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Security Testing Orchestration release notes

Review the notes below for details about recent changes to Security Testing Orchestration, NextGen SaaS. For release notes for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition, go to Self-Managed Enterprise Edition release notes.


Harness deploys changes to Harness SaaS clusters on a progressive basis. This means that the features and fixes that these release notes describe may not be immediately available in your cluster. To identify the cluster that hosts your account, go to the Account Overview page.

Latest - May 10, 2023, version 1.50.3

  • You can now ingest ZAP scan results from both JSON and XML reports. For information about the ZAP XML report format, go to Traditional XML Report in the ZAP documentation. (STO-5868)

  • The Security Tests tab now renders tables from tool-provided descriptions in the Issue Details panel. (STO-5857)

  • The UI now uses consistent terminology when referring to exemptions. All references to ignore and ignored have been updated to exempt and exempted. (STO-5749)

  • The Security Testing Dashboard includes a new Target Type filter. (STO-5732)

  • The Security Tests tab now paginates results for scans that detect a lot of issues. You can set the pagination to 20, 50, or 100 issues per page. (STO-5211)

  • STO now supports looping strategies for Security Tests stages. (STO-5726)

  • You can now select a high-level reason when you request an exemption for a detected issue. The Request Exemption for Issue dialog box includes a new Reason pull-down menu with a set of common reasons for exempting an issue. (STO-5730)

Previous releases

2023 releases

April 6, 2023, version 1.43.1

New features

This release does not include new features.

Early access

This release does not include early access features.

Fixed issues
  • Fixed a UI issue in External Tickets Settings for setting up Jira integrations: Default Project and Default Issue Type always used the account-level Jira connector, even when a different connector was selected for the current project or organization. (STO-5756)
  • Fixed a search issue in Security Tests: If a search term included certain special characters, the UI would fail with a JavaScript exception. (STO-5745)
Plugin update - May 3, 2023, version 1.11.1

This update includes the following fixed issues:

  • This release updates the Twistlock normalization algorithm. Issues with Moderate severity in Twistlock are now assigned Medium (not High) severity in STO. (STO-5861)

  • Fixed a Snyk ingestion issue that caused the scan to scan step to fail if the target name included a space. (STO-5855)

Plugin update - April 20, 2023, version 1.10.1

This update includes the following fixed issues:

  • Fixed an issue that caused orchestrated Snyk scans to fail when passing in --all-projects via Additional CLI flags or as tool_args. This update now reflects the new supported Snyk workflow for specifying target variants: instead of using using --project-name to specify variants (old behavior), STO now uses the new -—target-reference flag (new behavior). (STO-5821, ZD-42967)

    For more information about the use of these flags, see the following topics in the Snyk documentation:

  • Fixed an issue where Snyk scans were processing container vulnerabilities only and ignored application vulnerabilities. STO now processes both container and application scan data from Snyk by default. (STO-5828)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented orchestrated Mend scans from running if the Use version in project names setting was turned off.

March 30, 2023, version 1.40.2

What's new
  • The Snyk integration has been updated. Orchestrated Snyk scans now upload results to the external Snyk portal by default. (STO-5607)
Early access
  • This release includes the following enhancements to the Jira integration:

    • After you create a new ticket, Issue Details replaces the Create Ticket button with a link to the new ticket and the ticket status. (STO-5518)



      External Tickets now automatically populates the Default Project Name and Default Project Type menus based on the selected ticket-provider connector. (STO-5492)

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue with SonarQube scans: if a repository had a .gitignore with a specific pattern, all files were ignored during the scan. (STO-5711)
  • Fixed an issue with Snyk scans to ensure that Issue Details shows all remediation information from the scan results under Remediation. (STO-5663)
  • Fixed an issue where, if a scan detected no issues and a later scan detected one or more issues, Issue Details would include remediation information from the later scan. (STO-5463)
  • Fixed a UI issue where the Security Tests tab was incorrectly showing issue counts and the Ignored status for some issues. This was due to a DB query that caused exemptions scoped to an issue in one project to be applied to the same issue in all projects in the account. (STO-5718)

March 23, 2023

New features

This release does not include new features.

