER>, which is an imperative way of rolling back. Using imperative and declarative commands together is not recommended and can cause issues.

    In some instances, the workload spec was not updated properly when rollout undo was performed. Subsequent deployments then refered to an invalid spec of the workload and caused Kubernetes issues like kubectl rollout undo should warn about undefined behaviour with kubectl apply.

    What is the fix?

    We had to redesign our release history to store all rendered manifests in secrets, just like Helm does. While rolling back, we are now reapplying the last successful release's manifests. This solves this issue.

    What is the impact on customers?

    • Enabling declarative rollback disables versioning (even if the Skip Versioning checkbox is left unchecked), since versioning was introduced with the imperative rollback design. However, versioning is not needed anymore with declarative rollback.
    • The delegate's service account needs the permission to create, update, and read secrets in the defined infrastructure namespace. Typically, customers' delegates already have these permissions, but if cluster roles are strictly scoped, this could cause failures.
Fixed issues
  • Multiline message support for Jira Create and Update step Description settings. (CDS-49666) Multiline text support was added to the Description setting in Jira Create and Jira Update Steps.

    picture 16picture 20
  • Fixing a service referencing a template causes a save error. (CDS-49817) When making the service a runtime input within the template and providing this as a fixed value when using the template, it fails to save.

    The sources were being added as an empty string when no runtime inputs were present.

  • RBAC for environment was not enforced. (CDS-49732, ZD-38326)

    When using stage templates in pipelines there was a case where the access check for the environment was skipped and users still need to have access to all the connectors/secrets used in the service and the infrastructure.

    Now, Harness does not check nested permissions for templates. For example, if a template has a connector/service/environment inside it, Harness won’t check for their nested access permissions during pre-execution validation. Instead, we rely on individual steps to do the RBAC during actual execution.

  • When using a Helm Chart from the Harness File Store and a values YAML file from a Git or custom provider, only 2 values are getting applied when more values files are passed. (CDS-49251)

    Resolved the problem where the user was unable to use specified values when defining a service of type: K8sManifest: spec: StoreType: Harness

    ValuesManifest: spec: StoreType: Git

    ValuesManifest: spec: StoreType: Custom All the value files were not being fetched. To prevent this, we have added a condition to address this use case.

  • OpenShift Parameters setting does not support Harness File Store. (CDS-49249)

    Enabled the Harness File Store for OpenShift Parameters.

  • When creating an OpenShift template with the Harness File Store, a default param file with an empty string is created. (CDS-49248)

    We have now set the default value of param paths as an empty array that will ensure an empty value is not set for param paths if no value is provided.

  • In the Kustomize Folder Path, the Add button is not required as there can be only one folder. (CDS-49245)

    The Kustomize Folder Path now only accepts one folder path. The Add button was removed.

  • Different artifacts with the same buildId are not considered in services listed in the Environments dashboard. (CDS-49189)

    Earlier, only buildId was used to group instances in the Environments dashboard. When a user deployed a service with the same buildId but different artifact paths, either of the artifact paths would be present in the hover over buildId. Now we perform grouping on displayName (artifact path + buildId) so that there are different entries for different artifacts even if they have the same buildId.

    First artifactSecond artifact
    picture 28picture 29
  • Nexus3 artifact source using the Maven Repository Format cannot filter the builds by Classifier and Extension. (CDS-49020)

    In a Nexus Maven repository, users can now filter the builds by Classifier and Extension.

    picture 30

  • The confirmation dialog for closing a pipeline has misleading Discard button. (CDS-49000, ZD-38518)

    The Discard button is removed and the text is now:

    • Confirm to leave the page.
    • Cancel to stay on the page.
  • API calls fetching information about ACR repository if connectorRef is expression or runtime input. (CDS-48988)

    Harness was trying to fetch ACR repository information when the connector reference is an expression or runtime input. We have now removed the unnecessary API calls.

  • Deleted org or project services not cleaned up. (CDS-48890)

    When an org or project was deleted, the references to services within that org or project were not cleaned up. As a result, dangling references prevented the deletion of other resources. The service references are now cleaned up.

  • Deselecting a field sets Tag to Regex but Value is selected. (CDS-48576)

    Clearing the value of Tag changes the type from Value to Regex due to the form reinitializing when values changes. This is now fixed and the Value setting is maintained.

  • Service Logs not showing fetch details for AWS Elastic Container Registry and Google Artifact Registry artifacts. (CDS-48483)

    Console logs were missing information about the image, artifactName, tag, artifactPath, and URL. This metadata is now shown on the console logs.

  • Account-level templates can be saved with org or project user group. (CDS-44557)

    The Harness Approval step did not validate the user group scope against the parent scope used to create the step.

    For example, a template containing Harness Approval steps with user groups at a project scope can be saved at an account level.

    Now it's invalid to have higher scope entities (for example, user groups at project level) referenced in lower scope entities (for example, a template at the account level).

    Validation has been added in Harness Approval steps to validate the scopes of the user groups against the scope in which the Approval step is created. The step is invalid if the user groups in the step have a higher scope than the scope where the Approval step is created.

  • Approval step Slack and email notifications using identifiers instead of names. (CDS-29134)

    Harness Approval notifications using Slack and email were sending identifiers instead of readable names.

    For example, for the org, project, or triggered by information, identifiers are sent instead of names.

    This issue has been resolved. The notification now contains names, emails, etc., instead of identifiers. The email of the user triggering the Approval step displays and the org and project names display.

    Email example:

    picture 33

    Slack example:

    picture 34

January 10, 2023, version 78105

What's new
  • A failure strategy is now mandatory for all Deploy stages. (CDS-48951)

    failure strategy

    A failure strategy is now a mandatory setting in the Deploy stage. Previously, a failure strategy was mandatory, but the check happened when the pipeline ran.

    A failure strategy is also required for the Deploy stage in stage templates. With this release, all Deploy stages, including in stage templates, without failure strategies are considered invalid.

    No action required by users.

  • UI enhancements for remote templates created in non-default or feature branches. (CDS-48308)

    If a remote template is created in a non-default or feature branch, Harness fetches the template details from the created branch and displays them on the template studio/listing page. You no longer need to manually select the correct branch.

    No action required by users.

  • Absolute paths for Native Helm charts Custom Remote Manifest are now supported. (CDS-47647, RN-37501)

    Previously, Harness CD looked for a path relative to the Harness working directory, which is a temporary directory that Harness creates. Now, you can specify an absolute path in Extracted Manifest File Location by starting with a forward slash /. For example: /tmp/myChart1/custom-remote-test-repo/helm/todolist/.

    Custom Remote Manifest

    No action required by users.

Fixed issues
  • RBAC for environment was not enforced. (CDS-49732, RN-38326)

    In stage templates in pipelines, access checks for the environment were skipped. Harness now performs an RBAC check.

  • Deployment freeze notification was not working for Does not repeat in Recurrence. (CDS-49667)

    Deployment freeze

    The notification for deployment freeze was not working due to a null pointer exception in the case of Does not repeat in Recurrence. Added a null check to fix this issue.

  • Incorrect validation error message on the Step Parameters tab of the Manual Approval dialog. (CDS-49404)

    If the number entered in the Number of approvers that are required at this step field contained a decimal point, an incorrect validation error message, Minimum count cannot be less than one appeared.

    Manual Approval

    The error message has been corrected.

  • The OpenShift template path on the runtime screen is populated as a string instead of a list. (CDS-49256)

    The text was updated to list component so that the path is stored in the form of an array.

  • Unable to change the branch for a remote template in the template studio. (CDS-49159)

    Harness was not allowing a branch change for read only mode in the template studio. You can now switch branches in the template studio.

    remote template

  • ECS and Serverless Git task logs are not shown properly. (CDS-49117)

    The log stream closes when the status is successful. To ensure that each method can determine whether to close or not, a boolean attribute was added to closeLogStream so that each class that implements and uses this function determines whether it wants to close or not.

  • Error when adding a template to a pipeline. (CDS-48924)

    Harness Manager used to show an error when * was used as the default value in the Configure Options modal for any setting. The component has been updated to support * as a value to resolve the issue.

  • Unclear error message on values YAML parse failure. (CDS-48881)

    Improved error message in case of parse failure. When the values YAML had secrets/certs that were not correctly encoded, we would see an error message that was not very clear. We have improved the error message to hint at the underlying cause.

  • Unable to add tags to an environment .(CDS-48647)

    Empty strings of tags were being removed. This has been fixed now.

  • Gaps in instance stats if there is any exception while fetching the last snapshot. (CDS-48637)

    Now Harness catches the exception while fetching the last snapshot and skips publishing in this iteration.

  • When a user configures a manifest detail and adds a file, they cannot delete that file. They can only move things around. (CDS-48591)

    Removed the validation from values.yaml as it is an optional field.


  • Triggers failing with the feature flag NG_DEPLOYMENT_FREEZE_OVERRIDE enabled while checking permission in RBAC. (CDS-48529)

    Deployment freeze has RBAC permissions for Harness users. A check for these permissions were passed as null and threw an NPE when the permission was null. Added a null check to send false in case the permission is null.

  • Poor error message if an ACR connector reference is a runtime input for the subscriptionId field. (CDS-48519)

    Added a better error message when the connectorRef is empty and not resolvable in Azure artifact sources APIs.

  • The Submit button is disabled after creating a Github connector, but works fine when only selecting a connector. (CDS-48497)

    Under Service V2, when adding a manifest to a service and creating a new connector from the Select Connector screen, we were able to see the newly created connector selected in the manifest modal but the Continue button was disabled. The Continue button is now enabled in this use case.


  • Input sets not working with a stage template. (CDS-48475)

    This was an issue with running pipelines using input sets specifically containing artifact sources with no runtime inputs. In this case, users were seeing the error message "Exception in resolving template refs". When run manually without input sets the executions went through fine. This was happening because an extra field was being set in the input set. Now we have added handling for that field and executions work as expected.

  • Artifactory with tagRegex: <+input> fails to fetch imagePath. (CDS-48438)

    Updated the FQN path to pass tagRegex if the tagRegex field is runtime.


