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AWS Security Hub scanner reference

You can set up a AWS Security Hub scan using a Security step: create a CI Build or Security Tests stage, add a Security step, and then add the setting:value pairs as specified below.

Before you begin

To scan a container image, you must have Docker-in-Docker running as a background service in the stage where you're running the scan.

Set up a Docker-in-Docker background step

In the Execution tab, do the following:

  1. Click Add Step and then choose Background.
  2. Configure the Background step as follows:
  3. Dependency Name = dind
  4. Container Registry = The Docker connector to download the DinD image. If you don't have one defined, go to Docker connector settings reference.
  5. Image = docker:dind
  6. Under Optional Configuration, select the Privileged checkbox.
Configure the background step

Security step settings

Security step dialog box

Here's an example of how to set up a scan in a Security step. scan_type and policy_type are scanner-specific; the other settings are common to scans of container images.

A screenshot of the Harness Platform that highlights the Create Project button in the Feature Flag module.
Configuration scan settings

The following settings apply to all scanners where the scan_type is configuration.

  • configuration_type
    • accepted value(s)s: aws_account
  • configuration_region
  • configuration_environment
  • configuration_access_id
  • configuration_access_token
Ingestion scan settings

The following settings are required for Security steps where the policy_type is ingestionOnly.

  • target name The Identifier that you want to assign to the target you’re scanning in the pipeline. Use a unique, descriptive name such as codebaseAlpha or jsmith/myalphaservice.

  • variant An identifier for a specific target to scan, such as the branch name or image tag. This identifier is used to differentiate or group results for a target. Harness maintains a historical trend for each variant.

  • ingestion_file The results data file to use when running an Ingestion scan. You should specify the full path to the data file in your workspace, such as /shared/customer_artifacts/my_scan_results.json.

The following steps outline the general workflow for ingesting scan data into your pipeline:

  1. Specify a shared folder for your scan results, such as /shared/customer_artifacts. You can do this in the Overview tab of the Security stage where you're ingesting your data.

  2. Create a Run step that copies your scan results to the shared folder. You can run your scan externally, before you run the build, or set up the Run step to run the scan and then copy the results.

  3. Add a Security step after the Run step and add the target name, variant, and ingestion_file settings as described above.

For a complete workflow description and example, go to Ingest Scan Results into an STO Pipeline.

Fail on Severity

Every Security step has a Fail on Severity setting. If the scan finds any vulnerability with the specified severity level or higher, the pipeline fails automatically. You can specify one of the following:

  • HIGH
  • LOW
  • INFO
  • NONE — Do not fail on severity

The YAML definition looks like this: fail_on_severity : critical # | high | medium | low | info | none