Early access features

This release does not include early access features.

Fixed Issues
  • Fixed an issue that caused OWASP scans of Go apps to fail with the message [ERROR] Unexpected exception occurred initializing Golang Mod Analyzer. (STO-5602)
  • Fixed a UI issue in Issue Details that caused some redundant fields such as CWE to appear. (CI-5365)

March 20, 2023

What's new
  • This release does not include new features

Early access

This release does not include early access features.

Fixed issues

  • The search pull-down widget has been removed from the Security Tests > Overview page. To search for and drill down into specific issues, go to the Security Testing Dashboard. (STO-5592)
  • Fixed an issue in Security Tests > Overview where the Issue distribution over time graph was empty for some projects. (STO-5318)

March 14, 2023

What's new

This release includes a set of new scanner-specific steps (step palettes) for Aqua Trivy, Bandit, SonarQube, and other popular scanners. These steps greatly simplify the process of setting up scans in your pipelines. Previously, the workflow for all scanners was to enter a set of hard-coded key and value strings in a Security step. These new steps have simplified user-friendly UIs that include only the options relevant to the specific scanner, mode, and target.

The following security steps are now generally available:

Early access

This release does not include early access features.

Fixed issues

This release does not include fixed issues.

March 9, 2023

What's new

This release does not include new features.

Early access
  • The new Jira integration has been enhanced. If an issue has an associated Jira ticket, Issue Details now shows the ticket status along with the number. (STO-5491)
Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue in the Jira integration to ensure that Create Ticket now appears in Issue Details, even if an issue has an Exemption associated with it. (STO-5526)
  • Fixed an issue in the Jira integration that allowed users to try to create tickets against targets with no baseline specified, which is not supported and resulted in a 404 response. (STO-5477)
  • Fixed an issue in the Back Duck configuration UI where the in-tool help said that the Image Region setting was required when scanning AWS ECR container images. This field is optional. (STO-5450)

March 2, 2023, version v1.32.1

What's new
  • The Twistlock integration has been upgraded to use version 22.12.582. (STO-5575)

  • The Brakeman, Nikto, and Nmap scanner integrations now enable you to customize scans by passing CLI arguments to the scanner via the tool_args setting. (STO-5465)

  • The Bandit scanner integration now enables you to customize scans by passing CLI arguments to the scanner via the tool_args setting. (STO-5415)

  • The Mend integration now supports SCA scans. (STO-5242)

  • Bandit scan results have been enhanced. When you open the Details pane for a detected issue, the Raw Details JSON now includes links to further information under _rawIssueCwe : link and _rawMoreInfo. (STO-5422)

  • The Security Testing Dashboard includes a new set of filters for drilling down into specific issues by project, creation date, scanner, target, pipeline, severity, and so on. You can drill down to a set of relevant issues and then click on a pie slice, chart element, or other UI element to view details on the relevant issues. (STO-5329)

    Note the following:

    • The Security Testing Dashboard requires an Enterprise account.

    • You must click Refresh (top right) to apply the filter after you configure it.

    • To view details for an issue from the search results, click the pipeline name or ID and choose View in Harness Platform.

    • The Created Date menu has several non-working options: is null, is not null, and matches a user attribute. This is a known issue that Harness is working to address.

Security Testing Dashboard -- filters and Refresh button

Early access
  • Improved UI for configuring scan steps (STO-4867)

    This release includes a set of Security steps with an improved UI for configuring scans. Each step shows only the settings that apply to the specific scan.