  • Fields on the Advanced tab in the Template input section appear crowded. (CDS-48423)

    The width was set relative to the parent component. This caused the width to compress even further on smaller width sections like the template selection screen. This has been fixed by setting the width to a standard 400px.

  • Template always shows an unsaved changes message even after repeated save attempts. (CDS-48422)

    Now you can save a stage template with service and environments as runtime inputs and can eventually update them to multi-services and multi-environments as well.

    stage template

  • Improve error messaging in case of Terraform plugin error. (CDS-48414)

    Improved the error summary formatting.

  • Azure Artifacts Connector URL validation is missing. (CDS-48407)

    The server URL is now validated.

  • Terraform Apply Delegate Selector selection does not retain its value. (CDS-48375)

    Users can see existing delegate selectors in the step's Advanced section in case of Terraform Apply and Terraform Rollback.

  • Service Logs don't show fetch details for a Docker Artifact. (CDS-48358)

    Console logs from the service step were missing information about the tag, imagePath, and other metadata fields. These fields are now shown in the console logs.

  • Azure Artifact drop-downs in the project-level stage template fails. (CDS-48319)

    List drop-downs are now fixed in the Azure Artifact Source when you create the artifact source in the stage template.

  • For Azure Artifacts, the Project drop-down field shows an error when trying to load in a project-level stage template. (CDS-48318)

    The Projects drop-down field has been fixed.

  • Artifact source template: Tags does not have a Configure option. (CDS-48310)

    Configure option is not visible for the Tags setting. This issue has been fixed and you can see the Configure option.


  • The Jira Description field doesn't scale for long text. (CDS-48228)

    The description field now uses a textarea component to provide a better user experience.

  • Unable to select a Primary Artifact in the pipeline input form. (CDS-48065)

    Multiple Artifact Source is only available with service V2. With this fix, the UI only allows the multiple artifact option with service V2. As this UI check was not present earlier, some users had multiple artifact sources with service V1. Users with existing configurations must fix this.

  • Custom Remote Manifest: error message needs to be improved when Chart.yaml is given instead of a directory. (CDS-48038)

    Error improvement is done around custom manifest Helm chart path using Helm deployment.

  • Deployment freeze: When the freeze window schedule time frame is prior to the current time, the API returns success but the UI is still disabled. (CDS-47760)

    When users created freeze window schedule time frames that are in the past, the freeze window was marked as expired right after creation, which is correct, but the global freeze (Freeze disabled on all deployments for this [Account/Organization/Project]) was getting enabled. Now we throw an exception when the new freeze window created is already expired.

  • The Deployment Template Details screen goes blank when changing the template version in Version Label. (CDS-47641)

    A blank template Details screen is shown when the version of a linked template is changed from stable to Always use stable version. This happens only for pipeline templates. This issue has been fixed. Now you can change the Version Label and there is no issue.

  • multi-services and multi-environments: getting NPE when trying to run a pipeline with propagate services from previous stage (CDS-47626)

    We don't support propagating a service from previous stage in case of multi-service deployments. Now, the Propagate from option only appears in a stage if there are preceding single service stages to propagate from.

  • When adding a connector, the Details dialog is unclear. (CDS-47282)

    The UI was improved so that it now includes a delegate selector title and an icon with details for the Kubernetes connector.

  • ACR connector: connector reference when passed as expression is not getting resolved (CDS-46816)

    Created new endpoints for fetching subscription Ids, registries, repositories for ACR artifacts. These new endpoints receive the pipeline Id and input YAML data, which allows for expression rendering for the ACR parameters using variables declared in the pipeline.

  • ServiceNow import sets logging issues. (CDS-43958)

    Descriptive console logs have been added in the ServiceNow Import Set step for various scenarios. This will further help in debugging or monitoring the step from the console tab.

  • Getting "Connector Not Found Error" when you save a pipeline using the Physical DataCenter connector even when the connector exists. (CDS-43812)

    Fixed the check for the Physical DataCenter connector. The Physical DataCenter connector is supported in SSH and WinRm deployments.

  • Approval Slack notification sending names instead of identifier in the approval notification. (CDS-29134)

    Harness approval notifications via Slack and email currently send identifiers instead of readable names. For example, for details regarding organization and project, and triggered by metadata, identifiers are sent instead of names. This issue has been resolved. The notification now contains names, emails, etc., instead of identifiers. For users triggering the approval step, email is displayed. For organization and projects, names are displayed.

2022 releases

December 22, 2022, version 77908

What's new

Earlier, only the Utilities steps were supported. Now you can add any CD step.

Previously, we were only looking for a path relative to the Harness working directory (a temporary directory created by Harness). Now, you can specify an absolute path in Extracted Manifest File Location by starting with a forward slash /.

Example: /tmp/myChart1/custom-remote-test-repo/helm/todolist/.

  • The Referenced By tab was added to Environments. (CDS-39989)

You can see which pipeline uses any Environment in the Environment's Referenced By tab.

Fixed issues
  • ECS Tests failing with Delegate not found error. (CDS-48522)

Fixed the field alignment issues for artifacts.

  • File Store File browser concatenates filenames and doesn’t scale to the size of the window. (CDS-48162)

Fixed by adding hover text for files.

  • Tempaltes Inline/Remote cropped in the UI. (CDS-48153)

The Template modal functions fine now.

  • Custom Artifact Trigger not working. (CDS-48134)

We were not configuring the timeout field and timeout value was set as null from the UI, which was causing the issue. Added the check for the timeout value and set the default as 10 minutes.

  • Google Artifact Registry Artifacts: Better error msg when the connector does not have access to a project. (CDS-48102)

Error message was improved when the project and connector are incorrectly provided. The execution fails with the appropriate error message.

  • Creating a Shell Script next to another Shell Script overwrites the first script. (CDS-48044)

The default name and ID are longer provided. Therefore, duplicate IDs are not allowed for steps. This solves this issue.

  • The Infrastructure field in Input Sets shows [object object]. (CDS-47992)

Marking an infrastructure runtime in an input set implies that the infrastructure is an execution-time input and that is not supported currently. This option was removed from the UI.

  • Filtering infrastructures does not work with a MatchAll selection. (CDS-47981)

The filtering infra feature did not match all the infrastructures as expected. The matching logic had an issue. The issue has been resolved. The feature now matches entities when all tags are selected.

  • GCR Artifact throws a null pointer on a tag when the image path is wrong. (CDS-47980)

An NPE was fixed when the imagePath is incorrect and the tags dropdown is called.

  • When a user defines 1 artifact source and fixes the values, we still prompt for an artifact source in the pipeline run form. (CDS-47908)

Now the primary artifact is preselected when a single artifact source is added.

  • A subtask can't be created in JIRA. The parent key or ID is missing. (CDS-47905, ZD-37640)

The Harness Jira integration didn't support adding or updating the parent of Jira issues. Due to this, the creation of a subtask was not possible since we require a parent for creating a Jira subtask. This is because the parent's field type "issuelink" was not supported.


* The **issuelin** field type is supported now.
* The Jira Create step can now be used to create issues with existing issues as their parent.
* The Jira Update step can be used to update the parent of a specific issue.
* A subtask can be created using a Jira Create step.
* A parent can be provided by simply typing the parent issue key, such as "TJI-47890", in the Parent field.
  • Input sets do not respect environment variable overrides. (CDS-47879, ZD-37675, ZD-38078)

Service override input values were being cleared on the loading of the input set or when applied in a pipeline. This has been fixed now and the user can now run the pipeline with the input set directly from the Input Set page.

  • *Ne dropdown is hidden under the modal for the file store. (CDS-47817)

Now when the browser zooms to 100%, the New button in the file store displays the options list.

  • Fix popup issues in execution strategy. (CDS-47792)

Fixed an issue with display popovers on the execution strategy for SSh/WinRM deployment types.

  • Cluster details mismatch in service instances. (CDS-47776)

Cluster details are not uniquely returned for tbe active service instances popover. This fix adds a filter for infra/cluster ID, pipeline ID, service ID, build ID, and env ID.

  • Incorrect field label and tooltip. (CDS-47758)

When creating a reference secret using AzureKeyVault secret manager, the field label and the tooltip were incorrect. This label and tooltip have been corrected.

  • Unclear logs from the Update GitOps Configuration files step. (CDS-47640)

When multiple clusters are used, variables were being repeated without any separation.The logs were enhanced to increase readability.

  • Error when using Template API. (CDS-47488)

A 500 internal server error occurred when git details details are passed as empty while creating a template at the project level with the new API. This is fixed.

  • Kubernetes and Native Helm service Helm command flags: -version flag is missing from the dropdown. (CDS-47388)

Added the version command flag.

  • Runtime inputs for Artifactory Artifact are not resolved. (CDS-47344)

When a repository is configured as runtime for Artifactory, the repository format is set as empty, which causes the issue. We have added the check that if the repository format is empty then we will read it from serviceRef.

  • A default failure strategy is not added for the Deploy stage in a pipeline when an execution strategy is not selected. (CDS-47310)

The call to fetch the default failure strategies for a Deploy stage was happening after 20 seconds of clicking the New Stage button. This timeout has now been removed and the call is made immediately after clicking the New Stage button. This fills in the default failure strategies for the stage immediately as well.

  • Expressions from Git stored files are not resolved. (CDS-46726)

A test was added to verify.

  • The approval stage is adding to the deployment count of services when it is added after the deployment stage. (CDS-46707)

Deployments shown on the Services dashboard are fetched from service_infra_info table in timescaleDB. Since the dashboard shows the deployments for all services, we were not filtering based on service identifier, but that table contains approval and other data also. To allow only service deployments, we added a condition that service_id should not be null.

  • Deployment freeze does not work for the condition combination: Add specific org with exclude project and specific environment. (CDS-46702)

Deployment freeze will consider parent scopes when evaluating whether to block deployment.

  • Docker expressions: The following expressions were not working. (CDS-46656)

Added expression support for the following:

  • Custom artifact trigger: secret support in script for curl command. (CDS-46113, ZD-37343)

Currently we don't support secrets in perpetual tasks, and triggers create a perpetual task. Because of the limitation, customers were unable to use secrets in a trigger. Added support to resolve the secrets for custom triggers.

  • Error improvement for Helm upgrade when there are no releases in a Deployed state. (CDS-41706)

Going forward, when Helm upgrade or rollback fails with "No deployed releases", we offer a better hint and explanation on how to fix it.

  • No error for an empty service name when the service is updated from inside a pipeline/stage template. (CDS-41510)

Now the "service required" message appears when the service name is empty, and the user is not allowed to submit the form unless service name is added.

Getting NPE when using useFromStage in YAML. (CDS-41036)

When there is useFromStage chaining in a pipeline (which is an unsupported use-case), an informative error message now appears instead of Null Pointer Exception.

  • Remove Skip Dry Run from Kubernetes steps that are not using it. (CDS-17385)

Removed Skip Dry Run from unnecessary steps.

December 13, 2022, version 77808

What's new
  • ServiceNow Connector YAML has changed to include authentication details (CDS-46672, CDS-45969)

    The update is minor and requires no changes by users.

  • Harness Serverless Lambda and ECS support now supports AWS S3 (CDS-46204, CDS-45642)

    You can now use AWS S3 for your Serverless YAML and ECS configuration files (Task Definition, Service Definition, Scaling Policy, and Scalable Target JSON/YAML files).

  • The <+rollbackArtifact...> expression is now available (CDS-46321)

    For example, if you used a publicly available Docker Hub NGINX image as the Artifact Source for a Service, then when the Service is rolled back, the <+rollbackArtifact.meta.image> expression output would be something like this:

    The variables available in rollbackArtifact depends on the artifact and infrastructure type used in the deployment. They can be seen in Output tab of Infrastructure section of a CD stage.

Fixed issues
  • Run pipeline YAML retaining the values of previously selected service (CDS-47675)

    Now the YAML is updated after changing the service. If the selected service has some Runtime Inputs, the serviceInputs field is set properly, and if the selected service does not have any runtime inputs, the serviceInputs field in the YAML is removed.

  • Azure Repos Connector cannot enable API access for Azure Repos Connector (CDS-47385)

    Customer had a custom domain URL and the Connector was failing when parsing this case. This is now fixed and custom domain URLs are parsed correctly.

  • Unable to create new Secret Manager Connector in Terraform Plan step (CDS-47367)

    Now you can add a new Harness Secret Manager Connector when configuring your Terraform Plan step.

    For more information, go to Plan Terraform Provisioning with the Terraform Plan Step.

  • Service logs didn't show fetch details for GCR artifacts (CDS-47319)

    The logs on the service step was did not show additional information such as image path and tag. The logs now capture the Type, Image Path and Tag information for GCR.

  • Default Failure Strategy is not getting added for Deploy Stage in pipeline when execution strategy is not selected (CDS-47310)

    The call to fetch the default Failure Strategies for a Deploy Stage was only happening after 20s of clicking the new stage button. This timeout has now been removed and the call is made immediately after clicking new stage button. This fills in the default failure strategies for the stage immediately.

    For more information, see Define a Failure Strategy on Stages and Steps.

  • Improved error message for when Azure ACR Connector Subscription dropdown is set to Runtime Input (CDS-46815)

    Azure Artifacts sources use the term "SubscriptionId". The string when a Subscription Id is not provided is now changed to "Subscription Id is required" from "Invalid Request: envId must be provided".

  • Environment information is not available in MultiService MultiInfra (CDS-46794)

    The Executions view did not show the service and environment information in case of GitOps-enabled stages. This has now been resolved and we can now see service and environments (comma-separated) for GitOps enabled stages.

    For more information, see Use multiple Services and multiple Environments in a deployment and Harness GitOps ApplicationSet and PR Pipeline Tutorial.

  • Custom Artifact Source with no value in Timeout field caused nullpointerexception (CDS-46658) Now Timeout default is 10m if Timeout is null.

    For more information, go to Add a Custom Artifact Source for CD.

December 7, 2022, version 77716

What's new

Helm steady state checks with Kubernetes version >= 1.16 (CDS-40269)

Harness will automatically perform steady state checks with Helm deployments using Kubernetes version >= 1.16.

This feature was previously behind the HELM_STEADY_STATE_CHECK_1_16 feature flag and is now GA.

Early access

Nexus 3 is now supported for Azure Web App artifacts (CDS-46372)

For more information, see Azure Web Apps deployment tutorial.

This functionality is behind a feature flag: AZURE_WEB_APP_NG_NEXUS_PACKAGE.

Fixed issues
  • "YAML paths could not be parsed" error on running pipelines (CDS-47244)

    A single Service (Multi Service toggle not enabled) deploying to multiple Environments (Deploy to Multi Environment toggle not enabled) was giving an exception during pipeline execution. We have fixed the bug in the code and added automation test cases to prevent in the future.

  • Rename "Active Service Instances" on Service Dashboard to "Running Service Instances (Current)" (CDS-47074)

    We have changed the title of these cards from "Active Service Instances" and "Active Deployments" to "Running Service Instances (Current)" and "Recent Deployments" respectively, as the previous ones were creating confusion.

  • Github Package: package dropdown and version dropdown failing at project level stage template (CDS-46982)

    Pipeline Identifier was not null annotated before. So, at the time of template creation, the API call failed. This is now fixed.

  • Need padding added between the Run Pipeline heading’s tooltip and the All Stages dropdown (CDS-46954)

    Added left margin to tooltip.

  • Fetching Artifact path is failing in case of SSH deployments when repository is passed as expression (CDS-46930)

    We now evaluate the repository field and fetch artifact path when repository field is passed as a expression.

  • Github Packages: YAML validations for empty connectorRef and PackageName (CDS-46898)

    Check for Empty Package and ConnnectorRef has been added for the YAML validations side.

  • Save as Template in Pipeline Studio not working (CDS-46884)

    Fixed an issue with saving the step as a template in pipeline studio.

  • Empty values for feed and package can be given in YAML (CDS-46878)

    Checks for Empty Feed and Package from YAML side have been added.

  • Service dashboard is not displaying instances in the instances section (CDS-46083)

    Service instances are not shown because of missing cluster, agent Id mapping, and an incorrect collection. After mapping the identifiers and changing the collection name, we are showing the service instances.

November 29, 2022, version 77608

What's new
  • Set Helm Chart Version as Runtime Input and fetch from source on Run Pipeline (CDS-40390)

    Now you can set Helm Chart Version using a Runtime Input when using HTTP Helm, AWS S3, and Google GCS stores. You can view the list of chart versions available at runtime in Run Pipeline, and select the required one.

  • You can now copy the FQNs for Service and Environment V2 variables. The Service variables use the format <+serviceVariables.[variable name]> and Environment variables use the format <env.variables.[variable name]>.

    For more information, see Built-in and Custom Harness Variables Reference.

Early access

Terraform Backend Configuration file path in the Terraform Apply and Plan steps now supports remote file repos (CDS-39012, ZD-37065)

Terraform Backend Configuration now can be specified in the remote file repository.

For more details, go to Provision with the Terraform Apply Step.

This functionality is behind a feature flag: TERRAFORM_REMOTE_BACKEND_CONFIG.

Fixed issues
  • Expression evaluation failed for ECR regions (CDS-46728)

    Corrected expression evaluation for Region setting field in ECR artifact details. Now we create a variable and pass it as the region field.

  • Artifactory Trigger: repository and artifact/image path dropdown not present in Service and Environment V2 triggers (CDS-46713)

    Added support for repository and artifact/image path dropdown in Artifactory triggers.

  • Service UUID displays in the multi-Service pipeline execution (CDS-46643)

    Fixed the matrix labels to show all axis data in a proper format inside the tooltip container.

  • Select Services text is misaligned for a multi-Service use case (CDS-46630)

    The service select field was offset to the right. The select field is now properly aligned with the label.

  • Multi Service Deployment is failing with manifest not found error (CDS-46585)

    Now manifests are found and we are be able to deploy with deployment freeze enabled.

  • Services list does not get updated when a new Service is added unless we do a hard refresh (CDS-46529)

    User can now see the newly added Service in the Service dropdown list inside the pipeline studio without hard reloading the page.

  • Allowed values with value true or false was not being rendered in the drop-downs (CDS-46473)

    Users can now utilize true/false boolean values as string variables while adding stage/pipeline variables.

  • Usung cluster Id if name doesn't exist in GitOps Environments list (CDS-46460)

    Fixed Cluster setting in GitOps Environments list to use name instead of cluster Id.

  • Scrollbar isn't working when Service variable list exceeds 10 (CDS-46451)

    User can now scroll the variable list menu to see all the newly added variables. You can also search the variable from the search box above the menu list.

  • Cannot start pipeline when Service Primary Artifact is set to be selected during runtime as a Runtime Input (CDS-46440)

    Fixed the issue when running deployment pipelines with Primary Artifact source as Fixed Value and not containing any Runtime Inputs. Pipeline can now be started.

  • Toggling between grid and list view in Manage Service section is zooming the screen making the buttons invisible (CDS-46388)

    The section was zoomed in while toggling to the grid view due to container width overflowing the screen, introducing a horizontal scroll and making buttons hide alongside the scroll. The issue has been resolved by limiting the container width and letting cards be wrapped around.

  • Making Environment Group as Runtime Input makes Deploy environments in parallel setting a Runtime Input, leading to pipeline run failure (CDS-46353)

    The Deploy environments in parallel setting (deployToAll flag) was not being set when we selected all environments under an Environment Group. This has been fixed now and we pass in a boolean value for deployToAll.

  • In a Service v2 pipeline, when clicking Rerun for a failed execution, we are not remembering the artifact selection of the previous run (CDS-46324)

    User can now see the artifact source setting values preselected in case of a rerun. The values are same as in the previous run.

  • Custom Artifact is not listing the version when trying to run a pipeline (CDS-46322)

    We now list the versions to select from a dropdown for Services using a Custom Artifact Source in the pipeline deployment form.

  • Jenkins Connector: incorrect connectorRef in service step logs (CDS-46281)

    Improved Jenkins artifact log message in service step.

  • Inconsistent checkmark icon styling in the Pipeline studio (CDS-46190)

    Changed the icon of execution to simple tick if step is completed for custom stage and approval stage.