    Note the following:

    • This release includes new steps for the following scanners: Aqua Trivy, Bandit, Black Duck, Checkmarx, Grype, Mend, Prisma Cloud, Snyk, SonarQube, and ZAP.
    • Docker-in-Docker is no longer required for these steps unless you're scanning a container image. If you're scanning a repository or running instance, you don't need to set up a Background step running DinD.
    • These steps are currently available in Security stages only.
    • Support is currently limited to Kubernetes and Harness Cloud AMD64 build infrastructures only.
    • For descriptions of all available UI settings, go to Security step UI settings reference.
Security step configuration UI

STO step palette

  • This release includes a Jira integration that enables you to create Jira tickets for issues detected during an STO build. For more information, go to Create Jira tickets for detected issues. (STO-5467)
Fixed issues
  • The ShiftLeft integration now uses the latest CLI, which fixes an issue where orchestrated ShiftLeft scans would fail with an error. (STO-4994)

February 24, 2023

What's new

This release does not include new features.

Fixed issues
  • Fixed a race condition allowing for duplicate targets to get created. (STO-5481)

February 16, 2023

What's new

This release does not include new features.

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue with Prisma Cloud (formerly Twistlock) scans where the step would fail when a twistcli policy encountered a Compliance or Vulnerabilities threshold check that failed. (STO-5559)

February 5, 2023

What's new
  • Issue Details now shows the message “No recommendations are available at this time” when the scan tool doesn't return remediation steps for a specific issue. (STO-5380)
Fixed issues

This release does not include fixed issues.

January 29, 2023

What's new
  • You can now ingest results from a specific Checkmarx scan. This option is useful for ensuring that a pipeline ingests the scan triggered by a specific event. Add the setting product_scan_id = MY_SCAN_ID to the Checkmarx step. This overrides the default behavior, which is to ingest results for the most recent scan. (STO-5424)

  • You can now enable debug-level logging for Snyk and Aqua Trivy scans. To do this, add this setting to the scan step: log_level = debug. (STO-5405)

  • Grype scans now support a tool_args field. You can use this field to run the plugin with specific command-line arguments. To scan all layers in an image, for example, add this setting to the Grype scan step: tool_args = --scope all-layers. (STO-5400)

  • To make Issue Details easier to navigate, Raw Details JSON data is now collapsed by default. (STO-5398)

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue that caused a scheduled AWS ECR scan to time out or to terminate with a status of Invalid. (STO-5449)

January 15, 2023

What's new
  • Aqua Trivy scans now support a tool_args field. You can use this field to run the plugin with specific command-line arguments. To run an offline scan, for example, specify tool_args = ---offline-scan. (STO-5388)
Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue where, in some situations, the severity and severity code of a detected issue were not updated when new occurrences of the same issue were detected. (STO-4809)

January 8, 2023

What's new
  • Checkmarx scans now support a tool_args field. You can use this field to run the Checkmarx plugin with specific command-line arguments. To run an incremental scan, for example, specify tool_args = -incremental. (STO-5041)

  • STO now supports orchestrated scans using Grype. (STO-5161)

Fixed issues

This release does not include fixed issues.

January 1, 2023

New features
  • The Issues Details pane has been revised to make it easier to navigate. Raw JSON data now appears at the bottom of each occurrence and is collapsed by default. (STO-4839)
Fixed issues

This release does not include fixed issues.

2022 releases

December 18, 2022

New features
  • Remediated issues are no longer included in the issue counts logged near the end of a Security Step run and provided as output variables. (STO-5304)

  • With this release, you can run a SonarQube scan and specify a collection of SSL certificates rather than a single certificate. This option is useful when you don't know which specific certificate in a collection is required by the server. (STO-5243)

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue where product_lookup_type being set to byTokens causes the step to perform a Dataload instead of OrchestratedScan. (STO-5166)

December 11, 2022

New features
  • STO is now supported on Linux (amd64 and arm64 platforms) in Harness Cloud. (STO-5314)

  • Instead of using Service Dependencies for Docker-in-Docker configuration, users should use new Background steps. (STO-5268)

Fixed issues

This release does not include fixed issues.

December 4, 2022

New features

This release does not include new features.

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in intermittent failures with OWASP orchestrated scans. (STO-5289)

November 28, 2022

New features

This release does not include new features.