  • Infrastructure section step no longer shows detailed output in console logs (CDS-46185, ZD-36476)

    Part of the logs of the infrastructure step were not visible on the UI for certain types of infrastructures including Kubernetes. The issue has been resolved now and logs are visible.

  • Creating step template out of ECS Blue Green Create Service step crashes the page (CDS-46135)

    This issue is resolved and now you can create a step template out of the ECS Blue Green Create Service step. You will be asked to provide field values manually because, when creating the step template, stage data and infrastructure data is not present.

  • No option is available to add namespace in Infrastructure Definition on Input Set (CDS-46047)

    The Environment and Infrastructure inputs only supported Fixed Value type in the form. There was no support for Expression or Runtime Input support. This functionality has now been added.

  • Config Files tooltip does not work and Variables header does not have tooltip anchor (CDS-46039)

    Now tooltip data for Config Files and Variables headers in Service tab can be added.

  • Secrets are not resolving for getBuilds API for Custom Artifact (CDS-45952)

    Custom Artifact Source script can use a secret expression. We have added support to resolve secrets referenced in the custom artifact source APIs.

  • Shell Script step: Despite of read-only permissions on pipeline, user is able to modify the shell script type dropdown (CDS-45873)

    The option to select Shell Script type was earlier not following the permission access, as it allows users with read-only permission also to edit the type. This was caused by the read-only permission control not being added to this particular type of selection component. Now, we've added the read-only control on the type selection. Now users with read-only permissions will not be able to edit the script types for Shell script.

  • Service and Environment V2 variables created inline can't be referenced without a page refresh (CDS-45827)

    Fixed by refetching variables API call on inline edit of Service, Infrastructure, and Environments in pipeline studio.

  • Input Sets with Infrastructure Definitions in Service and Environment V2 not working (CDS-45805, ZD-35971, ZD-36091, ZD-36592)

    There was a bug where input sets with Infrastructure Definition could not be saved properly because the Infrastructure Definition was removed after save. This is fixed and users can create Input Sets with Environment and Infrastructure Definition.

  • References for Account/Org templates are not deleting when the Org/Proj are deleted (CDS-45764)

    This happened when an Org level template was referring to an Account level template; for example, an Org level stage template using an Account level step template. The deletion of the org results in deletion of the template but did not properly cleanup references, so the account level template would still contain the org level template as a reference. This has been fixed now.

  • Artifact triggers need to be updated if a change is made in the relevant repository (CDS-45009)

    Corrected the polling framework for trigger updates. Updating the trigger now updates the polling info.

  • Reference by section while linking an account level template does not show up appropriately (CDS-44561)

    References were not getting displayed for Org and Account level templates when viewed inside pipeline studio. This issue has been resolved now.

  • When a User Group in a Harness Approval step is given as an invalid expression it should fail but it keeps waiting (CDS-41700)

    A Harness Approval step now fails if no valid User Group is provided. Additionally, console logs are enhanced with a warning related to invalid User Groups given as input. Finally, valid User Groups found in the input are added to Harness Approval details.

  • New Environment option should not be displayed for an Account/Org level template (CDS-41356)

    Users were able to follow the process for adding a new Environment but could not do it successfully as we currently don't support Environment creation at Account/Org level. The Environment creation button is now removed. Also, the field was Fixed Value instead of being a Runtime Input. The field is now defaulted to Runtime Input when we are in the scope of the account or org.

November 11, 2022, version 77433

What's new
  • Helm steady state checks with Kubernetes version >= 1.16 (CDS-40269)

    Harness will automatically perform steady state checks with Helm deployments using Kubernetes version >= 1.16.

    This feature was previously behind the HELM_STEADY_STATE_CHECK_1_16 feature flag and is now GA.

  • Support for the Command step is added Deployment Template deployment types (CDS-45189)

    Now you can use the Command step in a Deployment Template pipeline. Using this step you can download/copy the artifact, copy the config files, or run scripts on the instances output by the Fetch Instances step.

    The Command step will always run on the Delegate, hence you need to enable the Run On Delegate option.

    The Command step should always be run after the the Fetch Instances step.

    See Use the Command step to download, copy, or run scripts.


Fetch Instance output now available as file (CDS-45662)

Fetch instance output for Deployment Templates in NG is now available as a file instead of the environment variable.

The script in your Deployment Template queries the server and receives a JSON array containing the target hosts.

Previously, it saved in the environment variable $INSTANCE_OUTPUT_PATH.

Now, it is saved as a file like this > $INSTANCE_OUTPUT_PATH: /opt/harness-delegate/client-tools/kubectl/v1.19.2/kubectl get pods --namespace=harness-delegate-ng -o json > $INSTANCE_OUTPUT_PATH

For more information, go to Custom deployments using Deployment Templates tutorial.

Fixed issues
  • The Jenkins Step's Treat unstable Job status as success is not behaving as expected (CDS-45828, ZD-36339)

    We were not honoring Treat unstable Job status as success. We have corrected the behavior and the fix is available with the latest Delegate.

  • GitOps Service is not publishing the Agent pods/instances to Harness Manager (CDS-45741)

    We were not passing the Agent Id while publishing the instances. After passing the Agent Id, the Harness Manager shows the Agent instances.

  • Docker Registry Connector fails connection test on Harbor with Delegate version 77021 (CDS-44746)

    We have updated the Docker Registry Connector validation check APIs. For connectivity checks for Docker connectors hosted on Harbor, we use the ping ALI and for all other Docker registries we will continue to use /v2 endpoint as per Docker Registry API spec.

November 6, 2022, version 77317


Expression support for Environments V2 (CDS-44750).

Currently, there are two versions of Services and Environments, v1 and v2. Services and Environments v1 is being replaced by Services and Environments v2.

Environments v2 now support variable expressions you can use to reference the Environment and Infrastructure Definition used at runtime in the CD stage.

For details on Services and Environments v2, go to Services and Environments Overview.

For details on Environment and Infrastructure Definition expressions, go to Built-in and Custom Harness Variables Reference.

Fixed issues
  • Improve Azure Web App properties (CDS-44054)

    Previously, if Application Settings or Connection Strings were removed from Harness Service then they wouldn’t be removed from the deployed Azure Web App.

    Now Harness keeps track of Harness-added settings and will remove these settings from slot configuration when they are deleted from the Harness Service configuration.

  • Increase polling interval in executions to 20s from 5s to avoid reaching database limit (CDS-45655)

  • Secret referencing failing in Custom Artifact Source (CDS-45677, ZD-36222)

    Secrets were not resolving in case of Service V2 because ExpressionFunctorToken was not set in Delegate request.

  • Service V2 with Service V1 Stage is causing Pipeline Studio to crash (CDS-45653)

  • <> not resolving in V2 Service and Environment (CDS-45492)

    <> expression is now supported.

  • Template Library not taking Service Variables as input in the expression (CDS-45471)

    With new service entity, if the manifest property was made a runtime input and its value was provided when running a pipeline in the form of an expression like <+serviceVariables.variableName>, the property would resolve to "null". However, if the manifest property was set to the same expression, directly in the service configuration, it would work as expected. This issue has been resolved now, with variable resolving in both cases.

  • Azure Artifacts VersionRegex filtering not honored (CDS-45433)

    Initially we were fetching all the builds without filtering. We now support filtering via versionRegex.

  • Jira Create issue call not working with user type fields for Jira server (CDS-45402)

    Creating an issue on Jira server with user type fields was creating an error.

  • Intermittent failures in GitOps Merge PR step (CDS-45397)

    MergePR Github API was throwing an error: "Base branch was modified. Review and try the merge again". But our API was returning the error as a key not found in JSON object. This change is to fix that and return the appropriate error to the user.

  • Primary Artifact reference setting wrong runtime value in Run Pipeline form (CDS-45262)

  • GitOps Environment name doesn't resolve if all clusters are selected in pipeline (CDS-45156)

    With introduction of multi-service and multi-infrastructure feature the Gitops enabled use was missed due to lack of automation. The change corrects the feature and we'll be adding automation around this scenario to prevent this in the future.

  • Azure Connector test always passing with incorrect credentials (CDS-45131)

    Fixed the test connection API call for the Azure artifacts Connector.

  • Service V2: when a user adds duplicate variables by mistake and saves the object saves but the page crashes (CDS-44970)

    Null check is added to prevent page crash.

  • Inappropriate error message displayed while selecting "Bucket Name" for various regions while adding the artifact source (CDS-44495)

    When you give incorrect region, the list bucket call fails. The message has been handled and appropriate message is thrown.

  • Implement dropdown for Artifact Path in Amazon S3 Artifact Source (CDS-43675)

    We have made the changes to fetch S3 filePaths in the dropdown while creating the artifact source.

  • Clear tags on AWS/Azure Infrastructure if dependent fields are changed (CDS-43179)

    Cleaned tags when dependency fields have been updated.

  • Cleanup step is not getting executed for Kerberos (CDS-42609)

    Status logging is added to Cleanup step for WinRM deployments. Now the output in UI marks the step as completed properly.

  • When number of Approvers in Harness Approval are given an expression it fails with Not able to detect Int (CDS-41699)

    Bug resolved by converting the values (in the format 1.0, 2.0, etc.) received from parameter framework in case of expressions to integer. If we get double values like 23.4, they are still rejected. Now, we can give expressions evaluating to integers as input to minCount field in Harness Approval.

  • Approvals: JEXL expression doesn't support pipeline variables and expressions (CDS-25476)

    With this ticket, pipeline expressions (<+pipeline...) as well as other common expressions are now supported for Approvals in JEXL criteria. Previously users could give expressions related to the ticket only.

October 21, 2022, version 77221

What's new

This release does not include new features.

Fixed issues
  • The environment name doesn't resolve if all clusters are selected in a pipeline. (CDS-45156)

    This issue has been resolved.

  • The items on the Template > Step Template page are overlapping. (CDS-45003)

    This issue has been resolved.

  • The Nexus fields do not render when the Nexus artifact source is selected as the primary artifact. (CDS-44950)

    This issue has been resolved.

  • A new artifact trigger cannot be created because an input set is required. (CDS-44883)

    To resolve this issue, the Git Sync condition was updated to the new URL-based parameter along with the backward-compatible condition.

  • When using multiple GitOps clusters, variables are not being populated for all of the clusters. (CDS-44834)

    This issue has been resolved.

  • When creating an S3 artifact, a Null Pointer Exception shows if both the bucket name and the file path are empty. (CDS-44660)

    An appropriate error now appears in this situation.

  • When editing a secret, the Verify Connection screen closes prematurely. (CDS-43874)

    This issue has been fixed.

  • The <artifact.metadata.url> is null for the Nexus3 artifact Docker repository format. (CDS-43863)

    The URL was added to the metadata so it can now be accessed using <artifact.metadata.url>.

  • A drop-down selector for the image path in an ECR artifact source is not available. (CDS-43673)

    A drop-down selector is available now.

  • Pipeline variables are not being translated in HTTP step assertions and output variables. (CDS-43200)

    Previously, only HTTP response expressions could be used in an HTTP step assertion. Now, users can use pipeline and other expressions in assertions and use them with HTTP response expressions.

  • Instance sync does not work with Jenkins artifacts when a service is updated. (CDS-43144)

    Previously, from the delegate task, the last successful build was fetched, but the build was not verified. The build is now verified, which resolves this issue.

  • The UI crashes when the artifact name is null. (CDS-44598)

    The validation of the artifact name was missing, which allowed the user to submit the artifact without a name. This caused the null checks to fail and the UI to crash.

    Validations for the artifact name and an extra null check were added to prevent this issue.

  • The ECS Harness file store console view does not show fetch manifests. (CDS-44196)

    This issue has been fixed.

October 18, 2022, version 77116

What's new

You can now send Approval Step notifications to the Users in the User Group(s) listed in the step. (CDS-43667, ZD-32444)

Manual Approval email notifications configured for a User Group now send the approval emails to all Users of the User Group without having the need to specify a group email.

You still need to add a notification email address to the User Group, but all Users in that group will also receive the notification at their own email addresses.

Early access

ECS Run Task support (CDS-43132)

In addition to deploying tasks as part of your standard ECS deployment, you can use the ECS Run Task step to run individual tasks separately as a step in your ECS stage. The ECS Run Task step is available in all ECS strategy types. An example of when you run a task separately is a one-time or periodic batch job that does not need to keep running or restart when it finishes.


For more information, go to the ECS tutorial ECS Run Task section.

Fixed issues
  • Clicking on Environment Group tab takes the user to the previous project (CDS-44518)

    The link updated the component only on permission change whereas it should have updated on account, org, project change as well. This happened because of the dependencies for the link not updating. This has been resolved now.

  • ECS Blue Green TargetGroupArnKey Fix (CDS-44490)

  • ECS Harness Store Service Definition fix (CDS-44427)

    Fetched task definition instead of service definition for the Harness File Store.

  • Service V2 List Bucket for S3 is failing (CDS-44362)

    Added support for Service V2.

  • Reverting changes related to recaster field (CDS-44346)

    Rolled back the changes related to recaster alias as it was creating hard dependency between services.

  • Using variable <> in "image path" artifact name caused a failure when trying to obtain the tag list (CDS-44246)

    Earlier <> and similar service expressions were not resolved when fetching tags for artifact. This is now fixed.

  • Service and Environment V2 Flag enabled and disabled for a customer and they can no longer edit artifact triggers and save (CDS-44233).

    This issue was happening in edit flow as "EventConditions" were getting added to "Pipeline" artifact and manifest data. This issue has been resolved. The edit flow of "Artifact" and "Manifest" in triggers now works as expected.

  • Service and Environment V2 impact OPA policies configured on the Infrastructure Definition properties (CDS-44213)

    Supporting "infrastructure" key in pipeline YAML expansion for OPA policies for new Service and Environments (referred by the Pipeline).

  • File Store issue: When clicking out of the form of file creation it creates the object but does not show it in the dropdown (CDS-44146)

    Added additional criteria to return files with undefined file usage.

  • S3 Artifact: NPE if bucketname is <+input> and empty value given at runtime (CDS-44072)

    Fixed the NPE. If bucketName or filePath/Regex is null or empty, the Pipeline will throw appropriate exception.

  • S3 Artifact: YAML validation for bucketName and file path (CDS-44071)

    Now we don't allow the bucketName to be an empty string.

  • S3 Artifact: Region as <+input>, Bucket name dropdown gives error (CDS-44067)

    After this change, we will stop making bucket list API call, if region or connectorRef are runtime inputs.

  • Artifactory Connector: No drop down for Repository and Artifact path (CDS-43898)

    APIs added for repository and artifact path.

  • Null Pointer exception when executing Pipeline with Custom Artifact (GitOps) (CDS-43841)

    To support backward compatibility, we were only validating that the script is null but UI is sending empty string because of that we were creating delegate task and getting NPE. We have added the validation for empty string as well.

  • Total inputs count in the templates is not appropriate when the Service/Environment changes are enabled (CDS-43002)

    Updated the UI to not show template inputs count.

October 7, 2022, version 77025

What's new

The ability to provision resources in a CD stage's deployment infrastructure using the CloudFormation Create Stack step is now GA. Previously, it was behind the CLOUDFORMATION_NG feature flag.

Fixed issues
  • Template variables issue (CDS-44066, ZD-34808)

    Added a fix to add/update template variables from variables panels.

  • Cannot Fetch files for Paths (CDS-44008)

    There was a default of an empty string that was being set. Now the default is the value passed through the service manifest.

  • NPE when using Custom Remote Manifest Feature (CDS-43999)

  • UI Breaking with old custom artifact YAML (CDS-43970)

    Check added for old YAML support.

  • Not able to add Artifact for WinRM deployments (CDS-43963)

  • Unable to clear Ticket Status field in Jira Update step (CDS-43935)

    Added clear button in status field.

  • WinRM credentials layout inconsistent (CDS-43892)

  • Hosts in PDC Connector details hard to read (CDS-43891)

  • Changes related to recaster alias are not compatible in Connectors (CDS-43848)

  • Null Pointer exception when executing Pipeline with custom artifact (GitOps) (CDS-43841)

    To support Backward compatibility, we were only validating that the script is null but UI is sending empty string because of that we were creating delegate task and getting NPE. We have added the validation for empty string as well.

  • ServiceNow Change Window details not showing up on get approvals API (CDS-43787)

    API GET approvals/{approvalID} was not giving change Window Spec details.

    It was missing from wrapper classes returning the persistent entity.

    This issue has been resolved. API GET approvals/{approvalID} now returns change Window Spec details.

  • Remove validation for artifact Path in Nexus3 (CDS-43778)

    To support backward compatibility for Nexus Docker YAML, we didn't remove the older field "artifactPath" but didn't marked the field as not mandatory which was root cause of the issue. Removing the annotation NotNull from field resolved the issue.

  • No Variable to expose Connector Name. We only expose ref but the ref might not be the name (CDS-43757)

    Expression to get the connector name is available now. Please use "<>" in the pipeline.

  • Infra Secrets are not getting resolved in Shell Script (CDS-43714)

    The secrets variable were not getting resolved in shell script. It was not added in the map of variables. It is now added in the map to generate autosuggestion.

  • Artifactory Connector configured in a project scope isnt working with the service V2, only Account level artifactory connector with same creds is. (CDS-43430, ZD-34745)

    We have fixed the issue with the error message not clear when Delegates were down. The error going forward will clearly show this going forward.

  • Active service count and versions contradict license view (CDS-43350, ZD-34558)

    The old Connector’s Delegate Selector has a Delegate that is no longer available. Hence it would never delete the old instances. Once the connector is deleted, we have written a migration to cleanup all instances of deleted connectors. This would cleanup instances for old connector and prevent it from looking for running instances (as it still points to same cluster/namespace).

  • Stage Template not being listed when creating a new pipeline (CDS-43091, ZD-34422)

    The template list screen did not display the account level templates created inline when Git experience is enabled. There was a criteria in the query which was filtering out inline templates. This issue has been resolved. The template list screen now displays the account level templates created inline when Git experience is enabled.

  • When wrong action passed to Harness Approval API error appear: '{"code":400,"message":"Unable to process JSON"}%' (CDS-42662)

    The API ( did not provide details of JSON processing errors. Also, for incorrect values in the Harness Approval Action (!ct=application/json&path=action&t=request), the appropriate details were not showing.

    This has been because of inappropriate error handling for enum and also error details not bubbling up correctly for JsonProcessingException. This issue has been resolved. The error details are shown up correctly.

  • Getting NPE in tag field (CDS-42637)

    This is a fix for improving the error message when imagepath is a null value.

September 29, 2022, version 76921

What's new
  • For Native Helm deployments, you can enable the new Ignore Release History Failed Status option to have Harness ignore when the Helm release is in a failed state. (CDS-43785)

    By default, if the latest Helm release failed, Harness does not proceed with the install/upgrade and throws an error. Enable the Ignore Release History Failed Status option to have Harness ignore these errors and proceed with install/upgrade.

Fixed issues

  • Shell Script Step Output Variables are not getting set if the characters are long (CDS-43606)

    We had a 10kB limit on the exported environment variable length. We have now increased the limit to 200kB.

  • The Name in Infrastructure could be removed (CDS-43527)

    The validation for Name did not prevent a submit with an empty Name.

  • Helm Deployment isn't happening when the latest release is in failed state (CDS-43493, ZD-34752)

    You can now ignoring failures in helm history command and continue with installing/upgrading by enabling the Ignore Release History Failed Status option.

  • Added Infrastructure host Connection Type to Azure, replacing Use Public DNS with the following options: Hostname (default), Private IP, Public IP (CDS-43301)

  • <+artifact> variables are not working in both SSH and WinRM pipelines (CDS-43293)

    We were not adding the metadata to artifact outcome. The expression now works. The URL can now be fetched using <+artifact.metadata.url>.

  • Option to select file or text is present when username/SSH Key is selected as authentication while creating an SSH credential (CDS-43266)

    Only files type secrets should be available when username/SSH Key is selected.

  • CD Pipelines that use Propagate from Service are broken when Service and Environments v2 is enabled (CDS-43254)

    Services in the older Pipeline were being identified as new Services if they were being propagated. This has been fixed by correctly by identifying the older Services.