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue where the Security Tests tab on the Pipeline Execution page was periodically reloading in a visually jarring way and losing scroll position. (STO-5208)

  • Fixed an issue where the Security Tests tab would show previously-found issues as "remediated" while the scan was in progress. (STO-4985)

  • Improved the Security Tests UI to highlight new issues found in the current target only vs. issues also found in the baseline, or in the previous scan if no baseline was specified. (STO-5198)

November 6, 2022

New features
  • You can now include Run steps in Security Test stages. You can also include Security Tests stages in STO pipelines without a CI license. (STO-5208)

  • You can now configure a pipeline to ingest Snyk data from multiple files and paths. For an example of how to set this up, go to Ingest Scan Results from Snyk. (STO-4958)

Fixed issues
  • Fixed an issue where the issue counts reported in output variables vs. the Security Tests page were inconsistent for scans of target baselines, or for targets with no specified baseline. (STO-5042)

October 31, 2022

What's New
  • New output variables – This release includes a new set of output variables you can use to determine the next stage of your pipeline. These variables show the number of new issues detected in the current scan compared to the last scan. If this is the first scan for the target, these variables reflect new issues compared to the baseline. You can use these variables to determine the next stage of your pipeline:
    • NEW_HIGH
    • NEW_LOW
    • NEW_UNASSIGNED (Reserved for future use)
    • NEW_TOTAL (STO-4866)
  • STO Overview – The STO Overview provides a single, interactive view of all baseline issues detected by all scans in your project. A time series chart shows the daily distribution of issues by severity over the past 30 or 90 days. A daily snapshot shows the sum of all baseline issues based on the latest scan of each baseline. You can also drill down into active, failed, and in-progress baseline scans. (STO-3629)
  • STO scans on VMs using Docker delegates – You can now run builds with STO scans using Docker delegates running on Linux VMs in AWS and other cloud platforms. This extends the support for STO scans with Kubernetes delegates. For information about setting up a VM build infrastructure, see Set Up Build Infrastructure in the CI docs. (STO-4639)
  • Two-step Exemption and Security Review – This release enhances support for a two-step process for requesting and approving security exemptions:
    • Developers can request (but not approve) exemptions to unblock pipeline builds for specific issues.
    • Only SecOps users can approve exemption requests and choose to mute or ignore specific issues. (STO-4479)
  • AWS Security Hub – STO now supports scans in AWS Security Hub. (STO-4873)
  • AWS ECR – STO now supports scans on AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR). (STO-4969)

August 2, 2022

What's New

The STO module launches its first GA product with the following capabilities:

  • Pipeline-Driven STO:
    • Standalone STO:
      • Provision to create standalone STO Stages and secure Pipelines (Ex: Pipelines initiated via Gitlab or Github).
    • Orchestrate scanners inside Harness CI Pipeline:
      • Run scanners as an additional stage or steps within a Harness CI Pipeline.
    • Orchestrate scanners inside Harness CD Pipeline:
      • Run scanners as an additional Stage or Steps within a Harness CD Pipeline.
  • Developer-first Remediation: Security testing results normalized, deduplicated, and prioritized across all scanners.
  • Dedicated Security Exemptions Section: Ability to grant and manage security exemptions by SecOps owners on identified vulnerabilities or issues during security testing. Exemptions can also be made in the STO Pipeline against specific issues.
  • Custom Dashboards & Reports: Ability to create custom visualizations and reports based on attributes related to STO and secure pipeline creation (40+ attributes).
  • OPA-based Governance Policies: Support for crafting governance policies for STO specific Pipelines and workflows.
  • Platform Integration: Audit trails and other Enterprise Platform features like RBAC, Notifications, Pipeline Config-as-Code
    • Default RBAC roles for STO Developer & STO SecOps Personas
    • Notification Channels:
      • Email, Slack, PagerDuty, Microsoft Teams
  • Self-Managed Platform (On-premise software)
    • Helm Chart package with bundled Harness CI and CD modules

See Security Testing Orchestration Basics.



Fixed issues