  • For Kerberos authentication, Delegate capability check is missing (CDS-42924)

    Added new capability check which includes credentials when making connection with WinRM machine.

  • Connector test succeeds but Connector fails to load images (CDS-42410, ZD-33295)

    For the Capability check for Docker registry connector, we now use endpoint /v2 to validate. As per Docker documentation, /v2 is the only endpoint needed to validate the accessibility for Docker registry version 2. To handle the scenario we are appending /v2 to Connector the URL if it doesn't exist.

  • The <+artifact.primary.identifier> expression not resolving to primary artifact identifier (CDS-42195)

  • Service Dashboard: Primary artifact details is not showing up under Active Service Instances section, only tags details displayed (CDS-42172)

    Added artifact details, such as artifact path and tag/version on hover of the existing artifact versions.

  • In Artifactory Connector, API call to list repositories is triggered every we click on drop-down (CDS-41492)

    Caching is now done for the API call.

  • Terraform Apply Provisioner Identifier setting not accepting numeric values (CDS-36661) Updated Provisioner Id to be standard, matching other steps.

September 22, 2022, version 76817

What's New


Early Access




Fixed Issues
  • Delete Resource Step is getting failed even when the resource is present (CDS-43269).

    For the Rolling and Canary deployments, deletion of the resource step was failing when the resource was present. This issue has been fixed.

  • S3 Artifact Source Bug - connectorRef is null in the execution logs (CDS-43195).

    The variables were not being published correctly in the execution logs for the Service step. This issue has been fixed. The data is now getting populated into the variables.

  • Template inputs are inconsistently displayed in the right draw while switching versions (CDS-43180).

    The functionality for the version drop-down menu associated with the template selector was inconsistent. This issue has been fixed.

  • Output variable in a shell script under custom stage is throwing exception (CDS-43107).

    The error message has been enhanced to provide guidance when the shell script executing not he remote host encounters FileNotFoundException.

  • Cannot create a Step template from the pipeline or template studio in old git Exp enabled projects (CDS-43082, ZD-34448, ZD-34525).

    A template could not be created for Organization or Account due to incorrect validation function. This issue has been fixed.

  • Regions should be used from API call for Google artifact registry (CDS-42886).

    Regions have been added for API calls associated with the Google artifact registry.

  • An error message displayed to indicate that the Canary deployment step had failed even though the step was successful. (CDS-42427).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Throw error while saving pipeline if step group with command step has Matrix or parallelism looping strategy (CDS-42313).

    This issue has been fixed. If the steps are part of a step group with command type, Matrix and Parallelism looping strategies are now unavailable.

  • Not able to copy path from service variable (CDS-42007).

    The copy button was disabled for ServiceV2 because support for Variable is not available. However, this issue has been fixed for ServiceV1.

  • Jira Approval State not validating issue type (CDS-41532, ZD-33249).

    The issueType in Approval was optional in the UI. It was not stored in the YAML manifest or validated. Now, the issueType is stored in the YAML manifest and it is validated. The issueType continues to be an optional field and previous versions of the software with older Approvals that did not have this feature will continue to function.

  • Specify infra definition field disappears when user removes previously selected infra (CDS-42448).

    This scenario applies to a pipeline with an infrastructure definition that includes a runtime input. If you selected the infrastructure definition with the runtime inputs, and then tried to deselect that infrastructure definition, the entire infra structure definition field disappeared. However, the runtime input fields for that infrastructure definition stayed on the panel.

    This issue has been fixed.

September 14, 2022, version 76708

What's New

Shell Script Output Variables now allow the Secret type (CDS-41263, ZD-33761)

You can select String or Secret for your output variable.

When you select Secret and reference the output variable later in the Pipeline, Harness will automatically sanitize the resolved secret value in the logs.

See Using Shell Scripts in CD Stages.

Fixed issues
  • Service Dashboard: On updating the Service dashboard we were not refreshing the complete page and Service last update time was not getting updated (CDS-40897) Added serviceHeader api refresh on save and update activity.

  • Clicking on selected file in Harness store opens on account level (CDS-42038)

    Artifact path dropdown doesn't show list of artifacts in pipeline with template where artifact path is runtime param (CDS-42445) Yaml Path for templates was not handled

  • Even if password is invalid you can create it in YAML (CDS-42522)

  • Increasing error in Setup usages thread related to git-sync (CDS-42769) Seeing entitySetupUsages Redis topic being accumulated and consumers were not able to consume references as fast as it was being produced. On debugging we found that on each execution with a Service step, we were producing unnecessary setup usages which was causing Redis stream to accumulate. We have fixed this by not producing setup usages on service step execution.

  • Map clusters API/UI does not show linked clusters (CDS-42790, ZD-34237) This bug was due to incorrect mapping of clusters to GitOps clusters. The issue was that scoping wasn't accounted for.

  • While running stage added from template UI crashes (CDS-42852) Parallel stages were not handled.

September 7, 2022, version 76619

What's new
  • Support for Gov Cloud for AWS Connectors in NG (CDS-42414).

    AWS Government Cloud is now supported.

  • Support Jira 'user assignment' fields when using Jira integration (CDS-37792).

    Fields that manage users and issue links are now supported by Harness.

Early access




Fixed issues
  • GitSync pipelines are shown as inline in new pipelines listing view (CDS-42643).

    If old gitsync is enabled, the git details are now shown in the pipeline list.

  • Creation Tomcat director doesn't work (CDS-42481).

    The mkdir command for tomcat is now working and the response from the Delegate has been improved.

  • Connector test succeeds but connector fails to load images (CDS-42410) (Zendesk Ticket ID 33295).

    Although the connector's connectivity test is successful, the Docker connector was unable to pull images, causing pipelines to fail. This issue has been fixed. For the capability check associated with a Docker registry connector, we now use endpoint '/v2' for validation. This endpoint is now appended to the connector URL, if it doesn't already exist.

  • Unable to fetch image tags - null connector even though connector was selected (CDS-42450).

    This issue has been fixed.

    With an AWS connector, when the user wanted to test the image path by toggling the tag to fixed input from runtime, a null connector message was presented. This issue has been fixed.

  • Failed to retrieve [null] from Google Container Registry (CDS-42344).

    The Tags API call will now occur if imagePath is expression. When the value of the expression changes, new tags are fetched according to the value when pipelines are run.

  • UI issues while creating account level pipeline template (CDS-42291).

    Expressions for environment and infrastructure are not supported at project level, therefore they have been removed from the project, org, and account level.

  • Canary Delete says failed even though it executed in the cluster (CDS-42427).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Pipeline deploys to same instance twice (CDS-42272). This issue has been fixed.

  • If execute on delegate is used in Command step it throws illegal group reference error during execution (CDS-42003).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Observing Null pointer when shell script executes on remote host and credentials are provided using Username Password (CDS-41963) (Zendesk Ticket Numbers 33642, 34370).

    Previously, a Null Pointer was received when executing shell script on a remote host by using Username/Password. This issue was specific to authentication type, and it has been resolved.

  • Service details not displayed in UI where as YAML shows them when the service environment feature flag is enabled (CDS-41374).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • CI Trigger configuration broken webpage (CDS-41322) (Zendesk Ticket ID 33057).

This issue has been fixed by preventing the deletion of referenced templates.

  • K8s task fails to write manifest file to path (CDS-35685). For a GitHub or GitLab connector, manifest files fail with the Paths execution. This issue has been fixed. The manifests are processed correctly for K8s tasks.

August 31, 2022, version 76515

What's new


Early access




Fixed issues
  • Null pointer exception when running pipeline (CDS-42420) (Zendesk Ticket Ids, 33839, 33986).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Getting "Delegate not available" error even when there are delegates (CDS-42394).

    The error message received by validateHosts API was misleading. This issue has been fixed.

  • Template option "Always use the stable version" displays as "-1" (CDS-42299).

    The Template option displayed with '-1' instead of 'Always use the stable version' in the Template selection drawer. This issue has been fixed.

  • When clicking an execution for following pipeline, js throws error (CDS-42258).

    The nested stepGroup data now parses recursively to render the graph.

  • Error '' (CDS-42234).

    This problem occurs when spring-data-mongodb:2.2.7.RELEASE library is being used. When creating a query with multiple 'and' operators, it interprets the construct as being invalid. This issue has been fixed.

  • Error 'io.harness.exception. runtime.NoInstancesException' (CDS-42233).

    This was not a genuine exception. The exception was being used to determine whether to delete an entity or not. This has been updated to a warning log.

  • Terraform Var File config doesn't let you highlight the File Path text in the Var File modal (CDS-42226). The Terraform Var File Path inputs did not allow selecting the content of the input field. Instead, the input field was dragged if you tried to select the content. You could select the content only by double clicking on it. This issue has been resolved. Now, you can select the content in the input field without causing the dragging effect.

  • step template fails at Stop Service step (CDS-42204).

    Incorrect Tomcat path was provided in the Execution Strategies view. This issue has been fixed.

  • Command Step - Output variables are not available to other command units and or steps (CDS-42202).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • On choosing runtime value for File/Folder Path, js throws an error (CDS-42189).

    A missing runtime check on the tooltip caused the error. This issue has been fixed.

  • NPE when looping strategy input is invalid (CDS-42175).

    This issue has been fixed and an error with explanation displays.

  • Cannot construct Google default token source: could not find default credentials (CDS-42134).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Handle parallel stages (CDS-42133) (Zendesk Ticket ID 33839).

    Handling parallel and series stage combination for EXPORT_TF_PLAN_JSON_NG has been fixed.

  • Jenkins Integration Not working in Account templates (CDS-42128) (Zendesk Ticket ID 33782).

    OrgIdentifier and ProjectIdentifier were required fields in the API. In Account template, project and organization identifier were not provided in the API, thereby causing a validation error. The validation was removed and the issue has been fixed.

  • Service override bugs (CDS-42112).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Shell script: on Edit of shell script step from 'execute on target host" to 'on delegate' option we should remove the execution Target data from yaml (CDS-41988).

    The yaml should be visible when On delegate is selected and executionTarget field should not be present. This issue has been fixed.

  • Logs for script command units are not appearing if executed on delegate (CDS-41824).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Support IN and NOT IN options for approval and rejection criteria for SNOW and JIRA steps all the time (CDS-41742).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • First letter in artifact name is truncated when shown in list (CDS-41491).

The artifact directory was not handled correctly when a period (.) was specified. The period (.) will not be processed correctly.

  • Pipeline dashboard - When pipeline is aborted then we are showing it failed in the execution graph (CDS-41000).

The count for aborted and expired executions has been added to the pipeline execution. This issue has been fixed.

  • Git sync disabled (CDS-40870).

    The tests were updated.

  • Jenkins job parameters can't be runtime inputs (CDS-40643).

    The Jenkins job parameters are now being accepted during runtime.

  • Service dashboard: Primary artifact details are not showing up under Active Service Instances section. Only tag details are displayed (CDS-39968).

    An artifact path was added in response to getActiveServiceDeployments and getActiveServiceInstances API.

  • Active Service Instances needs some cleanup (CDS-38676) (Zendesk Ticket IDs 30391, 31418).

    Instances belong to the deleted environments were not being deleted. This issue has been fixed.

August 25, 2022, version 76425

What's new


Early access


  • Serverless Expression Change for Sidecars (CDS-40812). For information on serverless, see Serverless Tutorial.

    You can select multiple artifacts for serverless. Previously, you could only select a single artifact for a sidecar.

  • help panels according to module (CDS-41725).

    The CD module has new help panels that provide tailored information that is relevant for the tasks being performed in each screen or dialog.

Fixed issues
  • Add license check in template (CDS-42059).

    A license check is performed and a message is displayed to show the option to enroll in the enterprise plan when there is a choice to create a pipeline from a template, add a step template, or access a side menu with templates.

  • Skipped step not clickable (CDS-41920).

    When a step is skipped, it was not clickable. This issue has been fixed.

  • Long version label overflows (CDS-41907).

    When label text is lengthy, it is now designed to display properly when you hover over it.

    When an invalid Delegate Selector was provided and Test Connection was clicked, a NullPointerException error displayed. This issue has been fixed by addressing the cause for the error.

  • Access control and windows service plan issues (CDS-41886).

    Access control and Windows service plan issues have been resolved.

  • InfraDefinition not rendering (CDS-41870).

    The structure of the YAML file for the runtime flow was invalid. This issue has been fixed.

  • Infrastructure Mapping and Instances entities are not unique per account, org and project but per entire database (CDS-41821).

    Infrastructure Mapping is now unique for each account, organization, and project.

  • Step templates show up with a blank page (CDS-41790).

    When you chose to create a new Step template, the entire page was occupied by the Step template. This issue has been fixed.

  • Handle traffic shift for basic deployment (CDS-41760).

    Basic deployments are not handled for traffic shift anymore. This issue has been fixed.

  • Can't Pull Service Usage Data. Throwing a 500 Error (CDS-41738).

    When using the free version of Harness to create pipelines, the HTTP status code 500 displayed or an error message displayed indicating invalid request. This issue has been fixed.

  • Terraform Apply after TF Plan should use inherit commitID but uses branch (CDS-41714).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Kustomize yaml folder path should be an optional field (CDS-41701).

    The folder path for the Kustomize yaml is now optional.

  • Rolling & Canary strategy should use start and end depending on UI selection for percentage/count (CDS-41685).

    This issue has been resolved.

  • The yaml snippets for Rolling and Canary strategies generated during pipeline creation were not using maxConcurrency=1 (CDS-41684).

    This issue has been resolved.

  • Update the YAML path to support runtime view for all infrastructures with env V2 (CDS-41683).

    The YAML path has been updated to support runtime view for all infrastructures with env V2.

  • Files and Patterns text-box alignment issue (CDS-41650).

    The textbox and delete icon will remain in one line (aligned to each other). Column title texts and field error texts were updated.

  • Step template form has shrunk (CDS-41607).

    The template step now displays full width on the screen.

  • Reducing zoom in pipeline doesn't expand services until you resize (CDS-41572).

    Nodes are now collapsed to scale properly when a zoom action is performed.

  • Jira Approval state not validating issue type (CDS-41532).

    The issue type in Approval was always optional and required only to display the drop-down values in the UI. This was not stored in the YAML and not validated. This issue has been fixed by storing this information in the yaml file and validating the issue type provided by users.

  • Mouse-up on left side of clone pipeline popup edit box closes window and puts you in edit (CDS-41392).

    This issue has been fixed.

  • Project Dashboards not showing latest deployments (CDS-41367) (Zendesk Ticket ID: 31794).

    Deployment dates for UTC time were incorrect. This issue has been fixed.

  • Failure rate is 100% but I see successful executions (CDS-38940).

    This issue has been fixed. Now, executions with the status IGNOREFAILED are displayed with SUCCESS status and a tooltip with information.

August 18, 2022, version 76321

What's new

The Kustomize manifest has been updated with details for the Harness File Store (CDS-41025)

Update the base path and the relative path for File Store in the Kustomize manifest. See Add Inline Manifests Using File Store

Early access




Fixed issues
  • ImagePath expressions not resolved for older service and environments (CDS-41612)

    When ImagePath is used as an expression, and manifests were absent for Service and Environment, the image tags did not load when a Pipeline was run. This issue has been fixed. Manifests are generated for Service and Environment.

  • Execution history help panel (CDS-41346)

    The help panel for execution history will display on the right side.

  • Multiple artifact sources not working when defining the source variable in stage.variables (CDS-41231)

    When there are parallel stages and imagePath was the expressions, tags could not be fetched. This issue has been fixed.

  • Harness approval UI is constantly loading even in case of failed state/ (CDS-41196)

    The user interface for Harness approval was loading continuously despite a failed state. This issue has been fixed.

  • Unable to choose a stage when creating account level template (CDS-41193)

    When you are creating an Account-level template, you can now select a stage.

  • Allowing different types of stage templates with same identifier as different versions (CDS-40077)

    Stage templates with the same identifier could be assigned with different version numbers. This issue has been fixed.

August 8th, 2022, version 76128

What's new


Early access

Support for large repos for Kustomize manifests (CDS-40651) NG_OPTIMIZE_FETCH_FILES_KUSTOMIZE

Fetching Kustomize manifests in now optimized for large repos. Enabling the NG_OPTIMIZE_FETCH_FILES_KUSTOMIZE feature flag renders a checkbox, Optimized Kustomize Manifest Collection, in the

Advanced section of Manifest details. Selecting this checkbox renders the input for entering Kustomize YAML Folder path.


Serverless Lambda supports Amazon S3 artifact sources (CDS-39449)

When Serverless Lambda is chosen as the deployment type, you can add Amazon S3 as a primary or sidecar artifact, or both.

Fixed issues
  • Triggers breaking page (CDS-41133)

    Additional safety checks added to Triggers page.

  • Port not passed in YAML for WinRm credential set to 0 (CDS-40955)

    You can now save WinRm Credentials without adding a port. Harness will save to the default NTLM and Kerberos port.

  • Environments group and route not working (CDS-40858)

    Added wait on API response.

  • Service Dashboard: when Pipeline is rejected, last 30 days service deployment graph data increases the active count number (CDS-40563)

    Counting approved/rejected pipeline execution as failed now.

  • Service Dashboard: active service instance details: When autoscaling, pipeline name is showing as "AUTO_SCALED" and pointing to invalid link (CDS-40562)

    Setting pipeline executionId tp the same id of previous instances instead of setting it to "AUTO_SCALED".

  • Execution strategy option is not displayed in pipeline template (CDS-40559)

  • Artifact cannot be selected in Trigger creation (CDS-40499)

    Handled all the possible scenarios and modified the error message correctly for each scenario to help user to gain insight into the underlying cause.

  • RBAC for Environment groups did not allow users to execute pipeline (CDS-40440)

    This was because of missing environment group access permission. The issue has been resolved. Users can be assigned add environment group access permission.

  • NPE displayed for ServiceNow update with template (CDS-40433)

    Regression caused NPE.

  • UI is showing the clusterId instead of clusterName in the Select Cluster dialog box (CDS-40393)

    Fixed for long cluster names

  • Runtime input is not working for workload field in Scale step (CDS-40198)

    Path error fixed.

  • Environment bugs in templates (CDS-40188)

    Infra as runtime was not being honored when environment was runtime.

  • The type for "Canary Deployment" is mentioned as "K8sRollingDeploy" (CDS-40177)

    The variable name was set wrong.

  • Apply step values.yaml override crashes on configuration (CDS-40140)

    Deployment type for this step is corrected.

  • Harness read-only RBAC does not extend to GitOps pages (CDS-40065)

    Added Gitops view permissions to default Account Viewer role.

  • CloudFormation runtime screen form validation improved (CDS-40040)

    Added validation to runtime inputs when executing a pipeline.

  • Infrastructure selection is flaky in run pipeline form (CDS-39946)

    Infra was not getting updated on change of Environment because the value of Environment was being memoized and the dependencies not being updated.

  • Opening rollback step opens deployment step from UI (CDS-39753)

    Fixed step iteration logic for update/save step based on Steps/RollbackSteps state allowing same identifiers.

  • Templates: Clicking on Reconcile getting Invalid request: Template with the Identifier pipstg and versionLabel 1 does not exist or has been deleted (CDS-38936)

    Added scope info to get yaml diff of an updated template.

  • Approval step start time and end time are same even when the step ran for 2m (CDS-38899)

    Fixed the start and end time for Approval steps.

  • Manifest modal width inconsistent (CDS-37913)

    Select Manifest modal now has the same width when moving from Select a Manifest Reference to Configure Manifest Runtime Inputs.

August 1, 2022, version 76030

What's new


Early access




Fixed issues
  • NPE in PlanCreatorUtils.supportsField for Variables framework (CDS-40473)

    Fixed the variable creation logic when Approval step inputs not present in the step.

  • Harness File store bugs (CDS-40185)

    Fixed a label and params path issue.

  • Default value is getting rendered at the UI (CDS-40136, ZD-32332)

    The default setting of Service variables was not handled correctly.

  • UI bug when passing Service as runtime input (CDS-40120)

    The issue was happening with NG_SVC_ENV_REDESIGN FF on and v1 service. Removed feature flag check for v1 service step.

  • Harness File Store crash on switching type (CDS-40116)

    No longer crashes.

  • Custom variables added to the pipeline template don't appear in the corresponding pipeline variables section (CDS-40084)

    Fixed a bug where variables of pipeline templates were not getting displayed in pipeline studio's variables panel.

  • NPE io.harness.pms.sdk.core.plan.creation.creators.PlanCreatorService (CDS-40076)

    Fixed the variable creation logic when Approval step inputs not present in the step.

  • Dropdown Box Has Multiple Scrollbars (CDS-40066, ZD-32530)

    Removed double scrollbars from tag list.

  • Service Dashboard: Primary artifact details is not showing up under total deployments section, only tags details is displayed (CDS-39967)

    The pipeline executions under total deployments was not having image details. Added image details to pipeline executions under total deployments.

  • UI issues with Environment Filters (CDS-39948)

    Loading a previously saved filter and adding values when there is already a filter applied is not crashing the UI page now. On clicking filters icon, the saved filter field is repopulated. When a filter is saved with some fields empty (Eg. env name), UI no longer sends it as a list of null elements [null].

  • Unable to switch to a different infra definition (CDS-39831)

    Now Pipeline retains to infra definition when switching to a new infra def in environment tab

  • Unwanted scroll in variables panel (CDS-39817)

    Issue fixed by removing redundant class variableBorderBottom.

  • Jira Update: On edit and saving without any change prompts for confirmation modal (CDS-39803)

    Under pipeline Stage, Jira update component, when the stage was opened for editing and without any edit if the user tried to close the right drawer, then a confirmation modal to apply changes appeared even when no change had been made. This issue has been resolved. The drawer will not prompt now for any message when the content has not been edited.

  • Default values of step not updated in step template (CDS-39784)

    Fixed a bug where default values of step were not being used while creating a step template.

  • Unable to store tfplan to vault when running multiple Parallel TerraForm Plan steps in a stage (CDS-39771)

    Supporting multiple Terraform Plan steps in one Stage by making tfPan name more unique when stored in Secret Manager

  • Error Handling in Pipeline throwing NullPointerException (CDS-39718)

    When feature flag EXPORT_TF_PLAN_JSON_NG is enabled user will be able to execute parallel stages with terraform job in it.

  • Creating/editing Jira step failing silently with no error/feedback (CDS-39695)

    Now shows the user if there are any unsupported fields while creating a Jira Create step. These changes are not related to showing the user field.

  • Custom Approvals: When script is aborted then we show it as expired in the step details (CDS-39561)

    Changing status from Expired to Aborted.

  • When no Approval criteria is provided then pipeline execution fails with right error message but console view keeps loading (CDS-39560)

    Added UI side validation for approval criteria and also added support to show error message in approval tabs.

  • Failed Deployment Dashboard doesn't show recent deployments (CDS-37906, ZD-30968, ZD-31794, ZD-31848)

    There was conflict between number of failed deployments shown under Executions and recent failed deployments. It was because number of deployments under Executions were grouped under UTC and recent failed deployments are shown in user timezone. Added UTC time along with user timezone for recent failed deployments.

  • ServiceNow CURD BE issues (CDS-37529)

    Fixed an issue where users could not Create/Update tickets of Change tasks using ServiceNow templates. We are now using sys Id to generate URLs.

  • NPE on trying to save a empty pipeline template at account level (CDS-37329)

    We are introducing schema validation for templates. When users create a new template of any type, we will do a validation before saving the template to ensure that provided YAML schema is correct. If there are errors, they will be highlighted and the users can use the YAML editor to fix the issues. The schema validation for existing templates will happen only when the templates are being edited.

  • In preview template YAML option, the horizontal scroll in not working with two finger scroll (CDS-36841)

    Support added for horizontal scroll in template yaml preview pop up.

  • Message not clear when "auth" field is missing from body of Create Connector call (CDS-33795) While creating a Docker Connector, if auth field is missing then no proper message is displayed. Fixed by adding proper error message.

July 18th, 2022, version 75921

What's new


Early access




Fixed issues
  • Rollback was not getting triggered for all K8s steps if a deployment strategy was defined (CDS-39745)

  • Not able to connect inline Azure connector (CDS-39701)

    Azure Connector was missing. It is now added.

  • Mandatory error message displayed when trying to add stage template (CDS-39685)

    Sanitization added before saving templates to avoid sending null values that fail schema validation.

  • Unable to approve a Harness Approval (CDS-39678)

    Approval button was not working. This has been fixed.

  • NPE in plan creation for old environments in V2 setup (CDS-39639)

  • Updating template to new version removed project identifier (CDS-39620, ZD-32283)

    We fixed a bug where Pipeline metadata was getting wiped out when a linked Pipeline template is changed or removed.

  • Custom Approval: When Script timeout and retry interval fields are provided with invalid value an error message is logged and page keep loading (CDS-39562)

  • Default Values not working for Pipeline template with CI stage (CDS-39423, ZD-32154, ZD-32233, ZD-32276, ZD-32332)

    Pipeline variables were not showing up in an Input Set and Run Pipeline settings when a Pipeline template was used in a Pipeline.

  • Resource Groups value cleared when used in templates while switching from YAML to Visual editor (CDS-39382, ZD-32141)

  • Azure Connector with AKS: HARNESS_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH not present (CDS-39357, ZD-31996)

    Introduced HARNESS_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH environment variable for Azure infra.

  • CloudFormation (CDS-39288)

    If CloudFormation template contain expressions like ${AWS::StackName} we were trying to handle them as Harness expressions. After the fix we are ignoring them.

  • Location content in the Artifact section of Deploy stage should be wrapped (CDS-39114) Wrapped the Location text so it will not overflow. On hover we can see the whole text.

  • <> expression in the Artifact path was causing the fetch tags capability to error out and fail (CDS-39106)

    You can now add Service and Environment expressions in image path setting.

  • Azure Infrastructure: Clusters API call gets cancelled and does not load the cluster list (CDS-39028, ZD-32141)

    Changed implementation and fixed the API calls getting cancelled.

  • Deployment type error is not highlighted in UI (only displays on hover in error summary) (CDS-38869)

  • Active Service Instances: Old instances were not being deleted as the delete query did not have proper filters (CDS-38676, ZD-30391, ZD-31418)

    This has been resolved now.

July 11, 2022, version 75829

What's new
  • AWS Connector Assume IAM Role on Delegate and Use IRSA credentials support for Serverless Lambda (CDS-38924)

    You can now use the Assume IAM Role on Delegate and Use IRSA credentials options when setting up an AWS Connector for Serverless Lambda deployments.

    For more information, refer to AWS Connector Settings Reference.

  • Allow AWS ECR artifact for Serverless Lambda (CDS-38857)

    You can now use artifacts from an AWS ECR registry for Serverless Lambda deployments.

    For more information, refer to Serverless Lambda Deployment Tutorial.

Early access

The Feature Flag name changed for the Kubernetes pruning feature (CDS-39364)

Deleting Orphaned Resources During K8s Deployment feature is now behind the FF PRUNE_KUBERNETES_RESOURCES_NG.

For more information, refer to Prune Kubernetes Resources.

Fixed issues
  • Zoom buttons are not visible when Pipeline templates are out of sync (CDS-39371)

    When an executed Pipeline had out of sync templates, the Pipeline Visual Studio's Zoom buttons disappeared.

  • New Connector button action not redirecting to create Connector page (CDS-39334)

    Adding a new Git Connector from the new Service screen lead to the Manifest Details page instead of create Connector page.

  • When a ServiceNow step Ticket Type was changed, the Template section was disabled (CDS-39223)

  • DuplicateKeyException: E11000 duplicate key error collection during CD scale test (CDS-39219)

    A DuplicateKeyException appeared due to a race condition.

  • Cloning a Pipeline based on a Template caused the new Pipeline to not load (CDS-39174)

    Fixed a bug in fetching the resolved Template Pipeline.

  • The Diff screen that appears when updating a Template reference is hard to use (CDS-39159)

    Increased the size of YAML diff dialog to use the entire screen.

  • Variable not auto-completing on JEXL expression (CDS-39078)

    Variables now autocomplete in HTTP steps.

  • Azure Infrastructure - when selecting account-level Connector Azure subscription, the Azure resource group and clusters were not fetched correctly (CDS-38994)

  • SSH Connection Attribute value was not being retained in UI (CDS-38944)

  • Templates Update All Synced Entities option not working (CDS-38935)

    When account/org-level nested Templates are linked to a Pipeline and the Template inputs provided in the Pipeline go out of sync with Templates, there is an option in the Pipeline to reconcile the conflicts. The option was not working. It has been fixed.

  • Invalid Infrastructure Definition was allowed to saved (CDS-38903)

  • Unable to change Input to Expression in Account Stage Template (CDS-38840, ZD-31653, ZD-32014)

    Added support for expressions in Service and Environment for account/org-level Stage and Pipeline templates.

  • Added Template access in Pipeline Executor role by default (CDS-38486)

  • Users were able to override RBAC permissions from Template error inspection window (CDS-38447, ZD-30717)

    Added RBAC checks on update and update all flows to prevent update if user doesn't have permissions to update Pipeline/Templates.

  • No error displays for Templates when version label is not provided for a Git-enabled Project (CDS-38415)

  • Expose ArtifactSummary implementation classes in Swagger (CDS-38299)

  • Jira Approval summary when used as runtime input in a template not working (CDS-38221)

    When Issue type/Project is changed the dependent fields are now fetched based on the type selected. If marked as Expression or Runtime, dependent field is not be available.

  • Retry Failed Pipeline modal does not show dropdown to select Stages (CDS-37130)

  • Total Deployments and the breakdown between prod and non-prod Environments wasn't adding up (CDS-36450)

  • Variables section for Jira and ServiceNow steps were showing Name and Timeout twice (CDS-36319)

  • Service Definition wass not displayed in Variables section for a Pipeline (CDS-36165)

  • Select All was not disabled in the Delete Template modal when there was an empty list (CDS-36121)

  • The hover over card on the Deployments graph for a specific day wasn't clickable. It now routes the user to the Deployments listing page to see the list of Pipeline executions for that day (CDS-33717)